Pocket Prayers for Troubled Times. John Pritchard

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Название Pocket Prayers for Troubled Times
Автор произведения John Pritchard
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780715143964

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me, my God and King,

      In all things thee to see;

      And what I do in anything

      To do it as for thee!

      All may of thee partake;

      Nothing can be so mean

      Which with this tincture, ‘for thy sake’,

      Will not grow bright and clean.

      A servant with this clause

      Makes drudgery divine;

      Who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,

      Makes that and the action fine.

      This is the famous stone

      That turneth all to gold;

      For that which God doth touch and own

      Cannot for less be told.

      George Herbert (1593–1633)

      Jesus, Master Carpenter of Nazareth,

      who on the cross through wood and nails

      did work our whole salvation:

      wield well your tools in this the workshop of your


      that we who come to you rough hewn

      may by your hand be fashioned to a truer beauty

      and a greater usefulness,

      for the honour of your name.

      Toc H


      When we pray in troubled economic times we can easily feel powerless, caught in a machine much larger than anything we can influence. Many prayers, therefore, take us into the heart of the heart of God where there is reassurance and hope beyond the vicissitudes of every day.

      I believe I shall see the goodness of the Lord

      in the land of the living.

      Wait for the Lord;

      be strong, and let your heart take courage;

      wait for the Lord!

      Psalm 27.13–14, NRSV

      Lord, in these times

      when we fear we are losing hope

      or feel that our efforts are futile,

      let us see in our hearts and minds

      the image of your resurrection.

      Let that be our source of courage and strength,

      and with that, and in your company,

      help us to face our challenges and struggles

      against all that is born of despair,

      through Jesus Christ our living hope.

      From the Philippines

      In you Lord I live,

      I move,

      I have my being.

      In me Lord you live,

      you move,

      you have your being.

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