Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga

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Название Visits to Heaven
Автор произведения Josie Varga
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046357

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love was pouring into my soul, the likes of which I have never experienced. No love on the face of the earth can compare with the unconditional love of the Light. Healed in a nanosecond of all the false illusions I previously held about myself—the low self-esteem, the guilt, the inability to love myself fully—I was now receiving the most precious gift from the Light who was showing me how LOVED I am with no strings attached!

      The Light infused itself into my being, and I infused myself into the Light, becoming one with the Light; there was no separation. We were ONE. I knew “who” the Light was. It was as if my soul memory had given birth to that knowledge the instant I saw the Light. I understood at my soul level that it was the Light of God. I was back in the loving arms of my Creator! How ecstatic I felt to be “home” again where I came from and where I will once again return when my life on earth is through. I had entered the ultimate destination of my true being and the JOY I felt cannot be measured.

      All the while I was merged into Oneness with the Light of God; communication took place telepathically, and everything was happening simultaneously because time as we know it was absent. Traveling at a tremendous rate of speed, the Light and I moved through the dark universe, and I witnessed at least eleven dimensions that are quite different from our three-dimensional world we live in.

      My deceased friend for whom I was delivering the eulogy stood beside me, holding my hand and letting me know he was alright and very happy. I had no reason to grieve for him any longer. Again, this was all taking place through an enhanced perception apart from my physical body and physical consciousness. My spirit self which is all-knowing saw that my deceased friend was still alive, although in a different form, invisible to others in the present three-dimensional reality our physical bodies live in.

      In that heavenly realm where truth exists, I comprehended everything that was communicated to me by the Light as absolute truth. I didn’t have to question or doubt anything that was said or what I was experiencing.

      I was given a life review. Prior to this experience, I believed that when we die, God has been keeping a record of our good and bad deeds and that if we have been very bad, we would go to hell. If we were very good, we would go to heaven and be loved by God.

      My life review was so different from my expectations. The Light of God loved me through all the scenes of my human life without casting judgment on me. I was judging myself as I witnessed the events in my life when I didn’t love myself or others. The most important criteria for judging my life review was based on only one thing—how well I had used my life to give love to others. Was I a Light-bearer or a Light-extinguisher?

      Comprehending that truth was crystal clear as I was now beginning to understand that human beings have the spark of the Light/God within their souls. It is in releasing that light energy or Divine Love that makes a holy difference in the world, one person at a time and in each person’s little corner of the world through his or her relationships with one another.

      My life review was rather painful as I witnessed ALL the times when I withheld my love from others because of anger, frustration, vindictiveness, or apathy. I realized I had so many opportunities every single day to be a vessel of light and love but had failed. As painful as that was to me, the Light of God was loving me through this life review knowing that I was learning a great lesson in realizing the importance of loving others. “I would try not to make the same mistakes again, now that I know better,” I thought.

      “God, I want to stay with you forever!” I shouted. I knew I had to disconnect from my physical body—that woman who was delivering the eulogy at the same time my spirit self was in the realm of the Beloved so I contemplated giving “Nancy” a heart attack.

      “NO, NO,” I heard the Light of God firmly telling me. “You can’t stay; you have to go back and tell others what you learned while you were here with me.” At that point I was ready and more than willing to return back to the physical dimension in order to fulfill what God wanted me to do. In fact, I was deliriously enthralled to be able to use my life to bring honor and glory to the One who called me to heaven’s door to bear witness to this miraculous encounter with the Beloved. The immense love I had for God during this experience was so enormous that I wanted to do anything the Light wanted me to do . . . anything! Using my life to fulfill this service to God would be my gift back to my Great Teacher. “YES, YES! I will gladly return to the earth plane to embark upon my mission for you, God. YES!” I breathlessly cried out.

      “Wait a minute, dear child, before you make your decision; you must know what your life will be like should you accept this calling,” I heard my Great Teacher tell me. I was then given a life preview of what my “mission” would be—the details of my work for the Light. Yes, it would certainly be challenging as I viewed this life preview, but I was reassured that the Light would never leave me and we would work together as a team in getting this “mission” completed. I was told, “As long as you hold onto my hand and don’t let go, I shall lead, you will follow; the path ahead of you will be prepared for you.”

      I was so lovingly embraced by the Light’s unconditional love and with the promise of faithfulness to me and to the work I would carry out for God that I had no hesitation at all in making my decision. My soul was bursting with passion to serve the One who had graced me with a new life, a new purpose, and a new love that I carry with me to this day.

      When I made my decision to go ahead with this endeavor, the Light flooded my consciousness with ultimate knowledge. I knew everything there was to know—past, present, and future. Every word and every thought that was or will ever be spoken or written was made known to me. I was not permitted to remember all that knowledge upon my return to the physical dimension however, only parts of it. From among the thousands of cases that have been studied by researchers, this is what all near-death experiencers report as well. This is one of the classic, across-the-board similarities through over thirty years of scientific research that suggests that this is a common thread among experiencers.

      With regard to this issue of recalling all knowledge given to experiencers during their experience, PMH Atwater, noted near-death experience researcher, wrote an article, “When NDE ‘Truths’ Are in Conflict . . .” in the International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc. publication, Vital Signs Vol. XXVIII, No 4, 2008. In that article, she states, “no single experiencer can supply all the answers! The power of the neardeath phenomenon and what it can tell us can best be found in a synthesis or summary of the many. True, just being around an experiencer or reading experiencer books can be life changing. I grant you that. But transferring to any experiencer the role of speaking for everyone else or being the best speaker or having the most to say or holding the record for the most harrowing case or being the most angelic or gifted or blessed or verified or stunning is tantamount to self-deception. Guess who is fooling whom?”

      I immensely respect Atwater’s investigative work in this field of consciousness study. So I support her opinion on this particular topic and that is why I have decided to include it in my personal account. You see, my Great Teacher taught me something that Atwater apparently senses as well and what apparently led her to write an extensive article in Vital Signs about this subject. Let me explain.

      One of the greatest light bulb moments during my experience occurred when I learned that the SMALLEST ACTS OF KINDNESS were immense acts, spiritually speaking. Why? It is simply because the ego is not involved in these acts. We do them simply because we are motivated by our “inner voice” to do them. It is the loving thing to do! We do not expect a pat on the back or any type of reciprocity for doing that small act. In fact, we don’t even think we are doing anything of any great significance when we do it. This is a HUGE, HUGE spiritual deed and something the Light of God wanted me to help people realize because when we unselfishly do this, we are expressing through us the Light into the world. The LIGHT!!! Every day there are countless ways of elevating ourselves to a higher and a more divine Light-embodied soul being by simply responding to the love within us by doing small acts of kindness.

      As I said earlier, during my life review, I was shown ALL of those moments in my life when I chose not to act upon those small moments of loving kindness. Please, please don’t make the same mistake