Far from the Madding Crowd - The Original Classic Edition. HARDY THOMAS

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Название Far from the Madding Crowd - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения HARDY THOMAS
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486413447

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it you, Teddy?" said Liddy.

       "Mis-terr Boldwood! He gave it to me for opening the gate." "What did he say?"

       "He said, 'Where are you going, my little man?' and I said, 'To Miss Everdene's please,' and he said, 'She is a staid woman, isn't she,

       my little man?' and I said, 'Yes.'"

       "You naughty child! What did you say that for?"

       "'Cause he gave me the penny!"

       "What a pucker everything is in!" said Bathsheba, discontentedly when the child had gone. "Get away, Maryann, or go on with your

       scrubbing, or do something! You ought to be married by this time, and not here troubling me!"

       "Ay, mistress--so I did. But what between the poor men I won't have, and the rich men who won't have me, I stand as a pelican in


       the wilderness!"

       "Did anybody ever want to marry you miss?" Liddy ventured to ask when they were again alone. "Lots of 'em, I daresay?"

       Bathsheba paused, as if about to refuse a reply, but the temptation to say yes, since it was really in her power was irresistible by aspir-ing virginity, in spite of her spleen at having been published as old.

       "A man wanted to once," she said, in a highly experienced tone, and the image of Gabriel Oak, as the farmer, rose before her.

       "How nice it must seem!" said Liddy, with the fixed features of mental realization. "And you wouldn't have him?"

       "He wasn't quite good enough for me."

       "How sweet to be able to disdain, when most of us are glad to say, 'Thank you!' I seem I hear it. 'No, sir--I'm your better.' or 'Kiss my foot, sir; my face is for mouths of consequence.' And did you love him, miss?"

       "Oh, no. But I rather liked him." "Do you now?"

       "Of course not--what footsteps are those I hear?"

       Liddy looked from a back window into the courtyard behind, which was now getting low-toned and dim with the earliest films of night. A crooked file of men was approaching the back door. The whole string of trailing individuals advanced in the completest balance of intention, like the remarkable creatures known as Chain Salpae, which, distinctly organized in other respects, have one will common to a whole family. Some were, as usual, in snow-white smockfrocks of Russia duck, and some in whitey-brown ones of drabbet--marked on the wrists, breasts, backs, and sleeves with honeycomb-work. Two or three women in pattens brought up the rear.

       "The Philistines be upon us," said Liddy, making her nose white against the glass.

       "Oh, very well. Maryann, go down and keep them in the kitchen till I am dressed, and then show them in to me in the hall."


       Half-an-hour later Bathsheba, in finished dress, and followed by Liddy, entered the upper end of the old hall to find that her men had all deposited themselves on a long form and a settle at the lower extremity. She sat down at a table and opened the time-book, pen in her hand, with a canvas money-bag beside her. From this she poured a small heap of coin. Liddy chose a position at her elbow and began to sew, sometimes pausing and looking round, or, with the air of a privileged person, taking up one of the half-sovereigns lying before her and surveying it merely as a work of art, while strictly preventing her countenance from expressing any wish to possess it as money.

       "Now before I begin, men," said Bathsheba, "I have two matters to speak of. The first is that the bailiff is dismissed for thieving,

       and that I have formed a resolution to have no bailiff at all, but to manage everything with my own head and hands." The men breathed an audible breath of amazement.

       "The next matter is, have you heard anything of Fanny?"

       "Nothing, ma'am."

       "Have you done anything?"


       "I met Farmer Boldwood," said Jacob Smallbury, "and I went with him and two of his men, and dragged Newmill Pond, but we found nothing."

       "And the new shepherd have been to Buck's Head, by Yalbury, thinking she had gone there, but nobody had seed her," said Laban


       "Hasn't William Smallbury been to Casterbridge?"

       "Yes, ma'am, but he's not yet come home. He promised to be back by six."

       "It wants a quarter to six at present," said Bathsheba, looking at her watch. "I daresay he'll be in directly. Well, now then"--she looked into the book--"Joseph Poorgrass, are you there?"

       "Yes, sir--ma'am I mane," said the person addressed. "I be the personal name of Poorgrass."

       "And what are you?"

       "Nothing in my own eye. In the eye of other people--well, I don't say it; though public thought will out." "What do you do on the farm?"

       "I do do carting things all the year, and in seed time I shoots the rooks and sparrows, and helps at pig-killing, sir." "How much to you?"

       "Please nine and ninepence and a good halfpenny where 'twas a bad one, sir--ma'am I mane." "Quite correct. Now here are ten shillings in addition as a small present, as I am a new comer."

       Bathsheba blushed slightly at the sense of being generous in public, and Henery Fray, who had drawn up towards her chair, lifted his

       eyebrows and fingers to express amazement on a small scale.

       "How much do I owe you--that man in the corner--what's your name?" continued Bathsheba.

       "Matthew Moon, ma'am," said a singular framework of clothes with nothing of any consequence inside them, which advanced with

       the toes in no definite direction forwards, but turned in or out as they chanced to swing.

       "Matthew Mark, did you say?--speak out--I shall not hurt you," inquired the young farmer, kindly.

       "Matthew Moon, mem," said Henery Fray, correctingly, from behind her chair, to which point he had edged himself.

       "Matthew Moon," murmured Bathsheba, turning her bright eyes to the book. "Ten and twopence halfpenny is the sum put down to you, I see?"

       "Yes, mis'ess," said Matthew, as the rustle of wind among dead leaves.

       "Here it is, and ten shillings. Now the next--Andrew Randle, you are a new man, I hear. How come you to leave your last farm?" "P-p-p-p-p-pl-pl-pl-pl-l-l-l-l-ease, ma'am, p-p-p-p-pl-pl- pl-pl-please, ma'am-please'm-please'm--"

       "'A's a stammering man, mem," said Henery Fray in an undertone, "and they turned him away because the only time he ever did speak plain he said his soul was his own, and other iniquities, to the squire. 'A can cuss, mem, as well as you or I, but 'a can't speak a common speech to save his life."

       "Andrew Randle, here's yours--finish thanking me in a day or two. Temperance Miller--oh, here's another, Soberness--both women

       I suppose?"


       "Yes'm. Here we be, 'a b'lieve," was echoed in shrill unison.

       "What have you been doing?"

       "Tending thrashing-machine and wimbling haybonds, and saying 'Hoosh!' to the cocks and hens when they go upon your seeds, and planting Early Flourballs and Thompson's Wonderfuls with a dibble."

       "Yes--I see. Are they satisfactory women?" she inquired softly of Henery Fray.

       "Oh mem--don't ask me! Yielding women--as scarlet a pair as ever was!" groaned Henery under his breath.

       "Sit down." "Who, mem?" "Sit down."

       Joseph Poorgrass, in the background twitched, and his lips became dry with fear of some terrible consequences, as he saw Bathsheba summarily speaking, and Henery slinking off to a corner.

       "Now the next. Laban Tall, you'll stay on working for me?"

       "For you or anybody that pays me well, ma'am," replied the young married man.

       "True--the man must live!" said a woman in the back quarter, who had just