Planet of the Damned - The Original Classic Edition. Harrison Harry

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Название Planet of the Damned - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Harrison Harry
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414758

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the well-worn and handled look of most of them gave Brion an uneasy sensation. If they were used--what in the universe could they be used for?

       "I can't believe it," he finally concluded. "Except for the exotic hardware, this lowbrow looks as if he has sunk back into the Stone

       Age. I don't see how his kind can be any real threat to another planet."

       "The Nyjorders believe it, and that's good enough for me," Ihjel said. "They are paying our Cultural Relationships Foundation a good sum to try and prevent this war. Since they are our employers, we must do what they ask." Brion ignored this large lie, since it was obviously designed as an explanation for Lea. But he made a mental note to query Ihjel later about the real situation.[Pg 39]

       "Here are the tech reports." Ihjel dropped them on the table. "Dis has some spacers as well as the cobalt bombs--though these

       aren't the real threat. A tramp trader was picked up leaving Dis. It had delivered a jump-space launcher that can drop those bombs on Nyjord while anchored to the bedrock of Dis. While essentially a peaceful and happy people, the Nyjorders were justifiably annoyed at this and convinced the tramp's captain to give them some more information. It's all here. Boiled down, it gives a minimum deadline by which time the launcher can be set up and start throwing bombs."

       "When is that deadline?" Lea asked.

       "In ten more days. If the situation hasn't been changed drastically by then, the Nyjorders are going to wipe all life from the face of

       Dis. I assure you they don't want to do it. But they will drop the bombs in order to assure their own survival."

       "What am I supposed to do?" Lea asked, flipping the pages of the report. "I don't know a thing about nucleonics or jump-space. I'm

       an exobiologist, with a supplementary degree in anthropology. What help could I possibly be?"

       Ihjel looked down at her, stroking his jaw, fingers sunk deep into the rolls of flesh. "My faith in our recruiters is restored," he

       said. "That's a combination that is probably rare--even on Earth. You're as scrawny as an underfed chicken, but young enough to survive if we keep a close eye on you." He cut off Lea's angry protest with a raised hand. "No more bickering. There isn't time. The Nyjorders must have lost over thirty agents trying to find the bombs. Our foundation has had six people killed--including my late predecessor in charge of the project. He was a good man, but I think he went at this problem the wrong way. I think it is a cultural one, not a physical one."

       "Run it through again with the power turned up," Lea said, frowning. "All I hear is static."

       "It's the old problem of genesis. Like Newton and the falling apple, Levy and the hysteresis in the warp field. Everything has a beginning. If we can find out[Pg 40] why these people are so hell-bent on suicide we might be able to change the reasons. Not that

       I intend to stop looking for the bombs or the jump-space generator either. We are going to try anything that will avert this planetary murder."

       "You're a lot brighter than you look," Lea said, rising and carefully stacking the sheets of the report. "You can count on me for


       complete cooperation. Now I'll study all this in bed if one of you overweight gentlemen will show me to a room with a strong lock on the inside of the door. Don't call me; I'll call you when I want breakfast."

       Brion wasn't sure how much of her barbed speech was humor and how much was serious, so he said nothing. He showed her to an empty cabin--she did lock the door--then looked for Ihjel. The Winner was in the galley adding to his girth with an immense gelatin dessert that filled a good-sized tureen.

       "Is she short for a native Terran?" Brion asked. "The top of her head is below my chin."

       "That's the norm. Earth is a reservoir of tired genes. Weak backs, vermiform appendixes, bad eyes. If they didn't have the universities and the trained people we need I would never use them."

       "Why did you lie to her about the Foundation?"

       "Because it's a secret--isn't that reason enough?" Ihjel rumbled angrily, scraping the last dregs from the bowl. "Better eat something. Build up the strength. The Foundation has to maintain its undercover status if it is going to accomplish anything. If she returns to Earth after this it's better that she should know nothing of our real work. If she joins up, there'll be time enough to tell her. But I doubt if she will like the way we operate. Particularly since I plan to drop some H-bombs on Dis myself--if we can't turn off the war."

       "I don't believe it!"

       "You heard me correctly. Don't bulge your eyes and look moronic. As a last resort I'll drop the bombs myself rather than let the

       Nyjorders do it. That might save them."[Pg 41]

       "Save them--they'd all be radiated and dead!" Brion's voice rose in anger.

       "Not the Disans. I want to save the Nyjorders. Stop clenching your fists and sit down and have some of this cake. It's delicious. The Nyjorders are all that counts here. They have a planet blessed by the laws of chance. When Dis was cut off from outside contact, the survivors turned into a gang of swampcrawling homicidals. It did the opposite for Nyjord. You can survive there just by pulling fruit off a tree. The population was small, educated, intelligent. Instead of sinking into an eternal siesta they matured into a vitally different society. Not mechanical--they weren't even using the wheel when they were rediscovered. They became sort of cultural specialists, digging deep into the philosophical aspects of interrelationship--the thing that machine societies never have had time for. Of course this was ready-made for the Cultural Relationships Foundation, and we have been working with them ever since. Not guiding so much as protecting them from any blows that might destroy this growing idea. But we've fallen down on the job. Nonviolence is essential to these people--they have vitality without needing destruction. But if they are forced to blow up Dis for their own survival--against every one of their basic tenets--their philosophy won't endure. Physically they'll live on, as just one more dog-eat-dog planet with an A-bomb for any of the competition who drop behind."

       "Sounds like paradise now."

       "Don't be smug. It's just another worldful of people with the same old likes, dislikes and hatreds. But they are evolving a way of liv-ing together, without violence, that may some day form the key to mankind's survival. They are worth looking after. Now get below and study your Disan and read the reports. Get it all pat before we land."[Pg 42]


       "Identify yourself, please." The quiet words from the speaker in no way appeared to coincide with the picture on the screen. The spacer that had matched their orbit over Dis had recently been a freighter. A quick conversion had tacked the hulking shape of a primary weapons turret on top of her hull. The black disc of the immense muzzle pointed squarely at them. Ihjel switched open the ship-to-ship communication channel.

       "This is Ihjel. Retinal pattern 490-BJ4-67--which is also the code that is supposed to get me through your blockade. Do you want to

       check that pattern?"

       "There will be no need, thank you. If you will turn on your recorder I have a message relayed to you from Prime-four."

       "Recording and out," Ihjel said. "Damn! Trouble already, and four days to blowup. Prime-four is our headquarters on Dis. This ship


       carries a cover cargo so we can land at the spaceport. This is probably a change of plan and I don't like the smell of it."

       There was something behind Ihjel's grumbling this time, and without conscious effort Brion could sense the chilling touch of the other man's angst. Trouble was waiting for them on the planet below. When the message was typed by the decoder Ihjel hovered over it, reading each word as it appeared on the paper. When it was finished he only snorted and went below to the galley. Brion pulled

       the message out of the machine and read it.



       Dropping into the darkness was safe enough.