The Third World War Is in Progress Now. Tawny Eagle

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Название The Third World War Is in Progress Now
Автор произведения Tawny Eagle
Жанр Юмористическая фантастика
Издательство Юмористическая фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781728354057

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them; therefore, the COVID-19 would surely spread also to the American continent. The west did not know that the COVID-19 strain was more severe than the usual strains that were around, in that it affected all areas of the lungs rather than single lobes. This made treating the COVID-19 or holding its effects at bay long enough for the patient to recover much more difficult especially in certain at-risk groups with key weaknesses for the COVID-19 to exploit.

      At the end of January. First with President of China and President of Russia then President of Russia and King Salman picked up the conversation in the same managed manner as before.

      President of China – We are now ready for the shut in and eradication of the COVID-19 from China. Many preparations have been made and we have identified the first carrier. He was in fact the loud-mouthed doctor that tried to denounce the epidemic. It tuned out that he had managed to isolate the COVID-19 on his own and was using it as a terrorist act in the defamation effort on China. He had miscalculated its effects on humans and the transmission methods. We are now aware that the COVID-19 can be transmitted airborne in aerosol form, which he did not count on and he contracted the COVID-19 himself probably in that manner whilst handling it. Unfortunately he passed away during the night.

      President of Russia - I am asking only to know as it may come out later on due to the fervour with which the West took up the cause of the doctor did he die of the COVID-19 or was there another cause of death?

      The President of China - As I said we have set about eradicating the COVID-19 from China I am not prepared to go into details of what all our eradication methods are or what effect they have had. I find the West very weak in their acceptance of root cause elimination. I am also completely intolerant of any terrorist act towards China therefore I’ve taken it upon my own responsibility to do whatever I feel is in the best interests of China. I have good and competent people to advise me and we have an extraordinarily strong team. Once we have decided we act, and it is extremely unlikely that any of the less popular part of my fight against the COVID-19 will ever be known by the West.

      We have far superior listening and intelligence systems to theirs and we have heard no indication that they have any more than a superficial understanding what we’re doing. Our listening devices and information gathering services completely cover America and I believe we intercept every telephone call they make and every email. The same is not true in the reverse case. Interestingly the Americans go around boasting that they intercept all world telephone calls and emails, yet we do, and they don’t, they are way behind us in technology to do that.

      President of Russia - If anything like that should come to light, I will not give public support to it I will stand back from that situation. I will not condemn it however stating that the internal workings of a country and the decisions of crime and punishment as well as saving of their citizens lives is a course to be plotted by every leader add his own responsibility. Now let’s continue to discuss your preparations that you have made, and any interactions and assistance that you need.

      President of China- I will need you not to expel Chinese citizens from Russia until after the shutdown and reduce flights to China as much as possible. We must get a good handle on areas with the COVID-19 and seek to eradicate it. We feel that regular disinfectant can kill the COVID-19 in less than a minute even from hard services, where otherwise it would last up to 9 days. We will have to implement a zero-tolerance lockdown and regular disinfecting of all communal areas and encourage people to regularly disinfect their houses and of course not spread the disease amongst themselves as much as possible.

      We will then have to aggressively test, monitor and isolate infected people until we get to a situation where we know we have clear areas which we can open up and allow people to continue with their normal business. When international transport travel will again be possible, we don’t know. There will always have to be a level social distancing greater than there was before this COVID-19 came out if a similar thing is to be avoided again. This time is more like a trial run with a less deadly virus than some (nowhere near the deadliness of Ebola or the Spanish flue). The COVID-19 is not as severe as it could have been. If this had been a severe virus or a chemical attack, we can see that none of us were really prepared for it and that is really frightening. From now on we will have to be a lot better prepared for anything like this. Just imagine if it had been a serious chemical attack with a deadly agent or a deadly Virus.

      President of Russia – We are developing those biological weapons for the reasons you mentioned. In fact, as my intelligence tells me are you developing such things as a much better alternative to nuclear. The main aim we have is to make a Virus like this relatively long lasting outside the body with an incubation time of weeks to leave doubt who deployed it or what it is and how highly transmittable it is before symptoms show deadly and fast acting progress to death once its symptoms show. The virus then will be totally able to be eradicated after it has worked, so that the territory affected can be used again for the new owners! It seems that we are close to a modifiable Virus with the COVID-19 strain. I imagine that China will gain a lot of information on how Viruses spread and work and this would be especially useful to know for the future. It may be quite easy to deploy this kind of Virus in an emergency if the techniques are refined.

      Anyhow let us keep in touch I’ll let you go about your business. Good luck with the eradication let’s meet again in say a couple of weeks’ time when we start to get some results from our efforts and plan how long we think it will be before we can go to the next phase.

      Later in the week President of Russia calls King Salman.

      King of Saudi Arabia– Hello President, Things are working better than I had hoped we have managed to hire an extra 14 very large crude carriers meaning that our total capacity will be around 66 very large crude carriers and that will give us volume of Oil to transport around 132 million barrels. I expect within the week to have at least 15 sailing for America we will get them to the ports in South of North America, as soon as we can load and sail them, for unloading there as soon as possible. The second wave starting 2 weeks later will be 25 tankers then 22 more will follow and if I can get more, I’ll send them too.

      I calculate that the American stock tanks were probably 60% full, the total capacity being 521 million barrels so they probably have around 200 million barrels spare space and will be filling it now, with the over-production from the shale boys. If I can send in three waves of VLCCS that will take two thirds of the space available and therefore shorten dramatically any support that the industry in America can gain from the government buying up the Oil and putting it in reserves. That means any support will be much shorter than they were counting on, our over production is going exceptionally well and our storage tanks now lower due to the tanker loading. I can still refill the storage after announcing the production cut and therefore not actually stop over-production but get ready in case of any sudden demand and stop them becoming empty after filling up all the tankers.

      With these actions I know that the stock market and all companies will panic. I believe that we will see a WTI crude negative price very soon I am hoping to hold this at well below economic levels for the shale Oil and many of the other American Oil production projects. If the economic effects happen they will force the bankruptcy of many of the small producers and thereby create great reluctance in the international investors to renegotiate loans or refinance any of the Oil industry in America.

      The President of America is of course panicking as his ticket to re-election was going to be the economy which is now in ruins. He is proposing trillions of dollars’ worth of aid for the population of America (as bribes) and of course going into overdrive blaming anyone for anything so he can to try and distract the attention from himself.

      I remain extremely worried about what he might turn to save himself race riots wars he is capable of anything for distraction.

      That said of course I think for the moment we are in an incredibly good position with regards to this challenge of the world Oil price and I don’t think it could be going any better. Certainly, the incompetent stewardship of the President of Americawill help when he is as they say, up to his knees in crocodiles because of his past stupidity and ridiculous actions. The way he has dealt with the corona, the constant lies that he spouts and the rubbish that he talks without any facts means he has many battles all at one time and he cannot keep