Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ - The Original Classic Edition. Wallace Lew

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Название Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Wallace Lew
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414284

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the feast to the thousand lords, so confounded the astrologers. And yonder--O my son, kiss the dust again!--yonder the gentle son of

       Amoz, from whom the world has its promise of the Messiah to come!"

       In this passage the fan had been kept in rapid play; it stopped now, and her voice sank low. "You are tired," she said.

       "No," he replied, "I was listening to a new song of Israel."

       The mother was still intent upon her purpose, and passed the pleasant speech.

       "In such light as I could, my Judah, I have set our great men before you--patriarchs, legislators, warriors, singers, prophets. Turn we to the best of Rome. Against Moses place Caesar, and Tarquin against David; Sylla against either of the Maccabees; the best of the consuls against the judges; Augustus against Solomon, and you are done: comparison ends there. But think then of the prophets-

       -greatest of the great." She laughed scornfully.

       "Pardon me. I was thinking of the soothsayer who warned Caius Julius against the Ides of March, and fancied him looking for the omens of evil which his master despised in the entrails of a chicken. From that picture turn to Elijah sitting on the hill-top on the

       way to Samaria, amid the smoking bodies of the captains and their fifties, warning the son of Ahab of the wrath of our God. Finally, O my Judah--if such speech be reverent--how shall we judge Jehovah and Jupiter unless it be by what their servants have done in

       their names? And as for what you shall do--"

       She spoke the latter words slowly, and with a tremulous utterance.

       "As for what you shall do, my boy--serve the Lord, the Lord God of Israel, not Rome. For a child of Abraham there is no glory except in the Lord's ways, and in them there is much glory."

       "I may be a soldier then?" Judah asked.

       "Why not? Did not Moses call God a man of war?" There was then a long silence in the summer chamber.

       "You have my permission," she said, finally; "if only you serve the Lord instead of Caesar."

       He was content with the condition, and by-and-by fell asleep. She arose then, and put the cushion under his head, and, throwing a shawl over him and kissing him tenderly, went away.


       The good man, like the bad, must die; but, remembering the lesson of our faith, we say of him and the event, "No matter, he will


       open his eyes in heaven." Nearest this in life is the waking from healthful sleep to a quick consciousness of happy sights and sounds.

       When Judah awoke, the sun was up over the mountains; the pigeons were abroad in flocks, filling the air with the gleams of their white wings; and off southeast he beheld the Temple, an apparition of gold in the blue of the sky. These, however, were familiar objects, and they received but a glance; upon the edge of the divan, close by him, a girl scarcely fifteen sat singing to the accompani-ment of a nebel, which she rested upon her knee, and touched gracefully. To her he turned listening; and this was what she sang:

       THE SONG.

       "Wake not, but hear me, love!

       Adrift, adrift on slumber's sea, Thy spirit call to list to me.

       Wake not, but hear me, love!

       A gift from Sleep, the restful king, All happy, happy dreams I bring.

       "Wake not, but hear me, love!

       Of all the world of dreams 'tis thine

       This once to choose the most divine. So choose, and sleep, my love!

       But ne'er again in choice be free, Unless, unless--thou dream'st of me."

       She put the instrument down, and, resting her hands in her lap, waited for him to speak. And as it has become necessary to tell somewhat of her, we will avail ourselves of the chance, and add such particulars of the family into whose privacy we are brought as the reader may wish to know.

       The favors of Herod had left surviving him many persons of vast estate. Where this fortune was joined to undoubted lineal descent from some famous son of one of the tribes, especially Judah, the happy individual was accounted a Prince of Jerusalem--a distinction which sufficed to bring him the homage of his less favored countrymen, and the respect, if nothing more, of the Gentiles

       with whom business and social circumstance brought him into dealing. Of this class none had won in private or public life a higher regard than the father of the lad whom we have been following. With a remembrance of his nationality which never failed him,

       he had yet been true to the king, and served him faithfully at home and abroad. Some offices had taken him to Rome, where his conduct attracted the notice of Augustus, who strove without reserve to engage his friendship. In his house, accordingly, were many presents, such as had gratified the vanity of kings--purple togas, ivory chairs, golden pateroe--chiefly valuable on account

       of the imperial hand which had honorably conferred them. Such a man could not fail to be rich; yet his wealth was not altogether the largess of royal patrons. He had welcomed the law that bound him to some pursuit; and, instead of one, he entered into many. Of the herdsmen watching flocks on the plains and hill-sides, far as old Lebanon, numbers reported to him as their employer; in the cities by the sea, and in those inland, he founded houses of traffic; his ships brought him silver from Spain, whose mines were then the richest known; while his caravans came twice a year from the East, laden with silks and spices. In faith he was a Hebrew,

       observant of the law and every essential rite; his place in the synagogue and Temple knew him well; he was thoroughly learned in the Scriptures; he delighted in the society of the college-masters, and carried his reverence for Hillel almost to the point of worship. Yet he was in no sense a Separatist; his hospitality took in strangers from every land; the carping Pharisees even accused him of having more than once entertained Samaritans at his table. Had he been a Gentile, and lived, the world might have heard of him as the rival of Herodes Atticus: as it was, he perished at sea some ten years before this second period of our story, in the prime of life, and lamented everywhere in Judea. We are already acquainted with two members of his family--his widow and son; the only other was a daughter--she whom we have seen singing to her brother.

       Tirzah was her name, and as the two looked at each other, their resemblance was plain. Her features had the regularity of his, and were of the same Jewish type; they had also the charm of childish innocency of expression. Home-life and its trustful love permitted the negligent attire in which she appeared. A chemise buttoned upon the right shoulder, and passing loosely over the breast and back and under the left arm, but half concealed her person above the waist, while it left the arms entirely nude. A girdle caught the folds

       of the garment, marking the commencement of the skirt. The coiffure was very simple and becoming--a silken cap, Tyrian-dyed; and over that a striped scarf of the same material, beautifully embroidered, and wound about in thin folds so as to show the shape of the head without enlarging it; the whole finished by a tassel dropping from the crown point of the cap. She had rings, ear and finger; anklets and bracelets, all of gold; and around her neck there was a collar of gold, curiously garnished with a network of delicate chains, to which were pendants of pearl. The edges of her eyelids were painted, and the tips of her fingers stained. Her hair fell in two long plaits down her back. A curled lock rested upon each cheek in front of the ear. Altogether it would have been impossible to deny her grace, refinement, and beauty.


       "Very pretty, my Tirzah, very pretty!" he said, with animation. "The song?" she asked.

       "Yes--and the singer, too. It has the conceit of a Greek. Where did you get it?"

       "You remember the Greek who sang in the theatre last month? They said he used to be a singer at the court for Herod and his sister Salome. He came out just after an exhibition of wrestlers, when the house was full of noise. At his first note everything became so quiet that I heard every word. I got the song from him."

       "But he sang in Greek." "And I in Hebrew."

       "Ah, yes. I am proud of my little sister. Have you another