God Is Always Near. Pope Francis

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Название God Is Always Near
Автор произведения Pope Francis
Жанр Словари
Издательство Словари
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781612789200

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exactly go to prison because he was like Blessed Imelda; he was no saint. These are scandals, and they cause damage.

      One other thing … I’ve never said this before, but I have come to realize it. I think that the Curia has fallen somewhat from the level it once had, in bygone days, where the typical profile of the members of the Curia of old was one of people who faithfully carried out their work. I feel we need such people. I feel there are some, but not as many as there once were. We need more people who fit this profile of the Curia members of old.

      Do I encounter resistance? Well, if there is resistance, I haven’t seen it yet! It’s true that I haven’t done much, but I would have to say that I have found help, and I have found loyal people. For example, I like it when people say to me, “I don’t agree,” and indeed I have encountered this. Or when people say: “But I don’t see that way. I disagree. This is what I think, but do as you wish.” These are truly co-workers. Moreover, I have found people like this in the Curia, which is good. But when people tell me, “Oh, how wonderful, how truly wonderful,” and then say the opposite somewhere else … I have yet to come across this. Maybe it happens. Maybe there are some people like this, but I’m not aware of them. Resistance? After just four months, you won’t find that much!

       Father Lombardi

      We’ll now move on to someone from Brazil, which seems only fitting. So here is Patricia Zorzan. Perhaps Mr. Izoard could come forward, so that we can have a French speaker next.

       Patricia Zorzan

      Speaking on behalf of Brazilians, society has changed. Young people have changed, and in Brazil we have seen many young people. You did not speak about abortion or about same-sex marriage. In Brazil a law has been approved which widens the right to abortion and permits marriage between people of the same sex. Why did you not address these issues?

       Pope Francis

      The Church has already spoken quite clearly on these matters. It was unnecessary to return to these issues, just as I didn’t speak about cheating, lying, or other matters on which the Church has a clear teaching.


      But these are issues that interest young people.

       Pope Francis

      Yes, but it wasn’t necessary to speak about them, but rather about the positive things that open up the path to young people. Isn’t that right? Besides, young people know perfectly well what the Church’s position is.


      What is Your Holiness’ position, if I may ask?

       Pope Francis

      That of the Church. I am a son of the Church.

       Father Lombardi

      Well, now let’s return to the Spanish group, Dario Menor Torres. Excuse me. First of all, Mr. Izoard, whom we have already called forward, so that we have someone from the French group, and then Dario Menor Torres!

       Antoine-Marie Izoard

      Greetings, Your Holiness, on behalf of my French-speaking colleagues on board this flight—of whom there are nine of us! For a pope who does not want to give interviews, we are truly grateful to you. Since March 13, you have notably insisted on introducing yourself as the Bishop of Rome. We would like to understand the deeper significance of such an insistence. Rather than collegiality, are we perhaps speaking about ecumenism, perhaps of your being the primus inter pares [“first among equals”] of the Church? Thank you.

       Pope Francis

      Indeed, in this regard we must not go beyond what is said. The pope is a bishop, the Bishop of Rome, and because he is the Bishop of Rome he is the Successor of Peter, Vicar of Christ. There are other titles, but the first title is “Bishop of Rome,” and everything flows from that. To say or to think this means being primus inter pares, no, this does not follow. It is simply the pope’s first title: Bishop of Rome. But there are others, too. I think you said something about ecumenism. I think this actually helps ecumenism. But only this…

       Father Lombardi

      Now, Dario Menor of La Razón, from Spain.

       Dario Menor Torres

      A question about how you feel. A week ago you mentioned that a child had asked you how it felt, whether someone could imagine being pope, and whether anyone would want to be pope. You said that people would have to be mad to want such a thing. After your first experience in the midst of a great multitude of people such as you encountered during these days in Rio, can you tell us how it feels to be pope—whether it’s very hard, whether you are happy to be pope, whether in some way your faith has grown, or whether, on the contrary, you have had some doubts. Thank you.

       Pope Francis

      To do the work of a bishop is a wonderful thing; it’s wonderful. The problem arises when someone seeks out such work. Such a thing is not so good; it is not from the Lord. But when the Lord calls a priest to become a bishop, this is something good. There is always the danger of thinking oneself a little superior to others, not like others, somewhat like a prince. There are dangers and there is sin. But the work of a bishop is wonderful: it is to help one’s brothers and sisters move forward. The bishop is ahead of the faithful to mark out the path; the bishop is in the midst of the faithful to foster communion; and the bishop is behind the faithful, because the faithful can often sniff out the right path. The bishop must be like that.

      You asked me whether I like it. Yes, I like being a bishop. I like it. In Buenos Aires I was very happy, very happy! I was happy; it’s true! The Lord helped me in that. But as a priest, I was also happy, and as a bishop, I was also happy. In this sense I say: I like it!

       Question from the floor

      And as pope?

       Pope Francis

      Likewise, likewise! When the Lord puts you there, and if you do what the Lord wants, you are happy. This is my feeling. This is how I feel.

       Father Lombardi

      Now another representative from the Italian group: Salvatore Mazza of Avvenire.

       Salvatore Mazza

      I can’t stand up! Excuse me, I can’t stand up because of all the wires I have under my feet!

      During the past few days we’ve seen you full of energy, even until the late hours of the evening. We are watching you now on board the aircraft that is tilting from side to side, and you’re calmly standing there, without the least bit of hesitation. We would like to ask you the following question. There is talk about future trips. There is a lot of talk about Asia, Jerusalem, and Argentina. Do you already have a more or less definite schedule for next year? Or has everything yet to be decided?

       Pope Francis

      Definite? Nothing is definite. But I can say something about what is being planned. One thing that is definite is September 22 in Cagliari [in Italy]. Then, October 4 in Assisi. Within Italy, I have a plan in mind to go and visit my relatives for a day, flying there one morning and returning the next morning, because, bless them, they call me and we have a good relationship. But only for one day. Outside of Italy, Patriarch Bartholomew I wants to have a meeting to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the meeting between Athenagoras and Paul VI in Jerusalem. The Israeli government has also issued a special invitation to go to Jerusalem. I think the government of the Palestinian Authority has done the same. This is what is in the pipeline, but it is not yet clear whether I’m going or not going.

      As regards Latin America, I don’t think there is a possibility of returning, because