The Third World War Is in Progress Now. Tawny Eagle

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Название The Third World War Is in Progress Now
Автор произведения Tawny Eagle
Жанр Юмористическая фантастика
Издательство Юмористическая фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781728354057

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President of America as a godsend allowing the roll back of all the legislation to protect the environment that had been introduced and generally giving them permission to operate in all areas, to grow and dominate. Never have they had times like this since Dick Cheney, an “Oil Man” was vice president 2001 to 2009. In fact, Politics in America is sometimes better described as “Poilitics”





      The forces on the Oil price however are anything but natural market ones but then neither are the people advising big Oil, they are a breed apart bred by a career structure that is unlike all others. Executives are almost exclusively from certain families and universities, they form a skeletal structure of employees in a multinational Organisation, Nepotism and Elitism both thrive here and forget all forms of equality. The rest of the employees, high performers, and professionally qualified people that they may be, will never progress into higher management despite outperforming some of the skeletal group throughout their whole career.

      This is not openly published but a secret current estimated potential for each person, is held by Human Resources the non-elite are related to a multipoint maximum pay scale. (The employee’s pay is at maximums related to industry average at certain points of their career, based on the company’s need for them.) The rest of the time pay is deliberately dropped down the rankings. On any oil price dip, to give a sense of pain and an attitude to do whatever to “save” the company pay and perks are reduced as well as laying off workers as much as thirty percent will be laid off in this crash (seventeen percent in 2016).

      The Managed Resourcing System run by a completely imperious and opaque HR department, that incidentally always has more Vice presidents of the company than any other department, sees to it that the “important group”, using a five year plan ahead for from day one of their career, are moved through. To facilitate this, they move around the others using Managed Resourcing panels, to cope. The non-elite group have no forward notice of job changes and family location changes or layoffs, loss of bonuses and allowances in a price crash etc. The non-elite group are practically unaware that the other group exists. This is all designed to have a management class and an extremely insecure and hard working very able majority that are very compliant.

      Most of the international staff, which virtually all of the Skeletal group form part of, will live in at least 8 countries during their career and so become part of an expat company driven culture losing their own. Even mostly using company specific terms and abbreviations in all of their conversations. They take on a deep-seated view of the world from the company perspective and are brain washed. In most countries large corporations frequently have meetings with Prime Ministers or President, Diplomats or Kings, in Europe and America that is no different. This facilitation of the needs of big business, which is what happens after the meetings, is seen as good business sense for the country and the offshoots of that apart from tax directly from the large company, is all of the associated work resources tax and payments that the company will give as spinoffs to the country at large.

      Against this backdrop, when this advice is given it is given by an elite brainwashed with heavy vested interests in their Corporation not much vested in an individual country or even specific culture. The advice given will therefore be what is exactly best for the Corporation not what is best for the industry or the individual companies in it. The advice taken by the President of America for instance would bankrupt most of the small companies who had worked hard and made with great efficiency the shale Oil industry work. Many of the people who worked in it don’t really have other great opportunities to work certainly not at the same rate of pay most are blue collar semi-skilled used to very physical hard work.

      It is hardly surprising that President of America considering the negative characteristics that we all know he has, and the appointments in government he has made of his family members, that he and his team did not think about that nor put in place or get advice on how to put in place, any realistic system that could help the Oil industry. Neither did he look at the long-term effects of the borrowing that he is embarking on, taking America’s debt to much higher levels than ever before, some of the loans coming from China, where The president also has 10s of millions of personal Loans.

      Americas actions and opinions of course were perfect news for the multinationals because it means that competing small firms in America were severely harmed or eliminated. Semi-skilled and even skilled workers became more plentiful and compliant, and of course cheaper. America will need the large companies to succeed even more than ever so they will be afforded greater power to get whatever they want. Their needs to create infrastructure or permissions to drill granted by relaxation of environmental demands, using the saving of the nation as a premise, will be allowed to resurrect the Oil supply. It was also clear that many nations would have to change the tax regime, to allow for lower taxes and therefore losses for the Oil companies until the Oil price situation could be stabilised and a re-organisation effective.

      The corona virus was used in highly creative ways to give excuses for problems for which there would be aid given, it became a general catchphrase or catch all, thus avoiding subsidy laws. National Oil companies (NOCs) are generally government owned puppets and investment vehicles, with very few technical staff, those they have are used to oversee the work done by the multinational operators on their behalf, in partnerships from a financial rather than technical point of view. The Trouble with an NOC, is that they are run by governments and therefore run for the best interests of the government politically not necessarily the company or the state that they represent. Corruption is endemic in these organisations and accountability extremely low, they are therefore not as attractive to invest in as the multinational Oil companies, which means that they tend to grow less and don’t become such major corporations perpetuating the Stranglehold on Energy by the large supermajors.

      The effect of all of the customs cultures and governance within the Oil Supermajors, is that they form a structure similar to a nation within themselves, and definitely hold a set of objectives and opinions, most of which are to continue to grow and develop morphing into whatever kind of structure is required to get to their goals and push out opposition competition and rivals. The Oil companies can perceive rivalry from governments, international law, taxation, national Oil companies, other Energy companies and even changing market conditions, they plan and act against all these threats. In the end because of the speciality of the subject the Oil companies are opaque organisations. Many people are not aware of the extent of their activity, most people think of the upstream when they talk about the Oil industry, that is the operation of going out and finding then producing the Oil and Gas, that is obviously a major activity and very visible but it is probably only less than one quarter of their operational expenditure.

      The earnings are also differently spread than most think, the petrol and diesel produced are a large volume of liquids and money, but not the most profitable part of their organisation. The most profitable part of their organisation is all of the products that they produced from it which have diffused into the daily life of every person on the planet. The most famous of which are plastics, which have created such an environmental problem but also an immense step ahead in the ease of life of people. The full gambit of products that come from petroleum industry are sometimes surprising search as all kinds of dyes fabrics many of which are involved in the fabrication of clothes as well as any other cloth material that is in our daily life like curtains sofa covers carpets and all the linen, even houses. Another surprise is the fact that Oil is heavily involved in the manufacture of fertilisers which are used on many of the farms, which have increased the production and fertility of the land no end in fact if one examines modern life most things we have and do involve hydrocarbons in various ways not just the Energy component of them.

      The European Oilfield was born really in the 1970s and the companies encouraged in order to create an alternative supply of Oil to that from the Middle