The Best Possible You. Michael Doiley

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Название The Best Possible You
Автор произведения Michael Doiley
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607466246

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      The Best Possible You

      Your step by step guide to unlocking the awesome power that is your intuition

      Michael Doiley

      Copyright © 2011 Michael Doiley

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      My dear son Max and my beautiful wife Elena; your love, faith and support is a blessing to me. This is dedicated with love and appreciation, to both of you.



       Be Excited!

      You are about to learn (if you haven’t already) that there are no coincidences and that nothing happens by chance. You are about to see most clearly how your past has placed you at the most profound juncture of your life and why this huge leap forward that you are about to take, will be such an impressive one. Dear reader you are about to write a new destiny for yourself; be excited, your time starts right now!

      The Best Possible You is about living a life of sincere internal contentment and happiness. It is an historical and modern day documentation of what must be understood to achieve TRUE success in the heart as well as in everyday life. This study focuses on ten principles, which if adhered to WILL bring to the reader an ever increasing flow of joy and success and ever decreasing feelings of fear and anxiety.

      Your life is your trade and there’s a good chance that so far you’ve been using only a rusty-old-hammer and a constantly on-the-blink torch for your life’s work. You may not have realised that you have an entire warehouse full to the brim with reliable tools for your exclusive use. Your senses of sight, smell, touch and hearing merely bring you to the front gate of the majesty of your inner greatness. There is so much more!

      Be excited! If you had even the slightest idea of your unlimited power, you would probably faint!

      After reading and assimilating this book into your life; you will soon notice no more lost opportunities and fewer and fewer regrets. As you take on an additional perspective, even your own habitual covert self-sabotaging ways at last become clear. Using the tools within this book you will now make a future different to your past, in ways of your choosing.

      Many of the characters featured in The Best Possible You have paid right-up-to the ultimate price in order to teach you their lessons of a lifetime. And at the same time, many individuals are in the arms of their soul-mate sipping chilled champagne on board their own private yacht as you read this, happy in the knowledge that you might learn the secrets of their success.

      This book requires your participation. Simply reading it is not enough to get the results you may be looking for. The more you put in, the more you will get out.

      All of the stories are TRUE and I recommend you read and do the exercises in the order that they are written.

      Also, please have fun with it. Generally speaking; it is our opening conversation and although the subject matter is a serious one i.e. the reawakening of the Omni-potent human spirit after disproportionately excessive sleep, there is still remains much to laugh about.

      Fix your mind firmly on your hearts desires and disregard completely the ‘size’ of the task or the loftiness of your ambitions. Are looking for your soul-mate? Are you searching for your perfect career? Are you in need of confidence or self-esteem? Or is it simply financial wealth you are after? Dear reader, come with an open-mind… Of all those that have fully applied the Ten Principles of The Best Possible You to their lives I am happy to report not one single failure! Now it’s your turn… But only if you BELIEVE that it is your turn.

      I am not setting out to remedy every individual problem or concern with every individual person on the planet. That would be quite time consuming. Instead, my main focus is to get you (the reader) to better understand the ways of your own innate intuition, how it tries to help and guide you and how YOU can assist your intuition in doing its best job for you. In effect I’m helping you in one area of your life that will assist you in ALL areas of your life. This is because your intuition knows of all the things that truly make you happy (long-term), it knows your past and can see your potential future.

      So, am I saying that from here on in, your life will be ‘perfect?’

      What I am saying is that after properly reading this book you will know precisely how to make your own life MUCH ‘more’ perfect and you will be more willing to allow yourself to be guided there. Your actions will no longer be governed solely by what you physically see or your painful memories of the past. You will be able to say, “With this new information I can now see that in many ways my life was ‘perfect’ back then too. For it has led me to this place where I can move forward empowered, equipped with practical information making me ready and willing to do something about my standard of living on every level as well as the standard of life for those I love, right now and in the future.”


      What is The Best Possible You?

      Whilst in the Middle East, a drunken dignitary held a gun to my head and pulled back the trigger; his three body-guards stood and watched. Prior to that, I was held hostage in a 12-hour terrorist siege in Tokyo Joe’s nightclub. More recently, I saved a man’s life in a Chelsea Café. And some time ago I had a vivid out of body experience which, ended up with a very physical experience of milky cornflakes and marmalade flying out of my nostrils at high velocity!

      Nevertheless, my life started to seriously become strange when a clairvoyant started a ‘reading’ for me and five minutes into the session, I took over and proceeded to tell her about her past, present and her future. I even went into graphic detail about a previous relationship she had with a man decades younger than herself. The affair happened overseas years ago and ultimately it led to her being expelled from the United States… For once it was a clairvoyant was actually speechless!

      Welcome to The Best Possible You, my name is Michael Doiley; you might as well call me Michael as we’ll be spending some serious and some not so serious time together. I’m a proud husband and a proud father of one son; you’ll ‘meet’ Elena and Max soon.

      On almost every page of this book it will be clear to see the origins of what has inspired me to write this manual. I have spent years in the Middle East, Western and Eastern Europe consciously and unconsciously registering the art of successful living and in the process becoming an expert in all things to do with ‘Intuition.’

      I have been blessed with the good fortune of being able to study hundreds of individuals from many different walks of life and even though many go unnamed throughout this book, each one has contributed in some organic way to the concept of The Best Possible You and the working of its Ten Major Principles

      Half and inch beneath the skin I believe we are all ‘psychic,’ how and when we come to this realisation is all that is different. For some the notion alone is scary. Before the birth of my son in 2005, I held regular meetings in different venues for those in pursuit of fine-tuning their universal sensitivity in order to get more out of life. This was in addition to my weekly one-on-one sessions in which the aim has always been to understand the inner forces that drive, direct and protect us. Some people call this force God, some call it the universe, some call it