1 Law 4 All. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Триллеры
Издательство Триллеры
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456610494

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not seen the light of day since arriving in the City. Looking at it now put her back in Samoa. Kitiona fantasized being with her friends at the beach. They would romp around without suits. They all admired her tattoo but none copied it. That was taboo. Kitiona was a descendent from an ancient ruling family.

      Kitiona covered her tattoo with a t-shirt and put on a pair of boxer shorts. She went into the kitchen, poured herself a glass of juice, sat at the table. Head in hand, tears watered her eyes.

      Chapter 19 Sal's Club

      Salvatore Venuti's office was a strip joint in North Beach. Formally known as Club Sally Mae, it occupied the corner of Broadway and Kearny Streets. Glittering signs lit up entrances on both streets.

      Sal bought the club from Sally’s corporation when her aging breasts had lost their demand. The strip club had done well with Sally as headliner. But, the novelty of Sally's extra large breasts lost their appeal in the late 70’s.

      Breast enhancements had made their way into every plastic surgeons' office across the fruited plains. Any Susan, Annabel and Karen could walk down main street USA in button-popping blouses showing off their custom breasts.

      Sal made Sally an offer she refused once, but on second thought, accepted. Sally was a bright girl. She was tired of living like a vampire. She had worked until 2am, six nights a week for fourteen years. Her routine had been to sleep until early afternoon, have her hair and makeup done, pick out her costume, and arrive at the club around 7pm. She acted as a manager until her first show at 9:30. Then she would let her night manager take over while she took over stage center.

      After fourteen exposing years, she felt spent. Besides, she rationalized that if Sal Venuti wanted her club, he would get it one way or another.

      Sal made Sally the CEO with 5% of the stock. Her responsibilities were to show up at the yearly board meeting looking her busty best. For this she retired with a tidy sum.

      He distributed the rest of the stock to dummy corporations and several shared hedge funds. He renamed Sally's club the 'Little Nipples' club. Sal chuckled to himself at renaming it. The club went from big tits to little nipples.

      The Little Nipples Club was only closed to the public from 2am to 12 noon, when county liquor laws allowed bars to open. But for Sal and his guys, it was open 24/7.

      The Little Nipples Club was in full swing when Sal arrived. The music's beat could be felt as soon as Sal exited the limo. Sal and his bodyguards enter the stage door and went up stairs to the club's office. The club's night manager, Devonte, was notified that Sal had arrived. The bodyguards waited outside the office door.

      Devonte's street name was Inmate #28383. He had done time for armed robbery, assault, and battery.

      In Sing Sing prison, Devonte endeared himself to Frankie 'The Arm' Falcosa. Frankie had just arrived at Sing Sing and was being harassed by a Latino contingent of Mexican illegals in the courtyard. Devonte stepped in because of his hate for the Mexicans, not in defense of Frankie.

      Devonte's posse was pushing for control of this part of the courtyard. When the Mexicans stepped into it Devonte moved to reassert his ownership.

      Even though Frankie was white, he and Devonte became friends. After Frankie's release, the two stayed in contact. When Devonte was released, Frankie met him at the prison gate. The two hung out for several weeks but Devonte was attracting too much attention from the cops. A muscle bound black man with multiple tattoos was an eye stopper hanging with Frankie and the Matacio Crew in Long Island.

      Frankie made some inquires and found out the Sal Venuti needed some muscle for his new club in San Francisco. Frankie recommended Devonte to Sal. Sal put him to work as a bouncer to start. Sal was so impressed with Devonte's work ethic that he made him night manager eight months after hiring him.

      Devonte entered the room. Sal was on the phone with Mario Capacci, D.C.'s mob connection. Sal wanted Mario to monitor Senator Giardina's movements more closely. Sal reasoned that Bonni might really think she was above his law some day. Her disrespect during their last meeting bothered him. He kept track of her lack of appreciation and continuing disrespectful demands.

      Sal motioned for Devonte to have a seat. When he hung up the phone, he asked Devonte how things were going tonight. Devonte said the club is full and people are drinking up a storm. The girls brought in some new music and are bouncing around like popcorn.

      Sal asked, "Have my guests arrived from L.A.?"

      Devonte shook his head to say no.

      "You can expect a man and a woman asking for me any time now. When they do arrive, put them in my corner booth and bring them a bottle of our best Champagne. Then let me know.

      Devonte nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

      Sal shook his head and picked up the phone. Devonte took the cue, got up and left the office. He went back into the club, eyes peeled for Sal's couple.

      Sal dialed Rob and Amy's contact cell phone. There was no answer. He expected none. He hung up knowing that they would call back on an untraceable phone.

      Chapter 20 Roy and Amy

      Rob and Amy Winebush were on the flight to San Francisco from Los Angeles when Sal called. The flight had been delayed by a thick, late evening fog laying over the Bay area. They were in first class and circling the City.

      "I told you we should have driven," commented Amy looking out the window.

      Rob defended his decision to fly. "This is not a friendly city for parking cars. It's a little like New York with lots of people, buildings and no room for cars."

      Rob and Amy met is New York, oddly enough hailing the same taxi. Rob had just come back from a hit job in Paris and Amy was on her way to meet a potential client. They shared the cab. Amy was dropped at her destination. Rob went to his apartment. Neither thought much of each other.

      A month later Rob was set to met his assignment person on the south side of New York's Central Park. He walked pass a women he thought he'd recognized. He kept walking. He circled the park and intentionally crossed paths with her this time.

      He stared at her as she came around the corner. He couldn't place her, but being on the cautious side, he made sure they would meet now.

      He approached her and said, "Haven't we met somewhere?"

      Amy stopped and stared at him with a 'are you for real' look. Then she recalled the cab ride. "I think we shared a cab once about a month ago."

      Rob's memory jogged back to that cab ride. He put his imagination back in neutral and relaxed. "Yea, I remember. You were in a hurry to meet someone. Did the date turn out alright?"

      "It was business. And yes, it did work out fine."

      As they exchanged niceties, each had their curiosity tickled. They ended by setting up a coffee date.

      After several dates, Rob was the first one to turn serious. He was leading a profitable, yet lonely existence. He sensed, so was she.

      Amy wanted to scare him off by reveling her eliminator business. Her revelation only brought them closer as he told her that he was in the same field.

      Getting married was Rob's idea. Moving to Los Angeles was Amy's one condition of marriage. She wanted to work as a team but in a fresh area. One of her hobbies was watching old black and white detective movies. She fancied herself as the Hollywood star in most of them.

      "I hope Mr. Venuti doesn't mind waiting," Amy said. "Making him happy would go a long way towards establishing our West Coast business connections."

      The plane landed shortly after 11pm. Rob and Amy rolled their small suitcase towards the cab station. They took a cab to the Radisson Hotel at Fisherman's Wharf. They checked in, put their suitcase in the room and made their way back to the front of the hotel. They hailed a cab and went directly to the Little Nipples Club.

      At the club, Devonte kept a sharp eye on the door. He knew Mr. Venuti's guests were to