Our Mutual Friend - The Original Classic Edition. Dickens Charles

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Название Our Mutual Friend - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Dickens Charles
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412631

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so arrange them as to have them always in order for immediate reference, with a note of the contents of each outside it.'

       'I tell you what,' said Mr Boffin, slowly crumpling his own blotted note in his hand; 'if you'll turn to at these present papers, and see

       what you can make of 'em, I shall know better what I can make of you.'

       No sooner said than done. Relinquishing his hat and gloves, Mr Rokesmith sat down quietly at the table, arranged the open papers into an orderly heap, cast his eyes over each in succession, folded it, docketed it on the outside, laid it in a second heap, and, when that second heap was complete and the first gone, took from his pocket a piece of string and tied it together with a remarkably dexterous hand at a running curve and a loop.

       'Good!' said Mr Boffin. 'Very good! Now let us hear what they're all about; will you be so good?'

       John Rokesmith read his abstracts aloud. They were all about the new house. Decorator's estimate, so much. Furniture estimate, so much. Estimate for furniture of offices, so much. Coach-maker's estimate, so much. Horse-dealer's estimate, so much. Harness-mak- er's estimate, so much. Goldsmith's estimate, so much. Total, so very much. Then came correspondence. Acceptance of Mr Boffin's offer of such a date, and to such an effect. Rejection of Mr Boffin's proposal of such a date and to such an effect. Concerning Mr Boffin's scheme of such another date to such another effect. All compact and methodical.

       'Apple-pie order!' said Mr Boffin, after checking off each inscription with his hand, like a man beating time. 'And whatever you do with your ink, I can't think, for you're as clean as a whistle after it. Now, as to a letter. Let's,' said Mr Boffin, rubbing his hands in his pleasantly childish admiration, 'let's try a letter next.'

       'To whom shall it be addressed, Mr Boffin?'

       'Anyone. Yourself.'

       Mr Rokesmith quickly wrote, and then read aloud:

       '"Mr Boffin presents his compliments to Mr John Rokesmith, and begs to say that he has decided on giving Mr John Rokesmith a trial in the capacity he desires to fill. Mr Boffin takes Mr John Rokesmith at his word, in postponing to some indefinite period, the consideration of salary. It is quite understood that Mr Boffin is in no way committed on that point. Mr Boffin has merely to add, that he relies on Mr John Rokesmith's assurance that he will be faithful and serviceable. Mr John Rokesmith will please enter on his duties immediately."'


       'Well! Now, Noddy!' cried Mrs Boffin, clapping her hands, 'That IS a good one!'

       Mr Boffin was no less delighted; indeed, in his own bosom, he regarded both the composition itself and the device that had given

       birth to it, as a very remarkable monument of human ingenuity.

       'And I tell you, my deary,' said Mrs Boffin, 'that if you don't close with Mr Rokesmith now at once, and if you ever go a muddling yourself again with things never meant nor made for you, you'll have an apoplexy--besides iron-moulding your linen--and you'll break my heart.'

       Mr Boffin embraced his spouse for these words of wisdom, and then, congratulating John Rokesmith on the brilliancy of his achievements, gave him his hand in pledge of their new relations. So did Mrs Boffin.

       'Now,' said Mr Boffin, who, in his frankness, felt that it did not become him to have a gentleman in his employment five minutes, without reposing some confidence in him, 'you must be let a little more into our affairs, Rokesmith. I mentioned to you, when I made your acquaintance, or I might better say when you made mine, that Mrs Boffin's inclinations was setting in the way of Fashion, but that I didn't know how fashionable we might or might not grow. Well! Mrs Boffin has carried the day, and we're going in neck and crop for Fashion.'

       'I rather inferred that, sir,' replied John Rokesmith, 'from the scale on which your new establishment is to be maintained.'

       'Yes,' said Mr Boffin, 'it's to be a Spanker. The fact is, my literary man named to me that a house with which he is, as I may say, connected--in which he has an interest--'

       'As property?' inquired John Rokesmith.

       'Why no,' said Mr Boffin, 'not exactly that; a sort of a family tie.'

       'Association?' the Secretary suggested.

       'Ah!' said Mr Boffin. 'Perhaps. Anyhow, he named to me that the house had a board up, "This Eminently Aristocratic Mansion to be let or sold." Me and Mrs Boffin went to look at it, and finding it beyond a doubt Eminently Aristocratic (though a trifle high

       and dull, which after all may be part of the same thing) took it. My literary man was so friendly as to drop into a charming piece of

       poetry on that occasion, in which he complimented Mrs Boffin on coming into possession of--how did it go, my dear?' Mrs Boffin replied:

       '"The gay, the gay and festive scene,

       The halls, the halls of dazzling light."'

       'That's it! And it was made neater by there really being two halls in the house, a front 'un and a back 'un, besides the servants'. He likewise dropped into a very pretty piece of poetry to be sure, respecting the extent to which he would be willing to put himself out of the way to bring Mrs Boffin round, in case she should ever get low in her spirits in the house. Mrs Boffin has a wonderful memory. Will you repeat it, my dear?'

       Mrs Boffin complied, by reciting the verses in which this obliging offer had been made, exactly as she had received them.

       '"I'll tell thee how the maiden wept, Mrs Boffin,

       When her true love was slain ma'am,

       And how her broken spirit slept, Mrs Boffin,

       And never woke again ma'am.

       I'll tell thee (if agreeable to Mr Boffin) how the steed drew


       And left his lord afar;

       And if my tale (which I hope Mr Boffin might excuse) should

       make you sigh,

       I'll strike the light guitar."'

       'Correct to the letter!' said Mr Boffin. 'And I consider that the poetry brings us both in, in a beautiful manner.'

       The effect of the poem on the Secretary being evidently to astonish him, Mr Boffin was confirmed in his high opinion of it, and was


       greatly pleased.

       'Now, you see, Rokesmith,' he went on, 'a literary man--WITH a wooden leg--is liable to jealousy. I shall therefore cast about for comfortable ways and means of not calling up Wegg's jealousy, but of keeping you in your department, and keeping him in his.'

       'Lor!' cried Mrs Boffin. 'What I say is, the world's wide enough for all of us!'

       'So it is, my dear,' said Mr Boffin, 'when not literary. But when so, not so. And I am bound to bear in mind that I took Wegg on, at a time when I had no thought of being fashionable or of leaving the Bower. To let him feel himself anyways slighted now, would be to be guilty of a meanness, and to act like having one's head turned by the halls of dazzling light. Which Lord forbid! Rokesmith, what shall we say about your living in the house?'

       'In this house?'

       'No, no. I have got other plans for this house. In the new house?'

       'That will be as you please, Mr Boffin. I hold myself quite at your disposal. You know where I live at present.'

       'Well!' said Mr Boffin, after considering the point; 'suppose you keep as you are for the present, and we'll decide by-and-by. You'll

       begin to take charge at once, of all that's going on in the new house, will you?'

       'Most willingly. I will begin this very day. Will you give me the address?'

       Mr Boffin repeated it, and the Secretary wrote it down in his pocketbook. Mrs Boffin took the opportunity of his being so engaged, to get a better observation of his face than she had yet taken. It impressed her in his favour, for she nodded aside to Mr Boffin, 'I

       like him.'

       'I will see directly that everything is in train, Mr Boffin.'