Let's Go Europe 2019. Harvard Student Agencies

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Название Let's Go Europe 2019
Автор произведения Harvard Student Agencies
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781612370545

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and everyone in between. You could easily spend an entire day hopping from beach to beach with sporadic walks on the Promenade des Anglais, but we also recommend renting a bike and using the cyclists’ lanes for some exercise down by the sea.

       i Free; wheelchair accessible


      Image SOCCA D’OR ($)

      45 Rue Bonaparte; 04 93 56 52 93; www.restaurant-soccador-nice.fr; open M-Tu 11am-2pm and 6pm-10pm, Th-Sa 11am-2pm and 6pm-10pm

      An authentic local hang, Socca D’Or is just steps away from the pier and offers a chance to try the Niçoise specialty: socca (duh). Socca, a chickpea pancake from Genoa, and we recommend getting a demi-plate along with a large pizza or salad. When in doubt, just order what the person next to you is having. You’ll be in luck if it happens to be one of the restaurant’s scrumptious desserts, like a caramel crêpe. On particularly hot days, sit inside and admire paintings of the port, or brave the heat and sit on the restaurant’s sidewalk terrace for a true Nice experience.

       i Socca from €3, pizzas and salads from €8, beer and wine from €3; cash only; vegetarian options available; wheelchair accessible

      Monaco seeks to disprove those who say “size matters.” Second to none in class and style, the tiny, two square kilometer Principality of Monaco is an independent city-state surrounded by French territory. Known as a private getaway for the affluent, mainly due to the no-income-tax rule for residents, Monaco calls to mind stacks of dollars, euros, pounds, pesos, or rupees. Housing the famed casino, Hôtel de Paris, and pavilions abundant with designer brand storefronts, the Monte Carlo neighborhood is the glam capital of the world. Stick to the army of tourists, avoid unwanted glances, and do a lot of eyeballing. They can’t charge you for looking inside, right? Aside from Monte Carlo and the accompanying Grand Prix, however, Monaco has a stunning Old Town with a royal palace built on Le Rocher, which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The entire city-state can be knocked out in one day, if done properly. Get prepared, dear budget backpacker: you’re entering high roller town.

      Monaco is divided mostly into four different areas. Towards the western part of the city-state, on the Rock of Monaco, is Monaco-Ville, the old, fortified part of the city. Here, you’ll find the Prince’s palace and some of the cheaper restaurants and shops. To the west of Monaco-Ville is Fontvieille, the newest areas, that houses the stadium of AS Monaco (yes, even this city-state has a football team. This is Europe). North of Monaco-Ville is La Condamine, which is right at Port Hercule. This is the starting point of the famed Grand Prix. Finally, east of Condamine is Monte-Carlo. Popularized by Selena Gomez, Monte-Carlo is the most luxurious and famous area of Monaco where you’ll find the famous Monte-Carlo Casino and Hôtel de Paris.


      Getting to Hallstatt is easiest by train. Trains stop at many towns surrounding the lake; Hallstatt’s station is across the lake from the town itself. A ferry runs back and forth between the station and the center of town, and is both a convenient and fun way to start your visit (€2.50 one-way). Buses also loop from Hallstatt back and forth between Obertraun and Bad Goisern.


      Given Monaco’s small size, you can save a ton by walking. Some parts of the city—like the palace—are built on a rock, so you’ll spend a good portion of your day on an incline. Monaco does have a transport system for people who don’t own private helicopters or yachts. The public bus transportation consists of five bus lines. A one-way ticket is €2 on-board the bus and €1.50 if purchased in advance at a machine. The buses usually run from 6am-9pm. A night bus operates from 10pm-4am. There is also a boat bus that crosses the harbor for €2.

       Swing by…


      Pl. du Casino; 92 16 20 00; www.fr.casinomontecarlo.com; tours open 9am-1pm, gambling open 2pm-4am

      Luxurious casinos frequented by millionaires isn’t what comes to mind when you hear the word “backpackers.” But we’ll be damned if we don’t try. Here’s how to get in: Pass the fortified barrier of Ferrari and Lamborghinis parked outside. Avoid the snarky glances of doormen as they check your bag. You belong here. Act the part. Be Jay Gatsby. Be James Bond. Once you’ve played this small melodrama in your head, realize you’re surrounded by mobs of tourists like yourself who want to see how the 1% lives. So, come early to explore the golden-clad walls, marble pillars, and magnificent chandeliers all while listening to the history of the casino with an audio guide. From 2pm onwards, the casino is 18+ and the gambling commences in a different renowned salle.

       i Admission from €12, children 13-18 from €8, children 6-12 from €6; audio guide available; wheelchair accessible

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