Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Название Becoming Masters of Light
Автор произведения Darrin William Owens
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047682

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celeb years” was something within myself. I had not yet accepted my own mission as a spiritual teacher. So goes the label, “Reluctant Psychic.” I was very afraid people would look at me as the divine source and miss the fact that I was only the messenger. In truth, we are all the divine source. As A Course in Miracles conveys, we are all ideas in the mind of God. I was forgetting the divine perfection within me. I was forgetting that my mission was to magnify the Divine’s love and light on Earth. The very foundation I wanted others to remember was something I had forgotten to reflect within myself. That’s what it really boils down to for all of us: we miss the fact that we are divine perfection. What you see in me, you must see within yourself. The reason we walk our spiritual paths is to remember who we truly are. Then, we must magnify, by example, that realization of divinity to the world.

      As I write this narrative, it all makes sense. I was not able to receive the gifts from so many people who read my work and listened to my lectures until I was ready to accept the gift of spirit for myself. In truth, I did not take a hiatus from my mission; I went into hiding. I see that now. Thankfully, the soul will never stop its mission of calling us to our highest potential. Now, as with all realization, comes healing and balance. We must be the light God created us to be. As my dear friend, Dee Wallace, often says, “We all have a bright light, and we must keep it shining for the world to see, so that we can help others shine, too.”

      So here I am after three years, and the little voice in my head told me it was time to get back to work. The three years did not pass without working on my own personal issues. I released a relationship that was not good for me, reestablished former friends, built new friendships, and created a wonderful soul family. The reluctant psychic did not feel so reluctant anymore. I was becoming who I was created to be, just like you are. When we truly realize that we are children of the most high, then we start shifting and changing our life to fit that truth. We must clear out the debris and make room for more love in our life. It’s a funny thing. Many people still see psychics and spiritual teachers as having all the answers. That is not true at all. We may have “the calling,” but we are still souls that inhabit a human body with life lessons to learn just like you. We are in fact, and should be, more reflective than most.

      Just because a person writes a book about spirituality does not mean he has fully graduated with honors from his own journey.

      It’s even more essential for me as a teacher of spirit to delve into my inner questions and walk my talk. Why? The reason is because I cannot in good faith teach you how to rediscover yourself if I’m not doing the same thing. If I don’t walk my talk to some degree, I have no justification to tell you how to do it. I have been called the “Judge Judy” of the psychic/spiritual world, a description that I love. But, this comical label comes from the fact that I’ll whip myself upside the head with truth just as hard as I would you. We are all in this journey together. This statement is a true and conscious evaluation. The years in which I wrote Reader of Hearts and the years that followed its publication were the most expansive for me. I’m still discovering who I am and where I’m going.

      It feels good to be with you, dear reader, once more. I’m very excited about my second book. I still get letters from all over the world from fans of Reader of Hearts, and they always end their gratitude with, “When is the new book coming out?” Well, kids, here it is. I realize now that it was not the lack of support in the “spiritual business” that was the problem. It was the lack of support from me that was blocking my mission. What we have blocking us within will project itself to our outside world. What we believe within us we will manifest without. Once I truly started supporting myself, spiritually, I attracted people and experiences that would do the same for my life.

      If you lack support for yourself, you will draw to you those who agree with you. If you are tired of people who do not support you, start supporting yourself. Then watch the magic happen. We all need a spiritual support group in life. Start a group, but support yourself in the meantime. The Divine will add members to it one by one. Create your own world, and stop living in others’ realities. As Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”


      Well, Darrin is back and in full spiritual force. It’s the dawn of a New Golden Age of Enlightenment, kids, and we have work to do—so let’s get to it.

      If you have not read my first book Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, you may want pick it up and give it a go. I wrote it for the purpose of helping people understand the levels of spiritual growth that we all navigate as well as the true role of being psychic. Think of my first book as lubricating your spiritual muscles and this new work as putting those muscles into action.

      The purpose of Becoming Masters of Light: Co-Creating the New Age of Enlightenment is to focus on how we can utilize our spiritual potential in this new era of consciousness. I will describe the spiritual evolution of psychic potential from as far back as the Old Testament to the present. Also discussed will be how we can release our “need to know” the future in order to embrace the reality that we will co-create. I want to share with you the many spiritual powers and metaphysical systems of healing that I have worked with for many years, because I feel that everyone should open up to these powerful remedies. It’s time to be masters of our destiny.

      We have been in “metaphysics 101” long enough. We have what we need to fully embrace our divine selves and take hold of the truth that we are the New Earth that we are so longing to see. We are the New Golden Age of Enlightenment. We must stop focusing on the doom-and-gloom nonsense of fear that some are trying to catapult into the atmosphere of our minds. We will stop the thought of fear by not believing in it. Only Love is real. In essence the Shift, the New Golden Age, is not about catastrophe and chaos. Who wants to buy into that reality? It is about the realization and manifestation of a global family. Spiritual humanitarianism is a new foundation that is being birthed from all of us that are heeding the call to heal our planet.

      This is a book is for the conscious soul. It’s a primer on the spiritual powers available to us as master co-creators with the Divine. Along with a retrospective on the evolution of our soul’s progression insofar as psychic power and spiritual healing, it also covers a wide range of subjects formulated to enhance the spiritual resources within you. My goal for this work is to help you strengthen your inner foundation with the Mother/Father God, the Source of all things. As we have crossed the threshold past the year 2012 into the New Golden Age, it’s imperative that we be as internally vibrant as possible to represent Mother/Father God on Earth. Instead of looking to others we think are “spiritually special” to be our voices for God on Earth, we must now step into the role of using our own voice of God for ourselves and others. Being a Master of Light means that we are ready and able to be authentic channels of healing and balance. When we master that potential in our own lives, we are better equipped to co-create with the Divine. Is this not the goal of any spiritual journey?

      I believe that there is a threefold process to our soul’s evolution, in this most sacred timeframe. First, we must awaken to our spiritual selves. Second, we need to allow the awakening of the spiritual reality within to transform us. Third, from that transformation, we will magnify our spiritual foundation as children of the most high. For the conscious soul, it’s a time of magnification—to live the spiritual life not as a hobby, but as a lifestyle.

      This book is not intended to be a scholarly work on metaphysics or spiritual healing. It’s simply a primer, an expansion from my work in Reader of Hearts. It’s a guide for those who have awakened and transformed and are ready to progress even further into spiritual humanitarianism. From that awareness, we will go a step further into the magnification of our spiritual power. I will present the many mystical and spiritual principles that I have discovered along the way in my professional career as a psychic healer, as well as in my own personal growth. We are lights among the world; and as lights, we must take the responsibility of being co-creators with the source to the fullest degree. From that powerful responsibility, we will learn how to use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of conscious evolution and total well-being for our planet. I