Our Mutual Friend - The Original Classic Edition. Dickens Charles

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Название Our Mutual Friend - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Dickens Charles
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412631

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turned on the informer, and his pen ready to reduce him to more writing. Lightwood also smoked, with his eyes negligently turned on the informer.

       'Now let me be took down again,' said Riderhood, when he had turned the drowned cap over and under, and had brushed it the wrong way (if it had a right way) with his sleeve. 'I give information that the man that done the Harmon Murder is Gaffer Hexam, the man that found the body. The hand of Jesse Hexam, commonly called Gaffer on the river and along shore, is the hand that done that deed. His hand and no other.'

       The two friends glanced at one another with more serious faces than they had shown yet.

       'Tell us on what grounds you make this accusation,' said Mortimer Lightwood.

       'On the grounds,' answered Riderhood, wiping his face with his sleeve, 'that I was Gaffer's pardner, and suspected of him many a long day and many a dark night. On the grounds that I knowed his ways. On the grounds that I broke the pardnership because I see the danger; which I warn you his daughter may tell you another story about that, for anythink I can say, but you know what it'll be worth, for she'd tell you lies, the world round and the heavens broad, to save her father. On the grounds that it's well understood along the cause'ays and the stairs that he done it. On the grounds that he's fell off from, because he done it. On the grounds that I


       will swear he done it. On the grounds that you may take me where you will, and get me sworn to it. I don't want to back out of the

       consequences. I have made up MY mind. Take me anywheres.'

       'All this is nothing,' said Lightwood.

       'Nothing?' repeated Riderhood, indignantly and amazedly.

       'Merely nothing. It goes to no more than that you suspect this man of the crime. You may do so with some reason, or you may do so with no reason, but he cannot be convicted on your suspicion.'

       'Haven't I said--I appeal to the T'other Governor as my witness--haven't I said from the first minute that I opened my mouth in this here world-without-end-everlasting chair' (he evidently used that form of words as next in force to an affidavit), 'that I was willing to swear that he done it? Haven't I said, Take me and get me sworn to it? Don't I say so now? You won't deny it, Lawyer Lightwood?'

       'Surely not; but you only offer to swear to your suspicion, and I tell you it is not enough to swear to your suspicion.'

       'Not enough, ain't it, Lawyer Lightwood?' he cautiously demanded.

       'Positively not.'

       'And did I say it WAS enough? Now, I appeal to the T'other Governor. Now, fair! Did I say so?'

       'He certainly has not said that he had no more to tell,' Eugene observed in a low voice without looking at him, 'whatever he seemed to imply.'

       'Hah!' cried the informer, triumphantly perceiving that the remark was generally in his favour, though apparently not closely under-

       standing it. 'Fort'nate for me I had a witness!'

       'Go on, then,' said Lightwood. 'Say out what you have to say. No afterthought.'

       'Let me be took down then!' cried the informer, eagerly and anxiously. 'Let me be took down, for by George and the Draggin I'm a coming to it now! Don't do nothing to keep back from a honest man the fruits of the sweat of his brow! I give information, then, that he told me that he done it. Is THAT enough?'

       'Take care what you say, my friend,' returned Mortimer.

       'Lawyer Lightwood, take care, you, what I say; for I judge you'll be answerable for follering it up!' Then, slowly and emphatically beating it all out with his open right hand on the palm of his left; 'I, Roger Riderhood, Lime'us Hole, Waterside character, tell you, Lawyer Lightwood, that the man Jesse Hexam, commonly called upon the river and along-shore Gaffer, told me that he done the deed. What's more, he told me with his own lips that he done the deed. What's more, he said that he done the deed. And I'll swear it!'

       'Where did he tell you so?'

       'Outside,' replied Riderhood, always beating it out, with his head determinedly set askew, and his eyes watchfully dividing their atten-

       tion between his two auditors, 'outside the door of the Six Jolly Fellowships, towards a quarter after twelve o'clock at midnight--but

       I will not in my conscience undertake to swear to so fine a matter as five minutes--on the night when he picked up the body. The Six

       Jolly Fellowships won't run away. If it turns out that he warn't at the Six Jolly Fellowships that night at midnight, I'm a liar.'

       'What did he say?'

       'I'll tell you (take me down, T'other Governor, I ask no better). He come out first; I come out last. I might be a minute arter him; I might be half a minute, I might be a quarter of a minute; I cannot swear to that, and therefore I won't. That's knowing the obligations of a Alfred David, ain't it?'

       'Go on.'

       'I found him a waiting to speak to me. He says to me, "Rogue Riderhood"--for that's the name I'm mostly called by--not for any


       meaning in it, for meaning it has none, but because of its being similar to Roger.'

       'Never mind that.'

       ''Scuse ME, Lawyer Lightwood, it's a part of the truth, and as such I do mind it, and I must mind it and I will mind it. "Rogue Riderhood," he says, "words passed betwixt us on the river tonight." Which they had; ask his daughter! "I threatened you," he says, "to chop you over the fingers with my boat's stretcher, or take a aim at your brains with my boathook. I did so on accounts of your looking too hard at what I had in tow, as if you was suspicious, and on accounts of your holding on to the gunwale of my boat." I says

       to him, "Gaffer, I know it." He says to me, "Rogue Riderhood, you are a man in a dozen"--I think he said in a score, but of that I am not positive, so take the lowest figure, for precious be the obligations of a Alfred David. "And," he says, "when your fellow-men is up, be it their lives or be it their watches, sharp is ever the word with you. Had you suspicions?" I says, "Gaffer, I had; and what's more, I have." He falls a shaking, and he says, "Of what?" I says, "Of foul play." He falls a shaking worse, and he says, "There WAS foul play then. I done it for his money. Don't betray me!" Those were the words as ever he used.'

       There was a silence, broken only by the fall of the ashes in the grate. An opportunity which the informer improved by smearing himself all over the head and neck and face with his drowned cap, and not at all improving his own appearance.

       'What more?' asked Lightwood.

       'Of him, d'ye mean, Lawyer Lightwood?'

       'Of anything to the purpose.'

       'Now, I'm blest if I understand you, Governors Both,' said the informer, in a creeping manner: propitiating both, though only one

       had spoken. 'What? Ain't THAT enough?'

       'Did you ask him how he did it, where he did it, when he did it?'

       'Far be it from me, Lawyer Lightwood! I was so troubled in my mind, that I wouldn't have knowed more, no, not for the sum as I expect to earn from you by the sweat of my brow, twice told! I had put an end to the pardnership. I had cut the connexion. I couldn't undo what was done; and when he begs and prays, "Old pardner, on my knees, don't split upon me!" I only makes answer "Never speak another word to Roger Riderhood, nor look him in the face!" and I shuns that man.'

       Having given these words a swing to make them mount the higher and go the further, Rogue Riderhood poured himself out another glass of wine unbidden, and seemed to chew it, as, with the half-emptied glass in his hand, he stared at the candles.

       Mortimer glanced at Eugene, but Eugene sat glowering at his paper, and would give him no responsive glance. Mortimer again

       turned to the informer, to whom he said:

       'You have been troubled in your mind a long time, man?'

       Giving his wine a final chew, and swallowing it, the informer answered in a single word:


       'When all that stir was made, when the Government