Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga

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Название Visits to Heaven
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046357

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further since that book was published, but I soon learned that God wasn’t finished with me yet, and I felt inspired to write yet another book My Beloved: Messages from God’s Heart to Your Heart.

      I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my account. I hope I have given you something to think about. My story is not so much about me, but about us. Together we are the Light’s instruments for healing this world and evolving to a higher state of Light consciousness. Above all, let the Light within your heart be the source of your life, and let LOVE be your flashlight to illuminate your path.

      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       About Nancy Clark, CT

      Nancy graduated from Women’s Medical College at the University of Pennsylvania specializing in cytology, the study of cells. She worked as a cancer researcher at a major university, and now retired, she is devoting her life to the “mission” she began in 1979 by inspiring others toward the transcendent nature of life and into the mysterious union with the Light of God. For more information about Nancy, please go to her Web site:



       This Must Be Death


       Elaine Tucker


      I was eight-months pregnant with my fourth child. I started hemorrhaging, and by the time I got to the hospital, the doctors quickly decided to do an emergency C-section in an attempt to try to save one of us. They had to move quickly and therefore, did only a spinal anesthesia. So I was awake during the whole ordeal and lay there helplessly in pain as the doctors and nurses moved frantically about the operating room.

      It was around 12:00 a.m. in a small hospital in Oregon. I had lost a lot of blood, and unfortunately, they could not find enough to give me. My husband was out in the waiting room with the pastor praying. The obstetrician was monitoring my vital signs, and then all of a sudden I sensed what I would describe as a complete change in atmosphere. I felt different but didn’t quite know why.

      Then I realized that I was watching the nurse give me a needle in my right side. I saw the doctor working on me. And then it hit me. How am I seeing all this? I then realized that I was actually outside of my body looking down at myself on the operating table. I didn’t comprehend it at first. But I thought, “This must be death.”

      I am a Christian who believes in prayer and God but has never thought much about death. So now I realized that I was dead and thought, “Well, let me check this out.” I was not afraid and experienced a complete sense of calm. Everything around me was glowing, and the colors were absolutely beautiful. To give you an analogy, if I had to compare life on earth to the afterlife, I would say it is kind of like rough vs. satin. It was like touching sandpaper versus soft silk.

      Breathing was so much easier there. I guess I didn’t realize how hard it is to breathe here on earth until I was out of my physical body and in heaven or on the Other Side. I felt no pain at all. I felt wonderful and in total bliss.

      I was still in the middle of taking everything in when I sensed a Supreme Spiritual Presence to my right. I could not see Him, but I knew He was there with me. He spoke to me telepathically saying, “You can come with me now and feel like this forever.”

      Of course, I wanted to go with Him. I had never felt better, but then I thought of my children. As quickly as the thought came to me, I saw a vision of my three children, ages twelve, ten, and four, crying for me. At that moment, I found myself saying, “God, I can’t leave them.”

      Immediately and without warning, I was struggling to breathe. I was back in my body, back in the operating room, back to life. “We have to get that baby,” the doctor shouted to the others in the room. Then as the surgical knife pierced my skin, I passed out from the pain.

      When I awoke, I was told that I was the mother of a beautiful baby girl. But the baby, whom my husband and I named Mindy, had suffered brain damage due to lack of oxygen. When she was eight-months-old, my doctor told me to put her in a home because he felt Mindy would never live a normal life and would surely be a vegetable.

      As I said before, I was raised as a Christian and truly believe in prayer. So I called my church and asked everyone to pray for my daughter. Three months later, Mindy was walking. She grew up to be a perfectly healthy and happy little girl.

      Miracles do happen, both in heaven and here on earth.


       The Realm of Restless Spirits


       Josiane Antonette


      My near-death experience shattered my world. It shook me into remembering spirit and other dimensions of life which I had known as a child but had forgotten so that I could fit into society. I feel the jerking of the ambulance as it rushes me through the dark streets of Marseille to the hospital. Twenty-four hours have passed since my underground abortion with a feuseuse d’anges, an angel maker. Abortion is illegal in France now, and many women died because of the unsanitary conditions of the procedure. I am only twenty-four years old, a young nurse. Am I dying? Am I outside myself observing? I see my body and its pain. I look at my feet; they are pale and lifeless. My legs cannot move. My face is white and drawn.

      I watch as the walls of the ambulance dissolve. I see the lights of the city speed toward me. I can see the stars! What am I doing up so high? Why does everything look so small all of a sudden?

      Memories pass before my eyes as in a movie just before I momentarily return to my body.

      I see family members through a haze. Suddenly they disappear. From where they stood I see faces rushing toward me with incredible speed. They race toward my face, expanding, then dissolving. Face after face washes over me! I am terrified. I’m drifting. I’m unable to keep my eyes open.

      Who are these people? Some I recognize as people I’ve known who have died. Others I do not recognize.

      “Stay away! Where is my family?”

      Now the whole room is filled with spirits! They hover near me and look into my eyes. I try to push them away. I fight them. The experience seems to go on forever. These are spirits who are restless. Their faces are twisted with pain. They seem lost. It’s frightening to see them walking back and forth around my bed. And now spirits with glowing faces come close to me. They reflect a gentle and powerful light, reminding me of the pictures of beautiful angels that I love so much. I feel nurtured and loved by them and enveloped by their luminescence. These beings are made of light, and even though their brilliance is intense, I am not blinded. Tremendous compassionate love surrounds me!

      Now, I am filled with the essence of love and compassion. This magnetic power is filling every atom of me. I have never before experienced such depth and power of love. I am the power of love! Merging into an intimate dance wherein all boundaries have disappeared, I feel myself one with