Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies. Elaine Hruska

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Название Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies
Автор произведения Elaine Hruska
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047583

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[1467], who was twenty-eight years old when he received his seventeenth reading on March 12, 1943, was given this recommendation:

      Even with the trouble with the finger, it will be found that the application of Atomidine in the body and to the body is beneficial, for these are the activities within the body that aid in purifying glands, thus acting much in the same manner as releasing by manipulative forces a pressure where congestion may be caused.


      Years later on July 8, 1966, he reported that the past fall he had suffered with arthritis in his lower back, being immobilized for two to three months. He remembered about the Atomidine [in his reading] and began taking it, watching his diet, and the arthritis started getting better. He was now entirely free of it.

      The next two accounts are from a report that Edgar Cayce sent to Dr. S.A. Bisey, the discoverer of Atomidine, on February 28, 1933, describing some individuals’ successes with using his product.

      “{The} case of Miss [951] from . . . Ohio—eighteen years of age {who had a total of seven readings}; had been suffering for several years with what had been diagnosed as arthritis. Physicians had despaired of anything being done, to prevent continual hardening and enlarging of joints, and stiffness arising from such. There was gradual contraction of tendons and muscles from all joints, especially hands and feet.

      “A course of Atomidine was prescribed {first reading given on October 21, 1932}, small dosage three times a day for a period of three weeks; then a rest period of a week, then another three weeks of the Atomidine with baths and other recommendations, including strict diet.

      “At the end of four weeks the patient was free entirely of any suffering, soreness, stiffness, and to date—now nearly six months—no return of any bad symptoms.

      “The treatment is still being continued, with a reduced quantity of Atomidine.”

      1734-5, Report #11

      Mrs. [272] from Alabama was thirty-two years old at the time of her first reading on October 29, 1930, and had a total of nine readings.

      “{She} had a very bad case of infection from G.C. {gonococcal; gonorrhea} germs, which had been disturbing her for some months. Treatments from physicians had failed to clear the bloodstream or to give any relief from local infections.

      “Atomidine was prescribed in courses, 8 to 10 drops twice a day, and douches carrying Atomidine also.

      “Almost immediately there was noted relief from the eruptions, as well as from the severe pains that had continued for some time.

      “The condition has cleared entirely, and the body attributes her relief to the use of Atomidine—which cleansed her body of the dreaded condition.”

      1734-5, Report #11


      On March 7, 1933, Dr. Sunkar (also spelled Sunker) A. Bisey, a distinguished Hindu scientist and inventor (called the “Edison of India”) who discovered Atomidine and several years earlier requested readings on its proper manufacture and marketing, sent a flier to Cayce which offered this information:

      “ . . . Atomidine is a stable compound of iodine in a saline solution that liberates the element in an atomic or nascent state on contact with an excess of solvent, such as the fluids of the body . . . By liberating nascent or atomic iodine, Atomidine furnishes the organism with this element in such a form that it may be readily utilized . . .

      “Atomidine acts beneficially in iodine deficiency diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and asthenic conditions. It has the property of reducing blood-pressure in cases of hypertension. Atomidine is an efficient diuretic and urinary antiseptic, acting in either an acid or alkaline medium.”

      1734-5, Report #12

      Another comment on the proper use of Atomidine comes from reading 1100-8:

      (Q) Should the body continue taking the Atomidine internally?

      (A) The small portions, yes. This has been indicated, and the use of same as a spray is helpful also.

      Take periods of Atomidine; not continued every day but for a week every day, rest a week and begin again. These are more effective than continued, for any property. For this may be said to be the manner in which any outside influence acts upon not only this body but any body:

      To continue the use of any one influence that is active upon the body continually is to cause those portions of the system that produce same to lose their activity or their significance, and depend upon the supply from without.

      But to give stimulation to the system and then refrain from same tends to produce in the body that necessary reaction in the glandular system and in the functioning of organs. For the body (normal) produces within itself the necessary elements for its continual reproduction of itself at all times. 1100-8

      Becoming familiar with your body’s physical needs and taking note of various recommendations from the readings for Atomidine will help you make a wise choice for your own particular benefit.

      Beef Juice

      Beef juice, according to the readings, belongs to the categories of “body-building” and “blood-building” foods. More than 400 readings mention it as a supplement or tonic for stimulating and strengthening the body and to be “ . . . taken regularly as medicine . . . ” (5374-1) Not to be confused with beef extract, broth, stew, bouillon, or soup, beef juice is a specially prepared food item, to be ingested in small quantities either occasionally or on a regular basis. The juice is extracted from the meat through the process of heat.


      Aftereffects of surgery, anemia, body strengthening, calcium deficiency, cancer, debilitation, epilepsy, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, glandular disturbance, incoordination: assimilations and eliminations, low stamina, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, tumors, weakness; building up resistance, gaining weight


      One-quarter pound to ½ pound, or 1 to 1½ pounds of lean round steak or good lean beef

      Knife—to cut meat into half-inch cubes and to remove fat

      Glass jar or container (with cover)

      Boiler or pan—to fill with water and in which to place glass jar

      Cloth or wire rack—to place under glass jar in pan

      Small container—to refrigerate the juice

      Tongs (optional)—to extract the beef cubes after boiling

      Cheesecloth (optional)—to strain fat globules after cooking

      Patapar paper (optional)—to wrap beef cubes rather than using a covered glass jar


      (Daily) Ranges from 2 to 6 times; every 15, 20, or 30 minutes; every ½ hour to 1 hour; every 2 to 3 hours; every few hours; every 8 hours; daily for 2 to 3 weeks, 2 to 3 times in the morning and 2 to 3 times in the evening; often

      (Weekly) Two to 3 times a week

      Take “ . . . according to the feelings of the body . . . ” (1667-1) or as often “ . . . as the appetite calls for same.” (538-42)


      Small amounts—sipped slowly, not gulped down—taken each time (amounts, due to individual differences, varied): ½ to ¾ teaspoon; 1 or 2 teaspoons; a few teaspoons; 1 or 2 tablespoons; a few drops or sips; total amount per day: 1 to 3 tablespoons; 1 to 1½ ounces; 4 to 6 ounces;