History of Tom Jones, a Foundling - The Original Classic Edition. Fielding Henry

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Название History of Tom Jones, a Foundling - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Fielding Henry
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414499

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Chapter vi -- In which the mistake of the landlord throws Sophia into a dreadful consternation. Chapter vii -- In which Mrs Fitzpatrick concludes her history.

       Chapter viii -- A dreadful alarm in the inn, with the arrival of an unexpected friend of Mrs Fitzpatrick.

       Chapter ix -- The morning introduced in some pretty writing. A stagecoach. The civility of chambermaids. The heroic temper of Sophia. Her generosity. The return to it. The departure of the company, and their arrival at London; with some remarks for the use of travellers.

       Chapter x -- Containing a hint or two concerning virtue, and a few more concerning suspicion. BOOK XII -- CONTAINING THE SAME INDIVIDUAL TIME WITH THE FORMER.

       Chapter i -- Showing what is to be deemed plagiarism in a modern author, and what is to be considered as lawful prize. Chapter ii -- In which, though the squire doth not find his daughter, something is found which puts an end to his pursuit. Chapter iii -- The departure of Jones from Upton, with what passed between him and Partridge on the road.

       Chapter iv -- The adventure of a beggar-man.

       Chapter v -- Containing more adventures which Mr Jones and his companion met on the road.

       Chapter vi -- From which it may be inferred that the best things are liable to be misunderstood and misinterpreted.


       Chapter vii -- Containing a remark or two of our own and many more of the good company assembled in the kitchen. Chapter viii -- In which fortune seems to have been in a better humour with Jones than we have hitherto seen her. Chapter ix -- Containing little more than a few odd observations.

       Chapter x -- In which Mr Jones and Mr Dowling drink a bottle together.

       Chapter xi -- The disasters which befel Jones on his departure for Coventry; with the sage remarks of Partridge.

       Chapter xii -- Relates that Mr Jones continued his journey, contrary to the advice of Partridge, with what happened on that occasion.

       Chapter xiii -- A dialogue between Jones and Partridge.

       Chapter xiv -- What happened to Mr Jones in his journey from St Albans. BOOK XIII -- CONTAINING THE SPACE OF TWELVE DAYS. Chapter i -- An Invocation.

       Chapter ii -- What befel Mr Jones on his arrival in London.

       Chapter iii -- A project of Mrs Fitzpatrick, and her visit to Lady Bellaston. Chapter iv -- Which consists of visiting.

       Chapter v -- An adventure which happened to Mr Jones at his lodgings, with some account of a young gentleman who lodged there, and of the mistress of the house, and her two daughters.

       Chapter vi -- What arrived while the company were at breakfast, with some hints concerning the government of daughters. Chapter vii -- Containing the whole humours of a masquerade.

       Chapter viii -- Containing a scene of distress, which will appear very extraordinary to most of our readers. Chapter ix -- Which treats of matters of a very different kind from those in the preceding chapter.

       Chapter x -- A chapter which, though short, may draw tears from some eyes. Chapter xi -- In which the reader will be surprized.

       Chapter xii -- In which the thirteenth book is concluded. BOOK XIV -- CONTAINING TWO DAYS.

       Chapter i -- An essay to prove that an author will write the better for having some knowledge of the subject on which he writes. Chapter ii -- Containing letters and other matters which attend amours.

       Chapter iii -- Containing various matters.

       Chapter iv -- Which we hope will be very attentively perused by young people of both sexes. Chapter v -- A short account of the history of Mrs Miller.

       Chapter vi -- Containing a scene which we doubt not will affect all our readers.


       Chapter vii -- The interview between Mr Jones and Mr Nightingale.

       Chapter viii -- What passed between Jones and old Mr Nightingale; with the arrival of a person not yet mentioned in this history. Chapter ix -- Containing strange matters.

       Chapter x -- A short chapter, which concludes the book.

       BOOK XV -- IN WHICH THE HISTORY ADVANCES ABOUT TWO DAYS. Chapter i -- Too short to need a preface.

       Chapter ii -- In which is opened a very black design against Sophia. Chapter iii -- A further explanation of the foregoing design.

       Chapter iv -- By which it will appear how dangerous an advocate a lady is when she applies her eloquence to an ill purpose. Chapter v -- Containing some matters which may affect, and others which may surprize, the reader.

       Chapter vi -- By what means the squire came to discover his daughter. Chapter vii -- In which various misfortunes befel poor Jones.

       Chapter viii -- Short and sweet.

       Chapter ix -- Containing love-letters of several sorts.

       Chapter x -- Consisting partly of facts, and partly of observations upon them. Chapter xi -- Containing curious, but not unprecedented matter.

       Chapter xii -- A discovery made by Partridge.

       BOOK XVI -- CONTAINING THE SPACE OF FIVE DAYS. Chapter i -- Of prologues.

       Chapter ii -- A whimsical adventure which befel the squire, with the distressed situation of Sophia.

       Chapter iii -- What happened to Sophia during her confinement. Chapter iv -- In which Sophia is delivered from her confinement.

       Chapter v -- In which Jones receives a letter from Sophia, and goes to a play with Mrs Miller and Partridge. Chapter vi -- In which the history is obliged to look back.

       Chapter vii -- In which Mr Western pays a visit to his sister, in company with Mr Blifil.

       Chapter viii -- Schemes of Lady Bellaston for the ruin of Jones. Chapter ix -- In which Jones pays a visit to Mrs Fitzpatrick. Chapter x -- The consequence of the preceding visit.



       Chapter i -- Containing a portion of introductory writing. Chapter ii -- The generous and grateful behaviour of Mrs Miller.

       Chapter iii -- The arrival of Mr Western, with some matters concerning the paternal authority. Chapter iv -- An extraordinary scene between Sophia and her aunt.

       Chapter v -- Mrs Miller and Mr Nightingale visit Jones in the prison. Chapter vi -- In which Mrs Miller pays a visit to Sophia.

       Chapter vii -- A pathetic scene between Mr Allworthy and Mrs Miller. Chapter viii -- Containing various matters.

       Chapter ix -- What happened to Mr Jones in the prison. BOOK XVIII -- CONTAINING ABOUT SIX DAYS. Chapter i -- A farewel to the reader.

       Chapter ii -- Containing a very tragical incident.

       Chapter iii -- Allworthy visits old Nightingale; with a strange discovery that he made on that occasion. Chapter iv -- Containing two letters in very different stiles.

       Chapter v -- In which the history is continued.

       Chapter vi -- In which the history is farther continued. Chapter vii -- Continuation of the history.

       Chapter viii -- Further continuation. Chapter ix -- A further continuation.

       Chapter x -- Wherein the history begins to draw towards a conclusion. Chapter xi -- The history draws nearer to a conclusion.

       Chapter xii -- Approaching still nearer to the end. Chapter the last -- In which the history is concluded. To the Honourable


       One of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Sir,

       Notwithstanding your constant refusal, when I have asked leave to prefix your name to this dedication, I must still insist on my right

       to desire your protection of this work.


       To you, Sir, it is owing that this history was ever begun. It was by your desire that I first thought of such a composition. So many years have since past,