Psmith in the City - The Original Classic Edition. Wodehouse P

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Название Psmith in the City - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Wodehouse P
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414161

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Thus, he has sent me into the City to do the hard-working, bank-clerk act, but at the same time he is allowing me just as large an allowance as he would have given me

       if I had gone to the 'Varsity. Moreover, while I was still at Eton he put my name up for his clubs, the Senior Conservative among others. My pater belongs to four clubs altogether, and in course of time, when my name comes up for election, I shall do the same.


       Meanwhile, I belong to one, the Senior Conservative. It is a bigger club than the others, and your name comes up for election sooner. About the middle of last month a great yell of joy made the West End of London shake like a jelly. The three thousand members of the Senior Conservative had just learned that I had been elected.'

       Psmith paused, and ate some porridge.

       'I wonder why they call this porridge,' he observed with mild interest. 'It would be far more manly and straightforward of them

       to give it its real name. To resume. I have gleaned, from casual chit-chat with my father, that Comrade Bickersdyke also infests the Senior Conservative. You might think that that would make me, seeing how particular I am about whom I mix with, avoid the club. Error. I shall go there every day. If Comrade Bickersdyke wishes to emend any little traits in my character of which he may disap-prove, he shall never say that I did not give him the opportunity. I shall mix freely with Comrade Bickersdyke at the Senior Conservative Club. I shall be his constant companion. I shall, in short, haunt the man. By these strenuous means I shall, as it were, get a bit of my own back. And now,' said Psmith, rising, 'it might be as well, perhaps, to return to the bank and resume our commercial duties. I don't know how long you are supposed to be allowed for your little trips to and from the post-office, but, seeing that the distance is about thirty yards, I should say at a venture not more than half an hour. Which is exactly the space of time which has flitted by since we started out on this important expedition. Your devotion to porridge, Comrade Jackson, has led to our spending about twenty-five minutes in this hostelry.'

       'Great Scott,' said Mike, 'there'll be a row.'

       'Some slight temporary breeze, perhaps,' said Psmith. 'Annoying to men of culture and refinement, but not lasting. My only fear is lest we may have worried Comrade Rossiter at all. I regard Comrade Rossiter as an elder brother, and would not cause him a mo-ment's heart-burning for worlds. However, we shall soon know,' he added, as they passed into the bank and walked up the aisle, 'for there is Comrade Rossiter waiting to receive us in person.'

       The little head of the Postage Department was moving restlessly about in the neighbourhood of Psmith's and Mike's desk.

       'Am I mistaken,' said Psmith to Mike, 'or is there the merest suspicion of a worried look on our chief 's face? It seems to me that there is the slightest soupcon of shadow about that broad, calm brow.'

       7. Going into Winter Quarters

       There was.

       Mr Rossiter had discovered Psmith's and Mike's absence about five minutes after they had left the building. Ever since then, he had been popping out of his lair at intervals of three minutes, to see whether they had returned. Constant disappointment in this respect had rendered him decidedly jumpy. When Psmith and Mike reached the desk, he was a kind of human soda-water bottle. He fizzed over with questions, reproofs, and warnings.

       'What does it mean? What does it mean?' he cried. 'Where have you been? Where have you been?'

       'Poetry,' said Psmith approvingly.

       'You have been absent from your places for over half an hour. Why? Why? Why? Where have you been? Where have you been? I cannot have this. It is preposterous. Where have you been? Suppose Mr Bickersdyke had happened to come round here. I should not have known what to say to him.'

       'Never an easy man to chat with, Comrade Bickersdyke,' agreed Psmith.

       'You must thoroughly understand that you are expected to remain in your places during business hours.'

       'Of course,' said Psmith, 'that makes it a little hard for Comrade

       Jackson to post letters, does it not?'

       'Have you been posting letters?'

       'We have,' said Psmith. 'You have wronged us. Seeing our absent places you jumped rashly to the conclusion that we were merely

       gadding about in pursuit of pleasure. Error. All the while we were furthering the bank's best interests by posting letters.'


       'You had no business to leave your place. Jackson is on the posting desk.'

       'You are very right,' said Psmith, 'and it shall not occur again. It was only because it was the first day, Comrade Jackson is not used to the stir and bustle of the City. His nerve failed him. He shrank from going to the post-office alone. So I volunteered to accompany him. And,' concluded Psmith, impressively, 'we won safely through. Every letter has been posted.'

       'That need not have taken you half an hour.'

       'True. And the actual work did not. It was carried through swiftly and surely. But the nerve-strain had left us shaken. Before resuming our more ordinary duties we had to refresh. A brief breathing-space, a little coffee and porridge, and here we are, fit for work once more.'

       'If it occurs again, I shall report the matter to Mr Bickersdyke.'

       'And rightly so,' said Psmith, earnestly. 'Quite rightly so. Discipline, discipline. That is the cry. There must be no shirking of painful duties. Sentiment must play no part in business. Rossiter, the man, may sympathise, but Rossiter, the Departmental head, must be adamant.'

       Mr Rossiter pondered over this for a moment, then went off on a side-issue.

       'What is the meaning of this foolery?' he asked, pointing to Psmith's gloves and hat. 'Suppose Mr Bickersdyke had come round and seen them, what should I have said?'

       'You would have given him a message of cheer. You would have said, "All is well. Psmith has not left us. He will come back. And

       Comrade Bickersdyke, relieved, would have--"'

       'You do not seem very busy, Mr Smith.'

       Both Psmith and Mr Rossiter were startled.

       Mr Rossiter jumped as if somebody had run a gimlet into him, and even Psmith started slightly. They had not heard Mr Bickersdyke approaching. Mike, who had been stolidly entering addresses in his ledger during the latter part of the conversation, was also taken by surprise.

       Psmith was the first to recover. Mr Rossiter was still too confused for speech, but Psmith took the situation in hand.

       'Apparently no,' he said, swiftly removing his hat from the ruler. 'In reality, yes. Mr Rossiter and I were just scheming out a line of work for me as you came up. If you had arrived a moment later, you would have found me toiling.'

       'H'm. I hope I should. We do not encourage idling in this bank.'

       'Assuredly not,' said Psmith warmly. 'Most assuredly not. I would not have it otherwise. I am a worker. A bee, not a drone. A Lusitania, not a limpet. Perhaps I have not yet that grip on my duties which I shall soon acquire; but it is coming. It is coming. I see daylight.'

       'H'm. I have only your word for it.' He turned to Mr Rossiter, who had now recovered himself, and was as nearly calm as it was in his nature to be. 'Do you find Mr Smith's work satisfactory, Mr Rossiter?'

       Psmith waited resignedly for an outburst of complaint respecting the small matter that had been under discussion between the head

       of the department and himself; but to his surprise it did not come.

       'Oh--ah--quite, quite, Mr Bickersdyke. I think he will very soon pick things up.'

       Mr Bickersdyke turned away. He was a conscientious bank manager, and one can only suppose that Mr Rossiter's tribute to the ear-

       nestness of one of his employes was gratifying to him. But for that, one would have said that he was disappointed.

       'Oh, Mr Bickersdyke,' said Psmith.


       The manager stopped.

       'Father sent