Twenty Years After - The Original Classic Edition. Dumas d.Ä. Alexandre

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Название Twenty Years After - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Dumas d.Ä. Alexandre
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413614

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"I'faith!" answered Aramis, "as you see, from Heaven."

       "From Heaven," replied D'Artagnan, shaking his head; "you have no more the appearance of coming from thence than you have of

       going there."

       "My friend," said Aramis, with a look of imbecility on his face which D'Artagnan had never observed whilst he was in the musketeers, "if I did not come from Heaven, at least I was leaving Paradise, which is almost the same."

       "Here, then, is a puzzle for the learned," observed D'Artagnan, "until now they have never been able to agree as to the situation of Paradise; some place it on Mount Ararat, others between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates; it seems that they have been looking very far away for it, while it was actually very near. Paradise is at Noisy le Sec, upon the site of the archbishop's chateau. People do not

       go out from it by the door, but by the window; one doesn't descend here by the marble steps of a peristyle, but by the branches of a lime-tree; and the angel with a flaming sword who guards this elysium seems to have changed his celestial name of Gabriel into that of the more terrestrial one of the Prince de Marsillac."


       Aramis burst into a fit of laughter.

       "You were always a merry companion, my dear D'Artagnan," he said, "and your witty Gascon fancy has not deserted you. Yes, there

       is something in what you say; nevertheless, do not believe that it is Madame de Longueville with whom I am in love."

       "A plague on't! I shall not do so. After having been so long in love with Madame de Chevreuse, you would hardly lay your heart at the feet of her mortal enemy!"

       "Yes," replied Aramis, with an absent air; "yes, that poor duchess! I once loved her much, and to do her justice, she was very useful to us. Eventually she was obliged to leave France. He was a relentless enemy, that damned cardinal," continued Aramis, glancing at the portrait of the old minister. "He had even given orders to arrest her and would have cut off her head had she not escaped with her waiting-maid--poor Kitty! I have heard that she met with a strange adventure in I don't know what village, with I don't know what cure, of whom she asked hospitality and who, having but one chamber, and taking her for a cavalier, offered to share it with

       her. For she had a wonderful way of dressing as a man, that dear Marie; I know only one other woman who can do it as well. So they

       made this song about her: 'Laboissiere, dis moi.' You know it, don't you?" "No, sing it, please."

       Aramis immediately complied, and sang the song in a very lively manner.

       "Bravo!" cried D'Artagnan, "you sing charmingly, dear Aramis. I do not perceive that singing masses has spoiled your voice."

       "My dear D'Artagnan," replied Aramis, "you understand, when I was a musketeer I mounted guard as seldom as I could; now when I

       am an abbe I say as few masses as I can. But to return to our duchess." "Which--the Duchess de Chevreuse or the Duchess de Longueville?"

       "Have I not already told you that there is nothing between me and the Duchess de Longueville? Little flirtations, perhaps, and that's all. No, I spoke of the Duchess de Chevreuse; did you see her after her return from Brussels, after the king's death?"

       "Yes, she is still beautiful."

       "Yes," said Aramis, "I saw her also at that time. I gave her good advice, by which she did not profit. I ventured to tell her that Mazarin was the lover of Anne of Austria. She wouldn't believe me, saying that she knew Anne of Austria, who was too proud to love such a worthless coxcomb. After that she plunged into the cabal headed by the Duke of Beaufort; and the 'coxcomb' arrested De Beaufort and banished Madame de Chevreuse."

       "You know," resumed D'Artagnan, "that she has had leave to return to France?" "Yes she is come back and is going to commit some fresh folly or another."

       "Oh, but this time perhaps she will follow your advice."

       "Oh, this time," returned Aramis, "I haven't seen her; she is much changed."

       "In that respect unlike you, my dear Aramis, for you are still the same; you have still your beautiful dark hair, still your elegant figure,

       still your feminine hands, which are admirably suited to a prelate."

       "Yes," replied Aramis, "I am extremely careful of my appearance. Do you know that I am growing old? I am nearly thirty-seven." "Mind, Aramis"--D'Artagnan smiled as he spoke--"since we are together again, let us agree on one point: what age shall we be in

       future?" "How?"

       "Formerly I was your junior by two or three years, and if I am not mistaken I am turned forty years old."


       "Indeed! Then 'tis I who am mistaken, for you have always been a good chronologist. By your reckoning I must be forty-three at

       least. The devil I am! Don't let it out at the Hotel Rambouillet; it would ruin me," replied the abbe.

       "Don't be afraid," said D'Artagnan. "I never go there."

       "Why, what in the world," cried Aramis, "is that animal Bazin doing? Bazin! Hurry up there, you rascal; we are mad with hunger and


       Bazin entered at that moment carrying a bottle in each hand. "At last," said Aramis, "we are ready, are we?"

       "Yes, monsieur, quite ready," said Bazin; "but it took me some time to bring up all the----"

       "Because you always think you have on your shoulders your beadle's robe, and spend all your time reading your breviary. But I give you warning that if in polishing your chapel utensils you forget how to brighten up my sword, I will make a great fire of your blessed images and will see that you are roasted on it."

       Bazin, scandalized, made a sign of the cross with the bottle in his hand. D'Artagnan, more surprised than ever at the tone and manners of the Abbe d'Herblay, which contrasted so strongly with those of the Musketeer Aramis, remained staring with wide-open eyes at the face of his friend.

       Bazin quickly covered the table with a damask cloth and arranged upon it so many things, gilded, perfumed, appetizing, that

       D'Artagnan was quite overcome.

       "But you expected some one then?" asked the officer.

       "Oh," said Aramis, "I always try to be prepared; and then I knew you were seeking me."

       "From whom?"

       "From Master Bazin, to be sure; he took you for the devil, my dear fellow, and hastened to warn me of the danger that threatened my soul if I should meet again a companion so wicked as an officer of musketeers."

       "Oh, monsieur!" said Bazin, clasping his hands supplicatingly.

       "Come, no hypocrisy! you know that I don't like it. You will do much better to open the window and let down some bread, a chicken and a bottle of wine to your friend Planchet, who has been this last hour killing himself clapping his hands."

       Planchet, in fact, had bedded and fed his horses, and then coming back under the window had repeated two or three times the signal agreed upon.

       Bazin obeyed, fastened to the end of a cord the three articles designated and let them down to Planchet, who then went satisfied to

       his shed.

       "Now to supper," said Aramis.

       The two friends sat down and Aramis began to cut up fowls, partridges and hams with admirable skill.

       "The deuce!" cried D'Artagnan; "do you live in this way always?"

       "Yes, pretty well. The coadjutor has given me dispensations from fasting on the jours maigres, on account of my health; then I have engaged as my cook the cook who lived with Lafollone--you know the man I mean?--the friend of the cardinal, and the famous epicure whose grace after dinner used to be, 'Good Lord, do me the favor to cause me to digest what I have eaten.'"

       "Nevertheless he died of indigestion, in spite of his grace," said D'Artagnan.

       "What can you expect?" replied Aramis, in a tone of resignation. "Every man that's born must