Roughing It - The Original Classic Edition. Twain Mark

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Название Roughing It - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Twain Mark
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412549

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away from him and left him treacherous, 136 filthy and repulsive--and how quickly the evidences accumulated that wherever one finds an Indian tribe he has only found Goshoots more or less modified by circumstances and surroundings--but Goshoots, after all. They deserve pity, poor creatures; and they can have mine--at this distance. Nearer by, they never get anybody's. There is an impression abroad that the Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company and many of its employees are Goshoots; but it is an error. There is only a plausible resemblance, which, while it is apt enough to mislead the ignorant, cannot deceive parties who have contemplated both tribes. But seriously, it was not only poor wit, but very wrong to start the report referred to above; for however innocent the motive may have been, the necessary effect was to injure the reputation of a class who have a hard enough time of it in the pitiless deserts of the Rocky Mountains, Heaven knows! If we cannot find it in our hearts to give those poor naked creatures our Christian sympathy and compassion, in God's name let us at least not throw mud at them. CHAPTER XX. On the seventeenth day we passed the highest mountain peaks we had yet seen, and although the day was very warm the night that followed upon its heels was wintry cold and blankets were next to useless. On the eighteenth day we encountered the eastward-bound telegraph-constructors at Reese River station and sent a message to his 137 Excellency Gov. Nye at Carson City (distant one hundred and fifty-six miles). On the nineteenth day we crossed the Great American Desert--forty memorable miles of bottomless sand, into which the coach wheels sunk from six inches to a foot. We worked our passage most of the way across. That is to say, we got out and walked. It was a dreary pull and a long and thirsty one, for we had no water. From one extremity of this desert to the other, the road was white with the bones of oxen and horses. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that we could have walked the forty miles and set our feet on a bone at every step! The desert was one prodigious graveyard. And the log-chains, wagon tyres, and rotting wrecks of vehicles were almost as thick as the bones. I think we saw

       log-chains enough rusting there in the desert, to reach across any State in the Union. Do not these relics suggest something of an idea of the fearful suffering and privation the early emigrants to California endured?

       At the border of the Desert lies Carson Lake, or The "Sink" of the Carson, a shallow, melancholy sheet of water some eighty or a hundred miles in circumference. Carson River empties into it and is lost--sinks mysteriously into the earth and never appears in the light of the sun again--for the lake has no outlet whatever.

       There are several rivers in Nevada, and they all have this mysterious fate. They end in various lakes or "sinks," and that is the last of

       them. Carson Lake, Humboldt Lake, Walker Lake, Mono Lake, are all great

       sheets of water without any visible outlet. Water is always flowing into them; none is ever seen to flow out of them, and yet they remain always


       level full, neither receding nor overflowing. What they do with their

       surplus is only known to the Creator.

       On the western verge of the Desert we halted a moment at Ragtown. It consisted of one log house and is not set down on the map.

       This reminds me of a circumstance. Just after we left Julesburg, on the

       Platte, I was sitting with the driver, and he said:

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