Like Cats and Dogs. Alexis Stanton

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Название Like Cats and Dogs
Автор произведения Alexis Stanton
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781947892163

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she snapped. “It is.”

      He ignored her sharp tone as he stopped. “I like to get an early jump on the day.” He lowered himself down onto the exercise mat.

      “At six a.m.?” she demanded.

      “Best time to do exercises.” He launched into his sit-ups, and her angry face appeared and disappeared whenever he moved to the upright position. “No noises, no distractions. I can work myself into a calm, meditative state.”

      She looked like she was about to say something highly unpleasant, but before she could speak, Frank appeared at the entrance to the living room. The dog spotted Mozart crouched nearby. He barked and lunged for the cat.

      “No, Frank!” Laura shouted.

      Mozart sprang to her feet and ran away—right across Spencer’s chest. Frank followed, also using Spencer as a highway. Laura chased after both of them, continuing to shout Frank’s name as Mozart yowled.

      Spencer lay back on the floor with a long, exasperated exhale. So much for a calm, meditative state. It would be next to impossible to continue to work out with so much chaos around him. He rolled to his feet and went after the parade of human, dog, and cat.

      “Easy, Moz,” he said when he gathered her up off the fireplace mantel. He eyed Laura, who held a bristling Frank’s collar. “Can your pet behave?”

      “Can you?” she fired back. Tugging Frank with her, she marched out of the living room and up the stairs. Spencer heard her door bang shut.

      He carried Mozart up to his room and put the annoyed cat inside. Once she was secure, he decided he could try to get in a little more exercise. Writing was always easier if he worked out, and he felt the burden of his dissertation crushing him the longer it took him to get down to business.

      Jumping rope helped dispel some of his irritation with Laura. She’d looked at him as if he had been busy kicking puppies, not exercising. He didn’t know how she stayed so fit, between sleeping in and eating pizza.

      Not that he was looking at her figure or anything. No. He certainly wasn’t doing that.

      Once his workout was done, he headed upstairs and grabbed his toiletries kit and robe. A nice hot shower never failed to settle his thoughts and prepare him for the day ahead.

      He walked to the bathroom and tried the door. It was locked. From inside, he heard the sounds of water running. He knocked.

      “Just a minute!” Laura said.

      But it wasn’t a minute. For a full five minutes, he stood there, listening to her brushing her teeth. It sounded like she went over every tooth twice, and then added a third time for good measure. He was also treated to the sounds of her gargling and rinsing.

      Finally, just as Spencer was ready to bathe in the kitchen sink, the door opened. Laura emerged in a swirl of humid mist.

      She beamed at him, showing off her extremely clean teeth. “All yours.” Without a backward glance, she sauntered into her room and closed the door behind her.

      Spencer peered into the bathroom. Damp towels were everywhere and the mirrors were fogged. It looked as if an entire sorority had used the bathroom, not one woman.

      Even better, only one hand towel remained for him.

      With an exasperated grumble, Spencer stalked into the bathroom. He’d just have to make do for now, but this kind of disrespect would not stand. At least it wouldn’t last much longer.

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