The Forsyte Saga - Complete - The Original Classic Edition. Galsworthy John

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Название The Forsyte Saga - Complete - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Galsworthy John
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413461

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about Bosinney, and his pride was wounded to the quick.

       Characteristically, his irritation turned not against Irene but against Soames. The idea that his nephew's wife (why couldn't the fellow take better care of her--Oh! quaint injustice! as though Soames could possibly take more care!)--should be drawing to herself June's lover, was intolerably humiliating. And seeing the danger, he did not, like James, hide it away in sheer nervousness, but owned with

       the dispassion of his broader outlook, that it was not unlikely; there was something very attractive about Irene!

       He had a presentiment on the subject of Soames' communication as they left the Board Room together, and went out into the noise and hurry of Cheapside. They walked together a good minute without speaking, Soames with his mousing, mincing step, and old Jolyon upright and using his umbrella languidly as a walking-stick.

       They turned presently into comparative quiet, for old Jolyon's way to a second Board led him in the direction of Moorage Street. Then Soames, without lifting his eyes, began: "I've had this letter from Bosinney. You see what he says; I thought I'd let you know.

       I've spent a lot more than I intended on this house, and I want the position to be clear."

       Old Jolyon ran his eyes unwillingly over the letter: "What he says is clear enough," he said.

       "He talks about 'a free hand,'" replied Soames.

       Old Jolyon looked at him. The long-suppressed irritation and antagonism towards this young fellow, whose affairs were beginning to intrude upon his own, burst from him.

       "Well, if you don't trust him, why do you employ him?"

       Soames stole a sideway look: "It's much too late to go into that," he said, "I only want it to be quite understood that if I give him a

       free hand, he doesn't let me in. I thought if you were to speak to him, it would carry more weight!"

       "No," said old Jolyon abruptly; "I'll have nothing to do with it!"

       The words of both uncle and nephew gave the impression of unspoken meanings, far more important, behind. And the look they

       interchanged was like a revelation of this consciousness.

       "Well," said Soames; "I thought, for June's sake, I'd tell you, that's all; I thought you'd better know I shan't stand any nonsense!" "What is that to me?" old Jolyon took him up.

       "Oh! I don't know," said Soames, and flurried by that sharp look he was unable to say more. "Don't say I didn't tell you," he added

       sulkily, recovering his composure.

       "Tell me!" said old Jolyon; "I don't know what you mean. You come worrying me about a thing like this. I don't want to hear about

       your affairs; you must manage them yourself !"

       "Very well," said Soames immovably, "I will!"

       "Good-morning, then," said old Jolyon, and they parted.

       Soames retraced his steps, and going into a celebrated eating-house, asked for a plate of smoked salmon and a glass of Chablis;


       he seldom ate much in the middle of the day, and generally ate standing, finding the position beneficial to his liver, which was very sound, but to which he desired to put down all his troubles.

       When he had finished he went slowly back to his office, with bent head, taking no notice of the swarming thousands on the pave-ments, who in their turn took no notice of him.

       The evening post carried the following reply to Bosinney:


       'Commissioners for Oaths,

       '92001, BRANCH LANE, POULTRY, E.C.,

       'May 17, 1887.


       'I have, received your letter, the terms of which not a little surprise me. I was under the impression that you had, and have had all along, a "free hand"; for I do not recollect that any suggestions I have been so unfortunate as to make have met with your approval. In giving you, in accordance with your request, this "free hand," I wish you to clearly understand that the total cost of the house as handed over to me completely decorated, inclusive of your fee (as arranged between us), must not exceed twelve thousand pounds-- L12,000. This gives you an ample margin, and, as you know, is far more than I originally contemplated.

       'I am,

       'Yours truly,


       On the following day he received a note from Bosinney:



       '309D, SLOANE STREET, S.W.,

       'May 18.


       'If you think that in such a delicate matter as decoration I can bind myself to the exact pound, I am afraid you are mistaken. I can see that you are tired of the arrangement, and of me, and I had better, therefore, resign.

       'Yours faithfully,


       Soames pondered long and painfully over his answer, and late at night in the diningroom, when Irene had gone to bed, he composed the following:


       'May 19, 1887.


       'I think that in both our interests it would be extremely undesirable that matters should be so left at this stage. I did not mean to

       say that if you should exceed the sum named in my letter to you by ten or twenty or even fifty pounds, there would be any difficulty between us. This being so, I should like you to reconsider your answer. You have a "free hand" in the terms of this correspondence, and I hope you will see your way to completing the decorations, in the matter of which I know it is difficult to be absolutely exact.

       'Yours truly,


       Bosinney's answer, which came in the course of the next day, was:


       'May 20.


       'Very well.

       'PH. BOSINNEY.'


       Old Jolyon disposed of his second Meeting--an ordinary Board--summarily. He was so dictatorial that his fellow directors were left

       in cabal over the increasing domineeringness of old Forsyte, which they were far from intending to stand much longer, they said. He went out by Underground to Portland Road Station, whence he took a cab and drove to the Zoo.

       He had an assignation there, one of those assignations that had lately been growing more frequent, to which his increasing uneasi-

       ness about June and the 'change in her,' as he expressed it, was driving him.

       She buried herself away, and was growing thin; if he spoke to her he got no answer, or had his head snapped off, or she looked as if she would burst into tears. She was as changed as she could be, all through this Bosinney. As for telling him about anything, not a bit of it!

       And he would sit for long spells brooding, his paper unread before him, a cigar extinct between his lips. She had been such a companion to him ever since she was three years old! And he loved her so!

       Forces regardless of family or class or custom were beating down his guard; impending events over which he had no control threw

       their shadows on his head. The irritation of one accustomed to have his way was roused against he knew not what.

       Chafing at the slowness of his cab, he reached the Zoo door; but, with his sunny instinct for seizing the good of each moment, he forgot his vexation as he walked towards the tryst.

       From the stone terrace above the bear-pit his son and his two grandchildren came hastening down when they saw old Jolyon com-ing, and led him away towards