Make Up Your Mind to Be Happy. Josie Varga

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Название Make Up Your Mind to Be Happy
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Личностный рост
Издательство Личностный рост
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046814

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decisions, goals, desires…everything!).

      Continually emphasizing the things you are grateful for trains your brain to concentrate on the positives in your life rather than the negative. So, while individually some of the Spirit Boosters in this book may seem almost trivial, together and over time these steps are transformative as they can work to bring our true nature to the surface once again.

       The Happiness PPF Pre-Test

      Happiness means different things to different people, but overall how we think about ourselves, our place in this world and how we act is what differentiates happy people from the less happy people.

      Below is what I call the PPF Test. There is, of course, no right or wrong answer. This questionnaire is meant to help you gauge your happiness level by testing your PPF which refers to being:

      • Accepting of the PAST

      • Actively Happy in the PRESENT and

      • Optimistic about the FUTURE

      Think each question through and be honest. You will have the opportunity to take this again later to determine whether or not your attitude has changed.

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      image Tips 1 to 20


1 Recognize Life as a Gift

      If you really want to lift your spirit, you must realize first and foremost that life is a gift. It is not something to be taken for granted. I know because I am very guilty of doing just that. We all do. We get so caught up in our day-to-day routines that we don't stop to realize how lucky we truly are.

      For me, it took the idea of death to awaken my very spirit and make me realize how precious life really is. I was diagnosed with melanoma, the worst form of skin cancer, at the age of thirty-five. Up until then, I never took my time too seriously. Nowadays, I appreciate everything about my life: my family, my friends, my ability to write, the beautiful evergreens in my backyard, etc. Ironically, being diagnosed with a potentially fatal cancer taught me about the value of life.


2 Slow Down

      There's a Taoist saying which states that the emptiness inside of a jug is what makes it useful. At first, I didn't understand what this meant. But then I equated the saying to the significance of making time for the important things in life.

      If a jug is full, we can't put anything else in it. Likewise, if we speed through life going from one routine to the next, we won't have the time to realize what's in front of us; we can't just be content and enjoy life because we are constantly struggling to maintain it.

      Have you ever noticed that when you are on vacation, time seems to slow down? The days seem a little longer. The reason for this is simple: when we slow down, our lives slow down too, and we have more time to appreciate life and just be happy.


3 Open Yourself to Intimacy

      Most people think of sexual relations when they hear the word intimacy. And, in fact, being intimate with another individual can mean that you are sexually active with that person. However, it can also mean the closeness you feel to a friend.

      Most people are afraid to seek intimacy because they are afraid of getting hurt. But the joy that you stand to gain from opening up to another person; the warmth that you will feel from that mutual bond is well worth the risk. After all, as Alfred Lord Tennyson said, “ 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”


4 Stop Believing Money Will Buy You Happiness

      Richard Friedman once said, “Money will buy you a fine dog, but it will not make it wag its tail.” Although many are quick to assume that having more money will make them feel happy, research has shown time and time again that the relationship between happiness and money is, in fact, very slim.

      Sure, you may experience a feeling of joy after finding out you've won the lottery for example, but this moment of bliss is not long-term and does not contribute to your overall level of happiness. In fact, excessive wealth can cause depression for those who are not accustomed to it.

      I'm not saying that I wouldn't mind a little extra cash. God knows I could use it! But let's say I had three million dollars and I didn't have my husband or my children to love me, the money might make my life easier, but it certainly would not make me happier.


5 Exercise Your Mood

      Everyone knows that participating in some form of physical exercise is important for our physical well-being. Exercise has long been known to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It has even been noted to reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer

      But what many people don't realize, however, is that exercise is important to our psychological well-being as well. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. So make the time to exercise. You can benefit substantially by exercising thirty to sixty minutes, three to five times a week. For those of you, who are thinking that you just don't have the time, try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator; walk as much as you can; do yard work at home, etc. As they say, “Anything is better than nothing.”


6 Laugh Out Loud

      “Humor might not have saved my life, but it definitely made my life,” says Michael Aronin. “At various turns, it has made my life bearable; at others, remarkable; at still others, joyful, committed, and amazing.” Michael, a comedian and motivational speaker with cerebral palsy, definitely knows the benefits of laughter

      Not only does laughter make you feel good, but it also reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and boosts our immune system by raising levels of infection-fighting cells in our body. Studies have shown that laughter releases endorphins which are the body's natural painkillers. So laugh as much as you can. Laughter is contagious; you'll make other feel good too!


7 Organize Your House

      You have a “junk” drawer in the kitchen that you've been meaning to clean and a closet jam-packed with clothes that you've wanted to organize for months. Your basement is cluttered with boxes filled with things you no longer need or want. Well, now's the time to finally take a moment to bring a little order to your life. You'll be surprised how good you feel.

      I share my desk with my husband and two young daughters. It is absolutely impossible for my desk not to become piled high with everything from coloring books and bills to my work. Needless to say I am constantly cleaning my desk because I find it impossible to concentrate with clutter all around me. It drives me absolutely crazy

      Someday I would love to hire a feng shui expert to help me organize my home. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging space and placing furniture to be in harmony with the environment. Some believe that this practice has an effect on everything from physical and mental health to wealth