The Black Arrow - The Original Classic Edition. Stevenson Robert

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Название The Black Arrow - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Stevenson Robert
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413621

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"Hey, Master Shelton," he said, "be ye for the ferry? Ill times, ill times! Look to yourself. There is a fellowship abroad. Ye were better turn round on your two heels and try the bridge."

       "Nay; time's in the saddle," answered Dick. "Time will ride, Hugh Ferryman. I am hot in haste."

       "A wilful man!" returned the ferryman, rising. "An ye win safe to the Moat House, y' have done lucky; but I say no more." And then catching sight of Matcham, "Who be this?" he asked, as he paused, blinking, on the threshold of his cabin.

       "It is my kinsman, Master Matcham," answered Dick.

       "Give ye good day, good ferryman," said Matcham, who had dismounted, and now came forward, leading the horse. "Launch me your boat, I prithee; we are sore in haste."

       The gaunt ferryman continued staring.

       "By the mass!" he cried at length, and laughed with open throat.

       Matcham coloured to his neck and winced; and Dick, with an angry countenance, put his hand on the lout's shoulder. "How now, churl!" he cried. "Fall to thy business, and leave mocking thy betters."

       Hugh Ferryman grumblingly undid his boat, and shoved it a little forth into the deep water. Then Dick led in the horse, and Mat-

       cham followed.

       "Ye be mortal small made, master," said Hugh, with a wide grin; "something o' the wrong model, belike. Nay, Master Shelton, I am for you," he added, getting to his oars. "A cat may look at a king. I did but take a shot of the eye at Master Matcham."

       "Sirrah, no more words," said Dick. "Bend me your back."

       They were by that time at the mouth of the creek, and the view opened up and down the river. Everywhere it was enclosed with islands. Clay banks were falling in, willows nodding, reeds waving, martens dipping and piping. There was no sign of man in the labyrinth of waters.

       "My master," said the ferryman, keeping the boat steady with one oar, "I have a shrew guess that John-a-Fenne is on the island. He bears me a black grudge to all Sir Daniel's. How if I turned me up stream and landed you an arrow-flight above the path? Ye were


       best not meddle with John Fenne."

       "How, then? is he of this company?" asked Dick.

       "Nay, mum is the word," said Hugh. "But I would go up water, Dick. How if Master Matcham came by an arrow?" and he laughed again.

       "Be it so, Hugh," answered Dick.

       "Look ye, then," pursued Hugh. "Sith it shall so be, unsling me your crossbow--so: now make it ready--good; place me a quarrel.

       Ay, keep it so, and look upon me grimly." "What meaneth this?" asked Dick.

       "Why, my master, if I steal you across, it must be under force or fear," replied the ferryman; "for else, if John Fenne got wind of it, he were like to prove my most distressful neighbour."

       "Do these churls ride so roughly?" Dick inquired. "Do they command Sir Daniel's own ferry?"

       "Nay," whispered the ferryman, winking. "Mark me! Sir Daniel shall down. His time is out. He shall down. Mum!" And he bent over his oars.

       They pulled a long way up the river, turned the tail of an island, and came softly down a narrow channel next the opposite bank. Then Hugh held water in midstream.

       "I must land you here among the willows," he said.

       "Here is no path but willow swamps and quagmires," answered Dick.

       "Master Shelton," replied Hugh, "I dare not take ye nearer down, for your own sake now. He watcheth me the ferry, lying on his bow. All that go by and owe Sir Daniel goodwill, he shooteth down like rabbits. I heard him swear it by the rood. An I had not known you of old days--ay, and from so high upward--I would 'a' let you go on; but for old days' remembrance, and because ye

       had this toy with you that's not fit for wounds or warfare, I did risk my two poor ears to have you over whole. Content you; I can no

       more, on my salvation!"

       Hugh was still speaking, lying on his oars, when there came a great shout from among the willows on the island, and sounds followed as of a strong man breasting roughly through the wood.

       "A murrain!" cried Hugh. "He was on the upper island all the while!" He pulled straight for shore. "Threat me with your bow, good

       Dick; threat me with it plain," he added. "I have tried to save your skins, save you mine!"

       The boat ran into a tough thicket of willows with a crash. Matcham, pale, but steady and alert, at a sign from Dick, ran along the thwarts and leaped ashore; Dick, taking the horse by the bridle, sought to follow, but what with the animal's bulk, and what with the closeness of the thicket, both stuck fast. The horse neighed and trampled; and the boat, which was swinging in an eddy, came on and off and pitched with violence.

       "It may not be, Hugh; here is no landing," cried Dick; but he still struggled valiantly with the obstinate thicket and the startled ani-


       A tall man appeared upon the shore of the island, a long-bow in his hand. Dick saw him for an instant, with the corner of his eye,

       bending the bow with a great effort, his face crimson with hurry. "Who goes?" he shouted. "Hugh, who goes?"

       "'Tis Master Shelton, John," replied the ferryman.

       "Stand, Dick Shelton!" bawled the man upon the island. "Ye shall have no hurt, upon the rood! Stand! Back out, Hugh Ferryman."


       Dick cried a taunting answer.

       "Nay, then, ye shall go afoot," returned the man; and he let drive an arrow.

       The horse, struck by the shaft, lashed out in agony and terror; the boat capsized, and the next moment all were struggling in the ed-

       dies of the river.

       When Dick came up, he was within a yard of the bank; and before his eyes were clear, his hand had closed on something firm and strong that instantly began to drag him forward. It was the riding-rod, that Matcham, crawling forth upon an overhanging willow, had opportunely thrust into his grasp.

       "By the mass!" cried Dick, as he was helped ashore, "that makes a life I owe you. I swim like a cannon-ball." And he turned in-

       stantly towards the island.

       Midway over, Hugh Ferryman was swimming with his upturned boat, while John-a-Fenne, furious at the ill-fortune of his shot,

       bawled to him to hurry.

       "Come, Jack," said Shelton, "run for it! Ere Hugh can hale his barge across, or the pair of 'em can get it righted, we may be out of cry."

       And adding example to his words, he began to run, dodging among the willows, and in marshy places leaping from tussock to tus-

       sock. He had no time to look for his direction; all he could do was to turn his back upon the river, and put all his heart to running.

       Presently, however, the ground began to rise, which showed him he was still in the right way, and soon after they came forth upon a slope of solid turf, where elms began to mingle with the willows.

       But here Matcham, who had been dragging far into the rear, threw himself fairly down. "Leave me, Dick!" he cried, pantingly; "I can no more."

       Dick turned, and came back to where his companion lay.

       "Nay, Jack, leave thee!" he cried. "That were a knave's trick, to be sure, when ye risked a shot and a ducking, ay, and a drowning too, to save my life. Drowning, in sooth; for why I did not pull you in along with me, the saints alone can tell!"

       "Nay," said Matcham, "I would 'a' saved us both, good Dick, for I can swim."

       "Can ye so?" cried Dick, with open eyes. It was the one manly accomplishment of which he was himself incapable. In the order of the things that he admired, next to having killed a man in single fight came swimming. "Well," he said, "here is a lesson to despise no man. I promised to care for you as far as Holywood, and, by the rood, Jack, y' are more capable to care for me."