St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration. Susan Tassone

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Название St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration
Автор произведения Susan Tassone
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781681921372

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the Lord Jesus in the monstrance, the love of God was imparted to me for the first time and filled my little heart; and the Lord gave me understanding of divine things. From that day until this, my love for the hidden God has been growing constantly to the point of closest intimacy. All the strength of my soul flows from the Blessed Sacrament. I spend all my free moments in conversation with Him. He is my Master. (1404)

      To stay at Your feet, O hidden God,

      Is the delight and paradise of my soul.

      Here, You give me to know You, O incomprehensible One,

      And You speak to me sweetly: Give Me, give Me your heart.

      Silent conversation, alone with You,

      Is to experience what heavenly beings enjoy,

      And to say to God, “I will, I will give You my heart, O Lord,”

      While You, O great and incomprehensible One, accept it graciously.

      Love and sweetness are my soul’s life,

      And Your unceasing presence in my soul.

      I live on earth in constant rapture,

      And like a Seraph I repeat, “Hosanna!”

      O You Who are hidden, body, soul and divinity,

      Under the fragile form of bread,

      You are my life from Whom springs an abundance of graces;

      And, for me, You surpass the delights of heaven.

      When you unite Yourself with me in Communion, O God,

      I then feel my unspeakable greatness,

      A greatness which flows from You, O Lord, I humbly confess,

      And despite my misery, with Your help, I can become a saint. (1718)

      Hidden Jesus, life of my soul,

      Object of my ardent desire,

      Nothing will stifle Your love in my heart.

      The power of our mutual love assures me of that.

      Hidden Jesus, glorious pledge of my resurrection,

      All my life is concentrated in You.

      It is You, O Host, who empower me to love forever,

      And I know that You will love me as Your child in return.

      Hidden Jesus, my purest love,

      My life with You has begun already here on earth,

      And it will become fully manifest in the eternity to come,

      Because our mutual love will never change.

      Hidden Jesus, sole desire of my soul,

      You alone are to me more than the delights of heaven.

      My soul searches for You only, who are above all gifts and graces,

      You who come to me under the form of bread.

      Hidden Jesus, take at last to Yourself my thirsting heart

      Which burns for You with the pure fire of the Seraphim.

      I go through life in Your footsteps, invincible,

      With head held high, like a knight, feeble maid though I be. (1427)

      My Lord and my God, “hidden” in the Eucharist, I want to use the faith you’ve given me, the grace with which you’ve blessed me, and the love with which you’ve filled my own “little heart,” to “tear away the veil” and to realize, to truly believe, that with your help, I, too, can become the person — can become the saint — you’re calling me to be.

      II. Adoration with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity

      The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.

      — Romans 8:26

      St. Faustina understood that the Divine Spirit — the Holy Spirit — works within each one of us to make us holy. To fill our life and our soul with His fruits and gifts. To lead us to sainthood.

      Setting an example for all of us, in the midst of busy work periods she would often pause for a moment and pray: “Most Holy Trinity, I adore you!”

      In her profound prayer “O Divine Spirit,” she invites us to welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts under all circumstances and allow Him to penetrate our souls and introduce us into the life of the Holy Trinity.

      O Divine Spirit, Spirit of truth and of light,

      Dwell ever in my soul by Your divine grace.

      May Your breath dissipate the darkness,

      And in this light may good deeds be multiplied.

      O Divine Spirit, Spirit of love and of mercy,

      You pour the balm of trust into my heart,

      Your grace confirms my soul in good,

      Giving it the invincible power of constancy.

      O Divine Spirit, Spirit of peace and of joy,

      You invigorate my thirsting heart

      And pour into it the living fountain of God’s love,

      Making it intrepid for battle.

      O Divine Spirit, my soul’s most welcome guest,

      For my part, I want to remain faithful to You;

      Both in days of joy and in the agony of suffering,

      I want always, O Spirit of God, to live in Your presence.

      O Divine Spirit, who pervade my whole being

      And give me to know Your Divine, Triune Life,

      And lead me into the mystery of Your Divine Being,

      Initiating me into Your Divine Essence,

      Thus united to You, I will live a life without end. (1411)

      When St. Faustina asked the Holy Trinity, “Who are You?,” this was God’s response:

      On one occasion I was reflecting on the Holy Trinity, on the essence of God. I absolutely wanted to know and fathom who God is…. In an instant my spirit was caught up into what seemed to be the next world. I saw an inaccessible light, and in this light what appeared like three sources of light which I could not understand. And out of that light came words in the form of lightning which encircled heaven and earth. Not understanding anything, I was very sad. Suddenly, from this sea of inaccessible light came our dearly beloved Savior, unutterably beautiful with His shining Wounds. And from this light came a voice which said, Who God is in His Essence, no one will fathom, neither the mind of Angels nor of man. Jesus said to me, Get to know God by contemplating His attributes. (30)

      The first attribute which the Lord gave me to know is His holiness. His holiness is so great that all the Powers and Virtues tremble before Him. The pure spirits veil their faces and lose themselves in unending adoration, and with one single word they express the highest form of adoration; that is — Holy…. The holiness of God is poured out upon the Church of God and upon every living soul in it, but not in the same degree. There are souls who are completely penetrated by God, and there are those who are barely alive.

      The second kind of knowledge which the Lord granted me concerns His justice. His justice is so great and penetrating that it reaches deep into the heart of things, and all things stand before Him in naked truth, and nothing can withstand Him.