The Handy Little Guide to Adoration. Michelle Jones Schroeder

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Название The Handy Little Guide to Adoration
Автор произведения Michelle Jones Schroeder
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781681923222

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the Eucharist in a way that feels more active, more alive than it did before I started going to adoration. It’s like the different level of intimacy you enjoy with a friend you spend a lot of time with compared with one you run into once in a while.

      Sometimes I invite someone to go with me. If I have a friend who is struggling with something, I invite them along, hoping the experience might give them the same peace it gives me. Often friends will ask what I do when I’m there. As I think about it, I wonder how many people avoid adoration because they have no clue what they are supposed to be doing! Maybe the concept of going inside a church or chapel for freestyle communion with God is something we haven’t been properly introduced to yet. But it’s simply too good an opportunity to pass up.

      Some of my most Spirit-filled moments have occurred in the adoration chapel. I find peace if my mind is restless and clarity if my heart is troubled. If I’m really happy about something, it’s awesome to share my joy and gratitude with the risen Lord. As I’ve spent time there with God, I am able to listen more attentively to his directions and feel more clearly the gentle guidance he provides. It’s a unique feeling of being surrounded by his love in the midst of daily stress and chaos. I credit the time I spend in adoration with helping me grow in my faith and strengthen my reliance on and devotion to Jesus.

      Let me invite you to spend this one-on-one time with the Lord. Whether your heart is filled with joy, fear, gratitude, or problems, adoration is the perfect opportunity to bring it all to Our Lord. If you’re a Catholic who hasn’t ventured inside an adoration chapel, ask yourself why not. To be honest, the first time I opened the door, I experienced a little fear of the unknown. Is it like that for you? Do you assume you have to be in a holy, meditative mood or perfect state of grace to go to adoration? Have you walked by a chapel and wondered what exactly was happening inside? Are you afraid you’ll do something wrong and stick out like a sore thumb?

      Open the door. Go inside. Jesus is waiting there with open arms, looking to have a more personal relationship with you. In the following pages you will see different ideas and suggestions to use as you venture into this amazing experience. Read this book before you go, bring it with you, jot down ideas sparked by something you’ve read. It’s your time with Jesus, enjoy it!


      The Nuts and Bolts of Adoration

      To be fair, we don’t have to go to an adoration chapel to pray in the living presence of the Eucharist. Each time we step foot in a church, the consecrated Eucharist is reposed in the tabernacle (which is why we should always genuflect or bow even if we’re only running in to grab a church bulletin). We can sit and pray in front of Our Lord in the tabernacle any time the church doors are unlocked, and that’s a wonderful alternative if an adoration chapel is not an option at a specific time you want to be in his presence. Of course, you can still use any of this book’s suggestions in front of the tabernacle. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of the Eucharist in a worthy place so that it could be brought to the sick and those absent, outside of Mass. As faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist deepened, the Church became conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species” (1379).

      Since we’re human, we tend to be visual, so, for me, I feel less connected looking at a tabernacle and thinking about what’s inside compared to actually looking at the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The chapel is also a more intimate setting than a large church, so you immediately have a sense that this is a more personal encounter. Finally, in an adoration chapel, there is less to draw our attention away from the Blessed Sacrament, such as the beautiful stained glass and statues found in churches; therefore, it’s easier to focus intently on Jesus.

      You may wonder why communicating with Jesus in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is different from any other time you pray. Isn’t Jesus everywhere? It’s not like he won’t hear you if you’re praying in your bedroom or in the car on the way to work.

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