1 Law 4 All. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Триллеры
Издательство Триллеры
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456610494

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knew of the asbestos threat before he took the job. He saw moving to American Samoa and taking the plant manager’s position as a corporate stepping stone. His angled to move up the ladder into an upper management position.

      Each time Jenkins perused Patea’s concerns with Thomas Rider, manager of Amerastar’s Asian-Pacific division, he was instructed to hold down the fort. Rider discussed the matter with Chase Freeze, the vice-president of the Asian-Pacific division. And each time Freeze in turn consulted with Simon Wooster, Amerastar’s CEO.

      Wooster stated that the Motorhead’s profits must be maintained at all costs. That ended all conversations between him and Freeze. Wooster’s reasons were a well kept secret between him and his wife, Senator Bonni Giardina.

      Jenkins was instructed to tell Patea that the final decision is in the hands of upper management. They were investigating the matter.

      Jenkins stalled for many months. Nothing changed at the factory. Dust laced with asbestos still hung in the air.

      Patea finally organized worker meetings. A consensus began to develop that the workers should unionize. They rationalized that as a union, they could bargain for safe and healthy ways to handle the raw materials used in making the brake lining glue. The material they worried most about was asbestos.

      As a union structure began to take shape, Jenkins updated Rider at Amerastar corporate headquarters in San Francisco. Jenkins was instructed to discourage the workers from forming a union. He was told that if the workers unionize, several high paying management positions will be cut to insure the company’s profitability. Rider told Jenkins, his position would be the first to go. Rider affirmed that this mandate came straight from the top.

      Chapter 3 Mile High Revelations

      Senator Bonni Giardina felt exhilarated and empowered at the same time. Eric exploded inside her with the pounding of a experienced stud. She collapsed on him, her breast implants nailing him to the plane's cushions.

      The Senator rolled off and lay next to him on the makeshift bed. After catching her breath she said, "light me a cigarette."

      Over the humming of the plane's engines, Eric leaned over, his wet tool rubbing on her side. He lit the cigarette and gave it to her. She took a long pull. Then she scrapped some of his wetness off her side and licked it off her fingers. "Eric, I can taste you're going to have some good looking kids someday."

      Eric smiled. He became callous to the Senator's grossness shortly after becoming her executive assistant.

      “Get dressed and pour me a drink.” She stood up and walked, flaunting her naked bottom, to the washroom. Cigarette smoke trailed her as the washroom door slammed shut.

      Eric walked over to the wet bar. He soaked a towel in warm water and cleaned himself off. Symbolically, he scrubbed, old-lady Senator from his privates.

      Eric Balwin became Senator Bonni Giardina’s executive assistant immediately after graduating from the Harvard School of International Studies. His calm, organized manner caught the Senator’s attention during the first minute of their interview. His handsome, six foot muscular frame and long fingers were difficult for Giardina to ignore. Bonni mused to herself throughout Eric's entire interview what he would feel like inside her.

      Eric attached his career aspirations to Senator Giardina. He envied her political savvy. She portrayed the politicians’ politician. Giardina had the experienced gall to lie straight-faced to anyone. She could tell voters the sky was yellow with purple spots and make them believe it.

      Eric would do anything to endear himself to Giardina. He saw his future in politics in her eyes. He decided that he wasn’t going to disappoint her at any level of service.

      When he discovered that he was to be her sex toy, he balked at first. She was 38 years older than him. She had several face lifts, breast enchantments and regular Restylane treatments. Still he figured the positives for his career would out-weight the negatives. He reconciled himself to do anything he physically could to hold on to this job and enhance his resume.

      Senator Bonni Giardina knew Eric would lick her dry of all his and her love making if she encouraged him. But there was no time for after-play. She used the political savvy Eric adored to move him from stud back to executive assistant. The plane was landing shortly and she needed to put in an appearance at the board meeting.

      She walked back into the cabin and gently scratched his back. He deserved it for a job well done. Eric let out a soft breath of air. “Eric, you need to prep me for the board meeting.”

      Eric feeling quite relaxed, handed her a scotch and water. “I thought that’s what I was doing for the last 300 miles.”

      They both rolled their eyes and laugh.

      “The board meeting. Now!” The Senator said lighting a cigarette.

      Eric acquiesced. “Here’s tonight’s agenda and minutes from the last three meetings."

      Chapter 4 The Grooming

      Eric had no idea that Giardina began politicking at the age of nine. But this was the political savvy that endeared him to her.

      On many occasions as a child, Bonni had heard her father say, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” Somewhere around her ninth birthday, she asked her dad, Mark Paul Giardina, state representative for Vermont’s 5th district, what that phrase meant.

      Representative Giardina carried a stately persona around his district and nationally. His every political move was calculated to produce the most benefits for him and his family. Stripped to the bone, Mark P. Giardina, was a godfather type posing as an elected official.

      Little Bonni heard her dad’s ‘scratching’ statement more times than she could remember. One day Bonni commented to her dad. “Dad, I haven’t seen you scratching anyone’s back. Why do you say that?”

      Her dad smiled and started thinking like a father whose little girl needed help with her homework. He had always been proud of her inquisitive mind. He tried to feed it with knowledge that would excite her whenever he could. These were memorable moments for him and he jumped all over this one.

      “Bonni," he started, “do you ever have an itch on your back that you can’t reach?” She looked at him and considered his question. She had observed him politicking for several years. She knew her answer had to be clever. Then she tilted her head slightly to the right just like she had seen him do many times and answered. “Sure, but isn’t that what backscratchers are for.” And she ran out of the room.

      Mark watched her leave. That moment of pride was replaced with thoughts of organizing the paperwork on his desk. Suddenly, Bonni bounced back into his office with what looked like a wooden stick. It had a dull claw-like carving on one end and a tapered handle with a hole in it on the other.

      Bonni beamed up at her father and showed him her mom’s backscratcher. “When mom has an itch she uses this."

      Her dad smiled. “Have you ever used it?”

      “Sure,” she replied proudly.

      This wasn’t the first time Mark Giardina had to improvise. He hadn’t considered Bonni using the back scratcher as a prop. His memorable moment suddenly clouded over. In a political second, he recovered. “If mom didn’t have this backscratcher, what would she do?”

      Bonni immediately knew the answer. But she positioned herself to add a bit of flare to her answer. She walked over to the window, pushed back the curtain and pointed out. As she stared, she said. “Mom would send Charles to that store across the street to buy one for her.”

      Her dad chuckled. “Of course she would. If the stores were closed, then what would she do?”

      Bonni pursed her lips pretending to think. Finally, she said, “Mom would ask me or you or maybe Charles to scratch her back.”

      “Very good! Now if mom asked you to scratch her back and you did, would