Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga

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Название Visits to Heaven
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046357

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like a shrine. We went inside a set of double doors that glowed with life. The inside was decorated with a wood paneling that the being told me was “living” wood from the trees that grew in this wonderful place. He led me to some big double doors with golden knobs and told me to wait on this wooden bench while he went inside. I recognized the bench; I had seen it before. I began to remember things on that bench—things I had done in past lives, but as soon as I began to put it all together, Bob came out of the room.

      He told me to go inside, saying that he would wait for me and encouraged me not to worry. He cautioned me to ensure that I was truthful with the beings in the room. He said they were not judges but rather the ones who measure a soul’s level of development based on its history. Bob told me to remember who I was and to refrain from fear. I knew I had to leave this wise being sooner or later, but I was glad that he would wait for me. I was a little scared to leave him, but I felt protected and knew that I would continue to be protected in there.


      I went in and saw a group of several spirits seated at a round table. The table was made of the glowing wood and was perfect in every way. These spirits had the highest vibration I had seen so far with the exception of Jesus.

      I looked at these beings and recognized them. I remembered some of them. I had seen them in this very room before . . . they all had something familiar about them. They just looked at me.

      All of a sudden I viewed my parents on Earth before I was born. I saw how they came to be together and watched them have my older brother and sister. Their positive and negative sides were evident, and I evaluated them according to what I knew I needed to do on Gaia. The beings asked me how and why I picked these particular parents. They said I knew the answer and asked me to tell them. I do not know where it came from, but I did tell them what they asked, and they agreed with me. I picked my parents to help them on their path as well as to achieve my learning.

      I saw my soul approach my mother and go inside of her. I saw myself being born from an observer’s point of view as well as from the standpoint of actually experiencing my birth. I proceeded to see my entire life from my view point and from the points of view of those my actions had affected. I was aware of the feelings they had that directly resulted from things I had done to them. I saw and felt both the positive and the negative things I had done as they had truly happened; nothing was left out or presented inaccurately.

      I lived through the harshness of being born again. I experienced leaving heaven and the transit to Gaia. I saw myself as a helpless infant who needed his mother for everything. I faced my father’s love as well as his anger. I experienced my mother’s love, her fear, and her anger, as well. I saw all of the good and bad from my childhood years and reexperienced what I had done then. I felt all of my emotions and the emotions of the souls I had hurt as well as loved. From all of this I learned that it matters deeply what choices I make on Gaia.

      I learned just how powerful we humans are and how we can affect each other in positive and negative ways. It was amazing to see how my innocent actions had such a powerful effect on souls that I had no idea I was affecting. The experience was one that I will never forget. I experienced the whole spectrum of feelings of my life in a relatively short period of time as we humans see it. Where I was, time didn’t really exist.

      I could see how I became what I had on Gaia and why I did that. Everything I had done in my life affected the evolution of the souls around me. I saw the reasons for all of my actions and understood why I did what I had done. There was a place for all of my positive and negative actions. There was no action that was necessarily wrong, but there were actions I took that did not enhance positive growth. I was both a victim and a beneficiary of my actions. This was not a fun experience to go through. I could see how wonderful it would be if one chose to act to affect other souls positively most of the time.

      Afterward, the beings in the room asked me questions about what I saw and how I felt about my life up to then. I knew that I had to provide an honest assessment—I could not lie. I hesitated when they asked me whether I affected others more positively than negatively. I thought about lying.

      The group knew what I was thinking, and I had to tell them that I felt that I could have done a better job on Gaia. I knew what I had come to Gaia to accomplish and was well on my way to doing that, but I knew I was not finished yet. They agreed and told me that I still had many things to do and that I might want to go back and do them. I was told it was understood how difficult it would be for me, but it was necessary for the universe for me to finish.

      The beings suggested to me that it might be wise to go back and live my life how I had originally planned it. I had set lofty goals for my life on Gaia and the events in my life were achieving those goals. I originally came to Gaia to learn and share with others using the gifts that I have accumulated over several lifetimes. I was needed on Gaia to help souls bring themselves and Gaia back to harmony. They felt that I have great potential to affect other souls and help them grow. Gaia is the best place to do that.

      I was told that the events I had experienced, thus far, were preparing me to make a large contribution to the universe and that my experiences were not to be considered personal attacks in any way. I did not want to accept that interpretation. I told them that because life on Gaia was hard and unforgiving, I was tired and I wanted to stay. I felt that going back would be dangerous for the universe because I was not advanced enough in my spiritual evolution.

      They said that was precisely why it would be in my best interest to go back to Gaia. I was more advanced than I gave myself credit for. It was possible for me to stay, but I would need to finish my work on Gaia sooner or later. The type of work I was destined to do could be done only on Gaia. I could stay if I chose to, but I would only be prolonging the completion of what I needed to do for this universe. The fastest way to finish my work would be to go back to Gaia as soon as possible.

      I was stunned, to say the least. I resorted to bargaining, but it was no use. I still did not like living on Gaia and really didn’t want to go back. The group understood me but remained firm. I had a decision to make which was the hardest decision I would ever make.

      I did come back to Gaia and am now living the life that I was (later in the experience) told I would live. Believe it or not, I ended up shelving this experience away, classifying it as a really vivid “trip.” It was not until I evolved more that I realized the gift I was given.

      I share this experience now because I feel it can spur thought and foster choices that affect the planet in a positive way.

      If I learned anything from this experience, it was that every choice I make is duly noted and recorded, and I will see the effects of them later when I leave Gaia and have another life review.

      My goals are to save people the pain that I felt in my review and to hasten the evolution of humans on Gaia, thus helping Gaia as well as the universe.

      Again, I wish you all of the love I feel in my heart, and I give this love to you!

      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       About David L. Oakford

      David L. Oakford is the author of Journey Through The World of Spirit: God, Gaia and Guardian Angels and Soul Bared: A Metaphysical Journey. Publishing his story was a way for him to explore his near-death experience and also to work through the emotional consequences of having had one. As David says, “You can decide to not believe it; I can’t.”

      He lives in Michigan with his wife and four children. For more information, please visit


       Don’t You Die on Me
