Following the Equator - The Original Classic Edition. Twain Mark

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Название Following the Equator - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Twain Mark
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414307

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And I

       didn't detect it afterward in Melbourne, when I came on the stage for the

       first time, and the same question was dropped down upon me from the dizzy height of the gallery. It is always difficult to answer a sudden inquiry

       like that, when you have come unprepared and don't know what it means. I will remark here--if it is not an indecorum--that the welcome which an American lecturer gets from a British colonial audience is a thing which will move him to his deepest deeps, and veil his sight and break his

       voice. And from Winnipeg to Africa, experience will teach him nothing;

       he will never learn to expect it, it will catch him as a surprise each

       time. The war-cloud hanging black over England and America made no trouble for me. I was a prospective prisoner of war, but at dinners, suppers, on the platform, and elsewhere, there was never anything to remind me of it. This was hospitality of the right metal, and would have been prominently lacking in some countries, in the circumstances.

       And speaking of the war-flurry, it seemed to me to bring to light the unexpected, in a detail or two. It seemed to relegate the war-talk to the politicians on both sides of the water; whereas whenever a

       prospective war between two nations had been in the air theretofore, the public had done most of the talking and the bitterest. The attitude of

       the newspapers was new also. I speak of those of Australasia and India, for I had access to those only. They treated the subject argumentatively

       and with dignity, not with spite and anger. That was a new spirit, too,


       and not learned of the French and German press, either before Sedan or

       since. I heard many public speeches, and they reflected the moderation of the journals. The outlook is that the English-speaking race will dominate the earth a hundred years from now, if its sections do not get to fighting each other. It would be a pity to spoil that prospect by baffling and retarding wars when arbitration would settle their differences so much better and also so much more definitely.

       No, as I have suggested, novelties are rare in the great capitals of

       modern times. Even the wool exchange in Melbourne could not be told from the familiar stock exchange of other countries. Wool brokers are just

       like stockbrokers; they all bounce from their seats and put up their hands and yell in unison--no stranger can tell what--and the president calmly says "Sold to Smith & Co., threpence farthing--next!"--when probably nothing of the kind happened; for how should he know?

       In the museums you will find acres of the most strange and fascinating things; but all museums are fascinating, and they do so tire your eyes, and break your back, and burn out your vitalities with their consuming interest. You always say you will never go again, but you do go. The palaces of the rich, in Melbourne, are much like the palaces of the rich in America, and the life in them is the same; but there the resemblance

       ends. The grounds surrounding the American palace are not often large, and not often beautiful, but in the Melbourne case the grounds are often ducally spacious, and the climate and the gardeners together make them as beautiful as a dream. It is said that some of the country seats have

       grounds--domains--about them which rival in charm and magnitude those which surround the country mansion of an English lord; but I was not out

       in the country; I had my hands full in town.


       And what was the origin of this majestic city and its efflorescence of palatial town houses and country seats? Its first brick was laid and

       its first house built by a passing convict. Australian history is almost

       always picturesque; indeed, it is so curious and strange, that it is itself the chiefest novelty the country has to offer, and so it pushes the other novelties into second and third place. It does not read like history, but like the most beautiful lies. And all of a fresh new sort, no mouldy old stale ones. It is full of surprises, and adventures, and incongruities, and contradictions, and incredibilities; but they are all true, they all happened.


       The English are mentioned in the Bible: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

       --Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar.

       When we consider the immensity of the British Empire in territory, population, and trade, it requires a stern exercise of faith to believe

       in the figures which represent Australasia's contribution to the Empire's

       commercial grandeur. As compared with the landed estate of the British

       Empire, the landed estate dominated by any other Power except one

       --Russia--is not very impressive for size. My authorities make the


       Empire not much short of a fourth larger than the Russian Empire.


       Roughly proportioned, if you will allow your entire hand to represent the

       British Empire, you may then cut off the fingers a trifle above the middle joint of the middle finger, and what is left of the hand will represent Russia. The populations ruled by Great Britain and China are about the same--400,000,000 each. No other Power approaches these figures. Even Russia is left far behind.

       The population of Australasia--4,000,000--sinks into nothingness, and is lost from sight in that British ocean of 400,000,000. Yet the statistics indicate that it rises again and shows up very conspicuously when its share of the Empire's commerce is the matter under consideration. The value of England's annual exports and imports is stated at three billions of dollars,--[New South Wales Blue Book.]--and it is claimed that more than one-tenth of this great aggregate is represented by Australasia's exports to England and imports from England. In addition to this,

       Australasia does a trade with countries other than England, amounting to a hundred million dollars a year, and a domestic intercolonial trade

       amounting to a hundred and fifty millions.

       In round numbers the 4,000,000 buy and sell about $600,000,000 worth of goods a year. It is claimed that about half of this represents

       commodities of Australasian production. The products exported annually

       by India are worth a trifle over $500,000,000. Now, here are some faith-straining figures:

       Indian production (300,000,000 population), $500,000,000.

       Australasian production (4,000,000 population), $300,000,000.


       That is to say, the product of the individual Indian, annually (for export some whither), is worth $1.75; that of the individual Australasian (for export some whither), $75! Or, to put it in another

       way, the Indian family of man and wife and three children sends away an annual result worth $8.75, while the Australasian family sends away $375 worth.

       There are trustworthy statistics furnished by Sir Richard Temple and others, which show that the individual Indian's whole annual product, both for export and home use, is worth in gold only $7.50; or, $37.50 for the family-aggregate. Ciphered out on a like ratio of

       multiplication, the Australasian family's aggregate production would be nearly $1,600. Truly, nothing is so astonishing as figures, if they once get started.

       We left Melbourne by rail for Adelaide, the capital of the vast Province of South Australia--a seventeen-hour excursion. On the train we found several Sydney friends; among them a Judge who was going out on circuit, and was going to hold court at Broken Hill, where the celebrated silver mine is. It seemed a curious road to take to get to that region. Broken

       Hill is close to the western border of New South Wales, and Sydney is on the eastern border. A fairly straight line, 700 miles long, drawn

       westward from Sydney, would strike Broken Hill, just as a somewhat shorter one drawn west from Boston would strike Buffalo. The way the Judge