Prison Wars: An Inside Account of How the Apocalypse Happened By Martin Sanger. Martin Sänger

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Название Prison Wars: An Inside Account of How the Apocalypse Happened By Martin Sanger
Автор произведения Martin Sänger
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780978577735

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Longus, Mr. Longus.” The crowd again burst into sounding like a classroom where everybody had the answers and needs credit for answering.

      “Yes you.”

      “Thank you Mr. Longus. Paul Salerio, ABC. It seems that this scheme, which frankly, I’m still having trouble believing isn’t just a hoax of some sort, would get high ratings.”

      “I’m banking on it.” Quentin jabbed quickly. All giggled a little press conference giggle with the addition of a nervous edge.

      “It seems that this would create a sort of, race to the bottom scenario where the brutality would get out of hand.”

      “We will not be outdone. Besides which, we have the exclusive access to the States’ prisons. For the meantime, no one has the contracts and no one else could host such events without litigious battles over copyright infringement and the assumption of a lot of liability. We plan to corner this market as long as we can. I don’t see any competition on the horizon.”

      The crowd burst back into the cacophony of a thousand chickens clucking. “Yes, ma’am.”

      “Thanks. Wynonna Lippman, E! Magazine. Who will be announcing these contests? Have you lined anyone up?”

      “This being a new sport, there are no experts. And I hope you understood that we are looking to be a legitimate sport. The rules we decide on will be complex and changing. As such the announcer must be capable of both rousing excitement and explaining details simultaneously.

      “We are currently in negotiations with several nationally known football announcers for both play by play and color commentary. But I’m sorry I cannot give you any names yet. I can only tell you that we aren’t currently interviewing anybody that you haven’t heard of.”

      “Yes ma’am, you.”

      “I am shocked and angered by this…”

      “Your name!”

      “I will not stand on formality…”

      “Okay, shoot.”

      “This is horrible. We’re talking about human lives. You want people to die on television for entertainment??!! This is barbarous. This must be stopped.”

      “Thank you for your honest concern. First of all, no one will be coerced into doing anything. We must consult the prisoners themselves as to what the rules of the contests will be and how they will divide their earnings. Winning teams may have access to privileges such as alcohol, conjugal visits, nice furniture, unlimited television and various other perks. All the prisoner’s premiums will come directly from proceeds of the contests, with no expense to the taxpayer. Next question.”


      “No! No! No! You didn’t answer my question.” The woman who attacked him wasn’t done. “You’re exposing America to horrible barbarous cruelty. It isn’t civilized! This is disgusting.”

      “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.” Quentin suddenly looked more serious than I had previously seen him look, “Speaking of civility, you had your turn and it is now over.”

      “I’m not done.”

      “Look miss whatever your name is, these people are criminals. These are people in hardcore lockdown. Most of them are really brutal. If several of them get hurt or killed, I won’t lose a lot of sleep. In fact, I’ll sleep better.

      “This, again, is a win-win situation. If they get hurt paying us back I don’t mind. If you live by the sword you must be prepared to die by the sword. I’d hate to see someone I loved or any law-abiding citizen hurt. But these people, they are dangerous to us.”

      “Gregg Hernandez, the previous…”

      “Mr. Hernandez, which news agency are you with?”

      “Oh, sorry. I’m with KTLA channel five here in Los Angeles. The previous questioner was right in that this proposal is pregnant with ethical problems. What would you say to those that would worry about the effect this program will have on children?”

      “I have two children under the age of thirteen. They aren’t who they are because of television. Their loving and strong family is the source of their values. I am hoping that they grow up to be civilized humans.

      “However, as an American, I am a lover of freedom. If, when they are old enough to choose, my children choose to watch Prison Wars, I will watch it with them. Because I know my children, I have no worries that they will become criminals because of a television program.”

      A rage for a follow up re-erupted.

      “Yes, you in the back.”

      “Chad Auster, Fox. Sir I think that there is no doubt that such programming will be very popular, but don’t you think that it will have a deleterious effect on our culture as a whole? Isn’t it crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed in the interest of the public good?”

      “I don’t think that it will have a deleterious effect. I don’t think that I am capable of committing brutal acts of aggression, just as I don’t think that you are.” He smiled broadly, but like William F. Buckley one got the impression that this smile was meant to mask hatred. If not brutal acts, a that moment all could believe that Quentin was capable of hate. He put his head down and briefly closed his eyes, as though he was trying to remember something. Then, nodding his head, he came back beaming and relaxed again.

      “Mr. Auster, people are born the way they are. I don’t think my son and daughter will end up in Prison. It won’t be much more violent than the video games that kids play today. My kids play those games and they aren’t violent. After they’re done with their games they are just as sweet as ever.” His smile went back to its original, natural warmth.

      “That said, no, I don’t think this will make for suitable viewing for young children. If my boy wants to watch it when he gets a little older we’ll watch it together. I’ll explain what it is and that these bad things are happening to bad people. I think, were my children anything but sweet and well raised, it could even serve as a great deterrent to criminal activity to them.

      “But, I would definitely recommend parental discretion.

      “One last question. Yes you in the green hair!” His broad grin didn’t evoke the resonance with his audience that it had before.

      “Justin Geller, MTV”

      “Yes Mr. Geller, love your shows, watcha think?”

      “Well, it sounds pretty rad!”

      “Thank you.”

      “But, Mr. Longus, do you really think that mainstream sponsors are going buy advertising segments for such a program? Major sponsors are easily dissuaded.”

      “Well, ESPN has already bought onto the concept. They’re major. And let me tell you something you already know. Though corporations talk about corporate responsibility etc, it is just hypocrisy. They are following the money trail just like everyone else. As they would put it, ‘They have a responsibility to their stock holders.’ I think that they cannot afford to miss out on this prime target audience, males between the ages of 18 and 35. If beer, fast food and truck companies want to be popular, and they do, they’ll come around.

      “Ladies and gentlemen that concludes the press conference. Thank you very much for coming. I am going to be leaving the building, but I invite you to stay until the closing time of one a.m. Again our disclaimer is on the table near the elevator, and I hope you give us some good copy. Enjoy the view and consumables.”

      At that Quentin looked over at me and made the gesture of putting a phone to his head and mouthed, “Call me,” and was