The Best Possible You. Michael Doiley

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Название The Best Possible You
Автор произведения Michael Doiley
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607466246

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election of 2009, but not the changing face of America. And it’s the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at 3pm April 3rd 33A.D, but not His resurrection. It goes without saying, that anyone can be killed; and throughout history thousands have been crucified. Nevertheless, our upside down sense of what is important has meant that we have upheld the disturbing image of a man’s brutal murder more than looking at the possibility that a human-being can defeat mankind’s most poignant of ‘full-stops’ and casually walk past his most final of all resting places… the grave.

      If you have even a passing interest in the Bible you’ll understand that the wearing and the purchasing of crucifixes over the centuries show exactly what part of the story the general public has an obsession with. As for me, the thought that a man can perhaps nonchalantly drop in on old friends three days after being killed, complete with nail holes in his hands and feet; well… I tend to find that sort of thing particularly intriguing and inspiring.

      Back to more recent times and we find that money like the crucifix has elbowed its way centre-stage in an audacious bid for instant stardom. But alas, money has no talent whatsoever and the judges will eventually realise that. All it ever really does is follow. It sinks in a recession and jumps up in a recovery. It moves like Jagger when stimulated and does nothing when it is ignored. It doesn’t love you or hate you and will leave you as easily as meet you. It stays by your side only when it has others like itself for company and it feels just as at home in a tin cup as it does in a vaulted bank.

      Still, the collapse of money has now already taken place and typical of all bad losers it wants to drag everything that it can down with it. And just like the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s’ statue in Firdos Square, Baghdad, in April 2003; money’s legs are broken and great change is afoot.

      However, rich and poor need not be afraid…A new leader is about to be quickly installed and she will place members of her own family in office around her. Her name is Self. (In China, where the economy is presently in steady growth, family names precede first names this is also the case with Self). She will bring into the fold her strong siblings; Self-Worth, Self-Reliance and Self-Preserve. She also has at her side her staunch deputy, Self-Belief. It has been stated quite firmly that Self-Indulgence still has a role to play in this new government, but his outlandish spending will be under close scrutiny by international inspectors amid fears of previous budgetary Maths Destruction.

       THE END of THE WORLD?

      The astronomers of the ancient (highly) advanced civilisation of Central America, known as the Mayans (AD 300-900) created a complex detailed calendar based on cycles of 144,000 days. These cycles were called Baktoons. A great deal of money and anxiety has been made by the crude misrepresentation of the Mayan calendar which clearly states we will enter into a new cycle of creation at midnight on 21st December 2012 (the 13th Baktoon). Nowhere on this calendar does it say the world will end! Every Mayan professor will attest to this and every native Guatemalan will laugh in your face if you ask about the world ending in 2012. So, a new way of thinking? I think yes. New perspectives? I think yes. Perhaps even new world leaders and a re-shuffle of the world’s leading nations with the likely re-introduction of gold-linked currencies to be kick-started by a Middle-Eastern or West African country, where gold stocks are plentiful. To all these things, most probably ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ to other things too, but the end of the world… No, I don’t think so.

      How often have we all wished that we had the knowledge we have now, but when we were much, much younger? The world is in the process of being reborn, so now we all have wise heads on young shoulders. Yes, there will be some tears (actually… a lot of tears), but certainly not as much as the first time you came into the world. How often have we wished for a more level playing field where talent, goodness, perseverance, endeavour, creativity and imagination would have the equivalent value or more value than money? Now it does! There are millions of people whose talents have been lying dormant under the cover of a blanket of Dollar bills, Pounds and Euros. The wake-up call rings loud now and the Ministry of Self-Expression has already issued grants and permits to all, do not squander yours.

      Dear reader, you may not even wish to consider it now, but how lucky are you? This is a brave new planet that is giving you a second chance. You are presented with countless opportunities to start over and try out your ideas on a public that are in dire need of fresh new ideas.

      Western civilisation has found itself in a financial mess; can you make a fresh deposit of bankable innovation? Global warming has given our planet a curable cancer; the antidote could be in the Rain forests, your back garden or in your very own conscious or subconscious mind? Yesterday, when I glanced over the markets I noticed that nearly all the major financial institutions were taking a fierce hammering; banks, building societies, the Dow Jones, the FTSE, the Euro etc, etc. The car industry too was taking some dangerously deep dents, the impact of which could not be remedied by airbags no matter how large. Ford and General Motors in particular suffered serious scratches to an age-old infrastructure… But, however, pharmaceuticals were up and so too was cocoa…aspirins and chocolate. Surely, that cannot be a surprise? Once failing coffee chain Starbucks are continuing to grind out a formidable rise. Apple products remain at legendary must-have status, high-end retailer The John Lewis group march onwards and upwards in profits with their staff owned establishment and as we speak, business for the super high-end Rolls Royce is up by 30% in the UK and 46% worldwide! Remember, these vehicles (Ghost and Phantom models) are selling for 174,950.00 to 349, 950.00 British Pounds…each!

      Do not let anyone tell you that there is no longer money ‘out there’. I recently Deejayed at a gig where the company hosting the evening splashed out on twenty-two new chauffeur driven Rolls Royces to usher their executives to the the venue! Park Lane in London is used to seeing over the top glamour, but I must say that was a sight to behold.

      Has your intuition started pulling at you yet? Has your subconscious started stirring? Soon, friend soon. So, what do you have, what can you do, what can you say, what can you paint, what can you write, what can you design, what can you stitch, what can you dance or choreograph, what can you sing, play, make or teach that can give the world distraction, relief or remedy from the grey cloud of gloom that hangs overhead? Still, I’m not speaking about the ENTIRE world being under a grey cloud. As we speak, China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, Venezuela and others have moved into the VIP lounge and are taking their seats. Whilst simultaneously other countries are being shown the door, but not without a great deal of fuss about settling their bills before they leave.

      With an open mind, this may ALL be to your benefit. For you have something the world needs, if only you believed in yourself enough to give it a try. For whatever it is, it just might make you very rich indeed… and this time you will be rich in soul as well as in the bank. For you will also intentionally or unintentionally remind others of Self and in so doing you’ll help Self-Esteem get back into office, from where it has been exiled for so long. Your expressive soul has been asleep for such a long time that you may have even temporarily forgotten what your real talents are… the hibernation is almost over, throw away your business card (metaphorically speaking of course), for you are so much, much more than that.

      Chapter 2: Intuition: (We have Forgotten More than we Know)

      The Best Possible You is comprised of Ten Major Principles; the second of which (Principle: 2) is INTUITION: It is your Crash helmet, safety-net, air-bag, foam padding, stop sign, go sign, adviser, contraception and your all-round best friend.

      Successful seasoned stock market traders use intuition when the market goes up or down and they make bucket loads of money either way. The dewy eyed romantic uses it the first time he spots the ‘love of his life’ twenty paces across a crowded dimly lit room. And clever motorists use it when trying to find a parking space in central London on a Saturday afternoon during ‘Sale’ time. These sometimes playful uses merely form the tip of the iceberg of what your intuition, otherwise known as gut-