Energy Intelligence. Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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Название Energy Intelligence
Автор произведения Aleksandra BSL Zaric
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780987072214

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New Age of Light. This information is available to you because you are required to bring more peace into the world. The information is not hidden anymore because the planet you live on needs the information in order to survive.

      Physics refers to this infinite power as a force and religions refers to it by implying we are all one. As religions see it, we are all the same because our source is the divine. This hidden force that holds all the power is energy. You are essentially one big mass of energy that operates on different levels by constantly changing form. If everything was to be studied at the sub-microscopic level, the only thing that could be seen would be waves of energy. Everything is energy. In this way everything is the same and everything is interrelated. It is the consensus, the collective consciousness, that we do not accept that energy flows within us. Why, when our physical world is composed of energy?

      The energy that exists in you is pure energy. You give and take energy. Energy is the centre of all creation. It is in you and runs through you. It lives forever and never dies. Once your physical body dies, your energy changes form to continue elsewhere. As far as atomic physics is concerned, you are a spinning mass of electrons and atoms, but no-one knows the origin of this energy. Scientists, philosophers, theologians, and all religions try to explain the source. It is called soul, universal energy, the divine, God, and many other names.

      You can attract this energy to yourself to assist in the creation of anything. Your dreams will be closer to you when you allow this same force to work with you.

      The more solid the energy form, i.e. a solid object like a table, the more difficult to alter that form. Its energy vibrates at a slow frequency rate, therefore it is dense. The physical world around you, the house you live in, the table and chairs, have already taken this dense form. They are difficult to change as they are more solid. Thought forms are not solid. They are able to change quickly as the energy within them is very light. It requires a lot more energy to change your external environment than to change the internal environment within you. By changing your internal environment, you can change your external environment.

      Human beings are conscious entities. We are able to view, reflect on and analyse the way we think, feel and act. The more we are self-aware, the more we can experience what we desire. When we have choices, we are able to create our own destiny. We give energy to what we think about (God lives in your thoughts) which then become creations. You are the creator of your own life. You work with this infinite power, intentionally or unintentionally, and you are part of a greater energy field within the cosmos. Everything is energy. You are energy.

      In order to work with energy, you need to be extremely careful not to abuse it. It is only to be used for the benefit of helping others – and in helping others, you can help yourself at the same time. You can employ this parallel, unseen world of energy that exists within your physical reality, in order to change your physical world around you to the benefit of all.

      Chapter 3: Why You Are On Earth

      You have entered our Earth in order to receive either positive or negative energy. Your role is to work with creating a better life for yourself and guiding others in creating a better life for all. What you were given when you were born was an energy field, a physical body, and a choice. Your choice is the intelligence within your energy system that determines how successful your life and the planet will be. Through choice, you have decided to make your life on the physical level on our Earth. Your choice determines how positive or negative you are. It also affects everyone else’s choices and energy. If there are more positive or more negative choices, the combined outcome will have an impact on Earth’s energy system. This combined energy system works at a specific frequency range. If the combined outcome is positive, the energy system will be working more functionally within the cosmos. If it is negative, there will be consequences, and our planet will become one large, dysfunctional energy system. This system will not last as long within the universal energy system. It is up to you to make the difference and preserve your planet by balancing the negative energy with your positive energy.

      Chapter 4: Universal Laws That Will Transform Your Life

      Universal laws are the guidelines for the structure and order of creation within the universe. These laws apply to everyone and everything. The physical world has physical laws, such as the laws of gravity, that we are taught to accept. In comparison, laws governing our mental plane appear to be relatively non-existent. In order to create an abundant and harmonious life, it is important that you understand universal laws in order to help you consciously choose your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions, and create the life that you deserve. Successful people generally know how the laws of the universe operate. That is why they are successful. They know what it takes to experience love, joy, happiness and success. Everything that happens successfully, does so according to these laws. By working against them, you are creating resistance. When you create resistance, you create disharmony. It is essential to understand these laws of life in order to create anything in your life. Below are the major laws that are operating in your life.

      All these laws are inter-related, and one is difficult to separate from the other. The more you can see them working as a whole, rather than separate functions, the more awareness you will have in understanding how the mysteries within the universe operate.

      Law of Energy

      There are many different types of energy. Humans have learnt how to change one form of energy to another. It is found in different forms: heat, light, sound, atomic energy, magnetic energy, mechanical energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, and so on. Energy is everywhere and is in everything. We all emit energy and receive energy. Energy is constantly flowing from the formless, or thought, into the forms of the material world. When you focus your energy on positive thoughts and be positive about what you want, it will eventually materialise in your life. Everything created is a result of energy changing form. By applying this law of energy, you can focus on what you want and give birth to your idea in the physical world.

      As everything contains energy, so everything is connected. We are all connected to one another and to everything else. All your thoughts, beliefs and actions affect others and the universe. The way we process energy, allowing it to change its form, gives us all different life experiences. All forms of energy have specific frequencies of vibration. When it changes form, the vibration changes.

      When eating a piece of fruit, you are essentially eating energy. It has derived its nutrients from the sun, the rain and the earth in order to allow it to grow. The energy you eat gives you additional energy by gaining strength. You have more strength as you have created metabolic energy. You can now use this metabolic energy as fuel to create mechanical energy by pushing the pedals of a bicycle. This metabolic energy again changes form to become kinetic energy, and as you and your bicycle move along, this energy is changed into mechanical energy to allow the wheels to turn. The original energy stored in the fruit can be called potential energy, as it allows the potential for all the following activity.

      You may be unaware that you can create your own potential energy within your thoughts which can then create movement in your life. It is thoughts that have contributed to the current physical appearance of the world. Your thoughts have the potential to create what you desire. Although the potential is invisible, it is a very powerful force. You can create by mentally riding towards your destination. By thinking in a particular way, you can imbue your thoughts with more energy. These thoughts materialise as energy moves from the unseen into the seen world. Thoughts contain energy and energy moves around in your mind. The more you can build your positive thoughts towards positive energy, the more potential energy you create to accelerate forward in your life.

      Law of Rhythm

      Everything moves in rhythm. Cycles of weather, such as seasons, all have patterns and move in rhythm. Your emotions run up and down, to and fro, just like the sun rising and setting. Your relationships, career, finances and health go from high to low, and vice versa. Success and failure; two sides of the same coin. At times of greatest success,