Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Название Becoming Masters of Light
Автор произведения Darrin William Owens
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047682

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levels throughout your life. The universe is a vast array of spiritual wisdom that is hidden in every cosmic molecule of life.

      Perhaps many of you who are perusing these levels have been nodding your head in alignment to your truth; every soul that opens to its spiritual nature begins the process of these seven levels of consciousness. This new work takes you even further into the co-creative process as a conscious spiritual being. We are truly in the age of accepting the sovereign role of becoming a Master of Light.

      It takes great courage to take the first step on your spiritual journey. It takes even greater courage to continue to experience your spiritual journey. This book is about living your spiritual journey and embodying your role as a true spiritual catalyst while also activating your spiritual power. As you can agree now in 2013, we are still here on the earth. There is obviously more to be done. 2012 was simply an open door into another level of evolutionary consciousness for this planet. The role of this book is to encourage perceiving your life from within while reducing perceptions that are focused “out there.” Our empowerment and our perceptions are fed from the energy vibrating within us. Understanding our inner energy changes the way we look at everything in our lives.

      Throughout this work, I will include invocations and prayers to help you awaken the deeper spiritual powers that you will be reading about. When we absorb the knowledge of any spiritual work, the use of prayer and invocations while we study can call forth the wisdom enveloped in the teachings. Each chapter will be a subject unto itself. I find that distinct chapters and subjects make it easy for the reader to flip to different topics in order to revisit their message. I have also included recommended books and resources throughout this book to help further your studies and spiritual education. Enjoy the journey—awaken, transform, and magnify!


      The New Golden Age: Becoming Masters of Light

      There is absolutely no doubt that we are experiencing a new and more dynamic dimension of reality, but we must fully realize that this shift—this change—is manifesting through us. We are the Shift and we are the New Earth.

      News flash! 2012 has come and gone and we are still living in the present time. It’s funny how that happened. Yes, we are still here; and aliens did not come to earth to beam us up to a fantasized, “holier-than-thou,” new age earth plane. Our planet did not blow up like a ticking time bomb, no matter what Hollywood tried to portray. We are here because we still have work to do. We exist to help with the spiritual evolution of our global mind by the conscious use of our spiritual and psychic power. We are here because we are stepping into our new role of being ministers of light. If you are reading this book, you are one of the cherished souls chosen to help in this holy quickening.

      We are living at an incredible time; there is no doubt about that. This is a sacred time where the cosmos takes a sigh of deep, peaceful release, and we are imbued with its nourishment and well-being. Speaking “energetically,” we are rising higher in our thought patterns and vibrations. This high vibrational living is the new wave of a more holistic lifestyle that is essential for us to incorporate on a daily basis. Meditation, prayer, and inner attunement are as indispensable as drinking water. I have always taught my students and clients the importance of keeping the physical body in shape and exercising the spiritual body, as well. This new era of our spiritual existence is asking us to embody our spiritual nature as a priority in everything we do. Luckily, as conscious souls, we understand the new spiritual dynamics of healthy living, healthy thinking, and healthy relationships. I won’t bore you with more details, as there are many books in the new age market that delve into those subjects. Honestly, by now, you should have gotten the memo! I want to take you a step farther. Again, we are focusing more on spiritual humanitarianism here and less on what can I create, what can I acquire, and who can I attract as an individual? It’s “we” time.

      I’m going to take another bold step at this time. I like doing that often; it keeps my readers on their toes. I’m asking for you to accept a new role. This is a role that takes great courage, backbone, and guts. I assume that if you have read this far and have not yet asked for a refund on this book, you are willing. For the past several years, the global mind has been infused with teachings about the creation of your own reality and the law of attraction. This wonderful progression for the awakening of our planet has taken us only so far. Now, the bold step is to fully understand what creating your reality is truly about. The proper phrase in the New Golden Age is co-creating your reality. You can’t co-create without a creative source. That Source is God. Call it what you will—the Universe, Divine Love, or Great Spirit—it is still the very essence of creation. We are temples for this creative spark. Through the teachings of the law of attraction, we were able to partially tap into our creative ability—but only partially. We learned that thoughts are truly things and that with enough intention we could set the stage for what we want.

      Sadly, I saw the old ego step in when people began to be preoccupied with creation on a material level.

      “Dear God: I want a car, a house, a lover, and a good job.”

      Don’t get me wrong, these requests are just fine. God is glad to provide us with all we desire, but there is a need for balance. I began to feel that we were using our creative energy more to obtain “stuff” and less for the true purpose of co-creation as examples of spiritual humanitarians. We got into this same trouble eons ago when we separated ourselves from the Source and decided to create without the Creator. So entered the great fall of man from God. I write more about that idea later in the book.

      I listened as I heard students and clients struggle with manifestation.

      “I say my affirmations for a new love twenty times a day, and nothing happens.” “Why can’t I get a new job? I’m so unhappy; when I put my intention out, there is dead silence.”

      Honestly, folks, If I were God and I had to hear all of your “I want, I want, I wants,” I would take the phone off the hook, too. Think of it this way. You’re in your car driving down the highway of life. God is driving and you are the passenger. Remember, you are a co-creator. God knows your direction, knows the turns, and knows the way.

      You, on the other hand, like a spoiled child, keep bugging the driver with, “Are we there yet, are we there yet?” “I’m bored, can we pull over?” “Let me drive, let me drive. You’re not going fast enough!”

      You know how annoying that can be. So, the universe will keep taking you to your destination, but you have missed the mark for your journey. You are so worried about getting there, and having what you want when you want it, that you have lost the true meaning of what it is to be a co-creator with the Divine.

      God knows our needs and desires. The true art of manifestation is to set our intentions with God and let everything else go. There is no need for a reminder. In the meantime, we must step into a higher place of co-creating as Masters of Light. It sounds simple, because it is. God is simple. When our lives feel chaotic, we often remove our focus from our co-creative power. Instead, we put our focus on our ego, consisting of fear and attachment. Remember, it’s time to move beyond me to us.

      As we step into the role of a Master of Light, we move into the most powerful level of co-creation. We have set our intentions for a healthy life, full of abundance, and now we must place that life with the Source. The power of surrender is the key. We set our sights on becoming an embodiment of light. We are living in a timeframe where many are still trying to catch up with their own spiritual selves. As burning examples of God’s light, we can be there for the handoff. We become extensions of God’s divine love and are able to help guide others to their own truth and well-being. All that “stuff” we want comes with ease when we let go of our attachment to it. Beware of new age thought that believes in order to create, you have to