Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies. Elaine Hruska

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Название Edgar Cayce’s Quick & Easy Remedies
Автор произведения Elaine Hruska
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047583

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hydrotherapy treatments, including colonics, are taken

      (Douche) After or before menstrual period

      (Gargle and mouth rinse) After brushing the teeth


      (Internal) Three days; for 5, 6, 7, or 8 days; 10 days, rest for 5 days, then repeat; 30 to 60 days; several months; 2 or 3 months; repeat cycle 3 times; one week rest, then repeat cycle; two series; one week a month; throughout the year; until relief is obtained

      (Pack) Five days


      Purifies and cleanses the glands and stimulates thyroid

      Creates a “ . . . perfect coordination between the glandular forces of the body . . . ” (1933-1)

      Builds “ . . . strength to the whole anatomical condition of the body . . . ” (1475-1)

      Helps to tone and maintain a more equal balance in the system—if “used properly!” (358-1)

      Strengthens the nails of the fingers and toes

      Stimulates circulation through the lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys


      Because the dosages and cycles for taking Atomidine orally vary so much, it is highly recommended to study the Circulating File on one’s particular health condition to determine the proper amount to consume. Since a number of variations might be offered, choose an individual of the same sex whose physical condition and age closely match yours, then follow the suggestions in that reading. Read also the Circulating File on “Atomidine” to gain a better understanding of its many uses. Additionally, check and work with your personal physician as to the proper course to follow.

      Overstimulation to the thyroid gland, which traps iodine and processes it into thyroid hormones, can result in nervousness, irritability, skin rashes, insomnia, or an increase in heart rate. It should not be taken with other iodine-containing drugs such as thyroid pills, heart stimulants (2366-7), any multiple vitamin or mineral tablet containing iodine, or if you are already obtaining iodine in your diet (e.g.: seafood), from Calcios, Codiron (1206-9), Calcidin, or from certain formulas (such as Herbal Tonic 636).

      Despite these cautions on internal applications, the readings state: “ . . . This will not only be a curative property, but a preventative . . . especially for any form of disorder in glands or tissue of body.” (358-2). Reiterated throughout this body of information is its purpose, when taken orally, as a gland purifier and cleanser, especially affecting the thyroid, thymus, adrenals, and other ductless glands. Another reading states that “ . . . most glands function as machinery would under oil. The iodine being the oil for the gland, see?” (294-130)


      For a fifty-year-old accountant complaining of calluses on the feet who desired to improve his glandular function (reading given on August 1, 1935):

      As indicated, it is not necessary for the Atomidine to be continually taken, but when there are the influences necessary for the secretions or the activities of the glands (with which the Atomidine functions so well), it is well to have same on hand and to take a few drops for two, three, four or five days. Then discontinue until there is seen the necessity for adding same to make for the activity of the glands, to make for the hormones in the blood supply to keep the proper balance and necessary coordination in the system.


      An adult woman (no age given) had pelvic disorders resulting in vaginal discharges (reading given on May 12, 1941):

      At least every day, until the irritation and discharge is better, do have the Atomidine douche—body-temperature. The proportions would be a teaspoonful of Atomidine to each quart of water, used—having the water body temperature. Then after the Atomidine douche, use a warm douche with Glyco-Thymoline in same—about a tablespoonful to the quart of water. The Atomidine is the acid and the Glyco-Thymoline the alkalin{e}, you see. The Atomidine douche is destructive to the tissue that has become irritated or sore; while the Glyco-Thymoline douche following same is an antiseptic. Both are antiseptic in their natures, but one is an acid while the other is an alkaline. Have these at the same time, but take the Atomidine douche first each day; preferably when ready to retire.


      A forty-four-year-old male, suffering from an acidic condition, with tendencies toward neuritis, hemorrhoids, and baldness (reading given on May 29, 1943):

      Use a very weak solution of the Atomidine as a massage for the hair. To two ounces of Distilled Water put ten drops of the Atomidine. Use this on the head and hair. Put this on dry—that is, with the hair dry. Then use the soap, and preferably tar soap afterward, as the shampoo—for the thorough cleansing of same. Do this, and we will find better conditions for this body.


      For a twenty-nine-year-old woman with pyorrhea tendencies and nervous system and glandular incoordinations (reading given on January 16, 1937):

      (Q) Is there any special precaution one can take to keep from getting the “flu”?

      (A) Spraying the nasal passages and throat occasionally with a thirty percent solution of Atomidine—that is, commercial strength—will most insure not getting same; provided the body is kept alkaline with the diets.


      For a fifty-six-year-old medical doctor with anemia and poor assimilations who was cured of a throat hemorrhage (reading given on February 2, 1938):

      Use the Atomidine spray preferably of an evening before retiring. The proportions would be a teaspoonful of the Atomidine (commercial strength) to an ounce of Distilled Water (not tap water, but distilled water). Use as a nasal spray and as a throat spray. Use preferably in an atomizer of hard rubber, or be very careful that any metal parts to the one used are thoroughly cleansed after each usage of same—or before it is used again sterilize same! and do not let the metal parts (if such is used) remain in that portion of the Atomidine Solution not used! But do not use a metal spray for the Atomidine spray solution, if at all practical.


      For a forty-three-year-old man who had had multiple sclerosis for fourteen months (reading given on October 7, 1943):

      Every day, where there is swelling in joints and in portions of the body, dampen a cloth with Atomidine (full strength), and wrap it about that area. Leave this on for an hour or until the cloth is entirely dried out from the absorption. Keep this up for five days.


      A forty-two-year-old man who later stated that his main problem was homosexuality used the Wet-Cell Appliance along with taking Atomidine (reading given on November 15, 1943):

      First we would begin taking internally small quantities of Atomidine, to produce excess iodine in the body. Take one drop in half a glass of water each morning before breakfast for five days.



      A follow-up letter written by Miss [954] to Edgar Cayce on February 8, 1938, reported on the progress of [1210], a fifty-six-year-old MD who had experienced a throat hemorrhage (see Directions from the Readings). She wrote:

      “Just a note to tell you that there is a distinct pick-up in the Doctor’s vitality . . . much better coordinated in his thinking as if relieved of toxins. I think it most important that the sprays were given, for he tells me that although the Atomidine spray was distinctly painful at first . . . it is no longer. It is quite evident that the reading did discover an unguessed spot of infection.”
