The Best Possible You. Michael Doiley

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Название The Best Possible You
Автор произведения Michael Doiley
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607466246

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       “The first sign of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Albert Einstein (14th March 1879-18th April 1955)

      Therefore, if you want changes in your life, you must be prepared to try new and different things. To try different things you must first be open-minded. Ultimately, you must be open-minded about allowing success and all manner of good things to flow uninterrupted into your life. But these wonderful things may not all look wonderful when you first see them, they may not sound wonderful or feel wonderful. This is why being open-minded is so crucial; your hearts desires could slip right through you fingers because you are not prepared for they way they look, sound or feel.

      It is with good reason thatt Open-mindedness is the first major principal in the 10 principles of the Best Possible You (BPY). And quite frankly, without it, you need not purchase this book, it is THAT fundamental.

       “How far back does it go?

       To the very beginning of time,

       For when you emerged from your mother’s womb,

       The first thing you did was cry,

       You were given the gift of life,

       And did you appreciate it?

       You may laugh now,

       But back then you hated it!

       And where would you be if you couldn’t eat?

       I hear you laugh again.

       But every one of those thirty-odd teeth caused you endless nights of pain.

       Do you yet understand,

       The beauty hidden in the pain,

       Of growing.

       Fairy tales make us believe love looks a certain way,

       And if I gave you an unpolished diamond,

       You just might throw it away?

       Would you walk past your favourite store,

       If they changed their carrier bags?

       Would you notice your Prince Charming,

       If he was dressed like a pauper in rags.

       Do not be deceived by presentations,

       Don’t be distracted by the pretty pink bow.

       For to truly understand the gifts life brings,

       There’s something we all need to know.

       Love can sometimes look ugly,

       Love can even feel like pain.

       Love often plays tricks with our emotions

       Just to see if we’ll turn away

       Even without the financial depression that we find ourselves in, it would still be time to be open-minded about the TOTAL sum of ALL your parts. Awake dear reader Awake! You have talents and skills that you may not have even begun to learn yet, but your aptitude and compatibility for them are perfect.

      You are not your business card and that, now more than ever, really is the point. You are infinitely more than a few words put together on a piece of paper smaller than a pork-chop. It’s like putting a rainbow next to a brick. And by the same token, you are also more than just a body. Your hopes and fears, your talents and skills, your beliefs and your eternal spirit are represented in the most minimalistic of ways by your body and more often than not, not represented at all. As it is displayed most vividly in the case of perennial genius…

      Stephen Hawking, (born 8th January 1942) CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA whose impassioned research into black holes, radiation, cosmology, quantum gravity and other complicated things have made him a giant amongst men. Stephen has suffered from ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) since the late 1960’s and his severe state of paralysis has meant that he has been unable to move or indeed feed himself since 1974. To look at him is one thing, but Stephen Hawking is more than a body, his research will tell you that and so too will his adoring children, Robert, Lucy and Timothy.

       “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”

      As quoted in Stephen Hawking’s Universe, by John Boslough.

      Stephen is one of the most inspiring people of all time, not just because of his landmark discoveries, but also because he represents the truth about us all. In 1974, doctors gave Stephen barely 10 years to live, but he has decided to live as long as he wants to. Hawking is motivated by the love of his family and his lifelong obsession with the workings of the universe, his body is not a great deal more than a reference point to help us give a name to where a particular idea came from. And that goes for the rest of us too. Even in the 21st Century, we are still so wrapped up in the exterior of all that we look at, distracted by it to our detriment.

      It’s all about perception, sight can be distracting, what we see, what we think we see, and what those images mean to us. The world cannot all of a sudden be poor and you cannot all of a sudden be worthless! Do not be depressed be open-minded. You were precious even before birth, as you are precious even after our so-called death. Whilst living, you have countless opportunities to show the multitude of different ways why you are not only precious but also an essential piece of the jigsaw we call life. Being sacked, being dumped, being evicted, are all exterior views that in reality are seen only by the body’s eyes. Intuition never loses sight of your worth nor the worth of others. Resurrected careers of movie giants like Jeff Bridges, John Travolta, Alec Baldwin, Mickey Rourke and Robert Downey Jnr remind us only that with Faith, a period of time in ‘limbo’ need not last forever, it can even be useful when staging a comeback. After all, you can’t have a fanfare and bunting ’comeback’ if you’re always ‘there.’ What looks like a ‘finished’ actor to one director is the passport to Oscar glory for an open-minded director, aka True Grit, Iron Man, The Wrestler, Pulp Fiction and 30 Rock. You may or may not win an Oscar, but my friend you are FAR from finished.

      You are alive! And ‘if you’re alive it means you have something to do. Something ONLY you can do, even if it looks like something similar to what someone else has done or is doing.

      Have Faith, trust what your intuition says and close your eyes to properly view the situation that is causing you anxiety or slowing you down… Sight can be distracting. Use vision instead. Your vision for your future may have NOTHING in common with your present. But may simply be how things can be if you apply yourself fully to the situation by navigating your route via your Intuition.

      The world’s financial situation is the distracting spin-off from the main program that has eclipsed the main program in terms of its audience numbers and concerned viewers. It’s the Ben Johnson steroid saga of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but not the Olympics. It’s the David Beckham sending off in the 1998 World cup in France, but not the world cup. It’s