Energy Intelligence. Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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Название Energy Intelligence
Автор произведения Aleksandra BSL Zaric
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780987072214

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      Chapter 5: Styles of Energy Exchange

      Roles People Play To Compete For Energy - Your Hidden Agenda To Everything

      There is a hidden agenda for each of our energy systems that surround us individually. Our energy systems seeks out where fields of energy reside in order to nourish us. We all exchange energy, all day, every day, one person to another. We also have preferred styles of obtaining this energy from one another through particular behavioural patterns. The preferred style someone chooses is whatever they are habitually accustomed to in order to gain control. If one style has worked in the past, we tend to use this style again. These are also known as roles we play in order to compete for energy. We all play secret roles and are often unaware of their existence. When we have control, we have more power. Organisations compete for it in order to be the best and countries compete for it in order to be the strongest. All competition has a hidden agenda for control.

      Energy exchange occurs through channeling power. We draw power from others and others draw power from us. It is a part of how life works. Circuits of energy connect us all to one another. Obsessive ideas in others, or dwelling on the past, are ways we conduit power. Sometimes we feel drained or exhausted in the presence of a specfic person. At other times we feel more energetic or we feel better in the presence of another person.

      When you are unaware of your own system of energy exchange, your energy system defaults on the style you take. That style is based on whatever types of intelligence you have allowed in your life. We call this habit. Your energy system is intelligent and habit has its own agenda for gaining energy. It will use any form of gaining the energy it needs without you even being aware of it. A thirsty animal will drink from a puddle of water, regardless it may be contaminated. When you become conscious of your habits, you can gain control of whatever channels you use to obtain energy. The way in which you obtain energy may also be inefficient, and you may be receiving negative nourishment.

      Everyone has a preferred style hidden deep within their psyche, however your style may be leaving you feeling depleted and empty. When you become aware of how you are really operating, you can become more intelligent than your energy system. You have the choice, and when you choose to do so, you will be able to direct yourself towards positive energy and higher forms of intelligence. You can identify your style and prevent it from sabotaging your joy and happiness by changing to a different style that will increase your power. Through your increased awareness in how this energy works, you can assess your own power style and see clearly how it works on others.


      One style of obtaining energy is by controlling others. People who take on this style are called Aqueducters. Aqueducters’ main channel of obtaining power is by conduiting energy from others in an aggressive manner. They use arguments, swearing, criticizing, embarassment, and raising their voices in order to make others submissive. They rarely attack those who have a lot of power. They only attack those who will not attack back. By conduiting power from others, they become dependent on their external environment for their own source of happiness. They continually feel exhausted and depleted, as they want control and never feel they really do have it. That is the only style they know to gain power. They believe they will be happy and content if others obey their commands. These types are called loud Aqueducters, as they can be heard and seen in action.

      There is a silent, secret version of Aqueducters which cannot be seen or heard. They do not want others to find out what they are really doing, and they use their energy to think negatively towards others. Some of them even use manipulation as their guide for obtaining power by trying to change others’ will through suggestion, lying, extending the truth, and even changing the truth to their advantage. This behaviour can include suppressing information when they should speak. The receiver may feel uncomfortable about this person whenever they think about them, and may feel they don’t even like them. Their energy has been taken from them without their permission.

      Both types of Aqueducters have power issues, as they use these styles to feel more self love, trust and security. Aqueducters can be categorised further.

      The Devotee Aqueducters are devotees to their power object, as they use addictions to gain power. They overdo conduiting energy from other people, external objects, and situations such as chemical substances, food, money and career. They continually drain energy until they are fatigued. They use addictions as distractions in order to avoid thought. They use it as a form of medication and try to administer it to numb themselves. All types of Aqueducters blame everyone and everything around them for their own source of happiness. They do not take responsibility for their own joy and believe others are responsible for it. By giving this power to others, they surrender themselves to their power object, such as craving for certain food, or cigarettes.

      Aqueducters can also take on the futher role of “The Hero”. By acting through the Hero, they continually try to please others in the hope of gaining more love within themselves. Those who share their problems and complain, who want someone to empathise with them, are called Empathisers, or Wounded Aqueducters. They obtain power by acting wounded. They enjoy self pity and others feeling sorry for them. Anyone on the receiving end, listening to the Empathiser, will intially feel sorry for them, as that is exactly what the Empathiser wants. This is what gives them power. The listener soon realises there is a pattern, and no matter how much they help them, the Empathiser continues to have the same issues in their life.

      Vanity Aqueducters, or Judges, compare themselves constantly to others and view others as not doing well in life. They take pride in themselves, coming across as having high self-esteem by judging and criticizing others. They continually confirm to others and themselves that they are better, in order to feel more power and self love.

      Negative Energy Exchange

      You may be unaware of your negative energy exchange. You may be unaware that what you are doing is against the laws of nature, as you cannot take something from someone if you haven’t been given permission. These styles of gaining energy only gain a temporary boost. They are called negative energy exchange because the person may have gained temporary energy, but if they continue with this style as their main source, they will eventually lose power. By sending ill thoughts, they are stealing energy to sustain their own system. They believe that to feel more powerful, they have to make others appear inferior and less than themselves. They feel powerful once they have vacuumed the energy from anyone who becomes their victim. They tend to pick on the same people as it has worked for them in the past.

      Working with the power within you is healthier and self-reliant, and it will become a permanent supply, keeping the energy fountain flowing. It is permanent because the universal energy intelligence has unlimited supplies for all. It gives the most profound, secure feeling within, and by learning to modify your power exchange style, you can redirect your power to work in your, and others’ favour. By redirecting it, no longer will you need to steal from others to feel more power.

      All positive energy exchanges are a win/win situation where both people gain energy. Sending loving, positive thoughts makes your own energy system function efficiently, as you are acting in accordance with your true self, your ultimate path. Sending loving thoughts, complimenting others and wanting to help others with problems makes them feel better and consequently feel more love and trust in you. The difference between truly pleasing others and playing The Hero is that The Hero pleases others in order to obtain power to nourish themselves. Where there are no false roles attached, you give energy to others without expecting it in return. You do this by honestly wanting to help them without the hidden agenda of gaining power yourself. People who play their true role continually have power and want to give it back to others through sincere positive energy. They want to balance the negative energy in the universe with positive energy. We all want to exchange our fears to experience more love, worth and trust in ourselves. When we allow the positive to rule our lives, we see increased amounts of love and trust in all.

      Energy Cords Through Exchange

      Energy cords are created between two or more people. An energy cord occurs when someone’s