Adventures of Pinocchio - The Original Classic Edition. Collodi Carlo

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Название Adventures of Pinocchio - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Collodi Carlo
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486412068

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a tiny cap from a bit of dough.

       Pinocchio ran to look at himself in a bowl of water, and he felt so happy that he said proudly: "Now I look like a gentleman."

       "Truly," answered Geppetto. "But remember that fine clothes do not make the man unless they be neat and clean."

       "Very true," answered Pinocchio, "but, in order to go to school, I still need something very important." "What is it?"

       "An A-B-C book."

       "To be sure! But how shall we get it?"

       "That's easy. We'll go to a bookstore and buy it." "And the money?"

       "I have none."

       "Neither have I," said the old man sadly.

       Pinocchio, although a happy boy always, became sad and downcast at these words. When poverty shows itself, even mischievous boys understand what it means.

       "What does it matter, after all?" cried Geppetto all at once, as he jumped up from his chair. Putting on his old coat, full of darns and

       patches, he ran out of the house without another word.

       After a while he returned. In his hands he had the A-B-C book for his son, but the old coat was gone. The poor fellow was in his shirt sleeves and the day was cold.


       "Where's your coat, Father?" "I have sold it."

       "Why did you sell your coat?" "It was too warm."

       Pinocchio understood the answer in a twinkling, and, unable to restrain his tears, he jumped on his father's neck and kissed him over

       and over.

       CHAPTER 9

       Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book to pay his way into the Marionette Theater.

       See Pinocchio hurrying off to school with his new A-B-C book under his arm! As he walked along, his brain was busy planning hundreds of wonderful things, building hundreds of castles in the air. Talking to himself, he said:

       "In school today, I'll learn to read, tomorrow to write, and the day after tomorrow I'll do arithmetic. Then, clever as I am, I can earn

       a lot of money. With the very first pennies I make, I'll buy Father a new cloth coat. Cloth, did I say? No, it shall be of gold and silver with diamond buttons. That poor man certainly deserves it; for, after all, isn't he in his shirt sleeves because he was good enough to buy a book for me? On this cold day, too! Fathers are indeed good to their children!"

       As he talked to himself, he thought he heard sounds of pipes and drums coming from a distance: pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi. . .zum, zum, zum, zum.

       He stopped to listen. Those sounds came from a little street that led to a small village along the shore. "What can that noise be? What a nuisance that I have to go to school! Otherwise. . ."

       There he stopped, very much puzzled. He felt he had to make up his mind for either one thing or another. Should he go to school, or should he follow the pipes?

       "Today I'll follow the pipes, and tomorrow I'll go to school. There's always plenty of time to go to school," decided the little rascal at last, shrugging his shoulders.

       No sooner said than done. He started down the street, going like the wind. On he ran, and louder grew the sounds of pipe and drum: pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi . . .zum, zum, zum, zum.

       Suddenly, he found himself in a large square, full of people standing in front of a little wooden building painted in brilliant colors. "What is that house?" Pinocchio asked a little boy near him.

       "Read the sign and you'll know."

       "I'd like to read, but somehow I can't today."

       "Oh, really? Then I'll read it to you. Know, then, that written in letters of fire I see the words: GREAT MARIONETTE THEATER.

       "When did the show start?" "It is starting now."


       "And how much does one pay to get in?" "Four pennies."

       Pinocchio, who was wild with curiosity to know what was going on inside, lost all his pride and said to the boy shamelessly: "Will you give me four pennies until tomorrow?"

       "I'd give them to you gladly," answered the other, poking fun at him, "but just now I can't give them to you."

       "For the price of four pennies, I'll sell you my coat."

       "If it rains, what shall I do with a coat of flowered paper? I could not take it off again."

       "Do you want to buy my shoes?"

       "They are only good enough to light a fire with."

       "What about my hat?"

       "Fine bargain, indeed! A cap of dough! The mice might come and eat it from my head!"

       Pinocchio was almost in tears. He was just about to make one last offer, but he lacked the courage to do so. He hesitated, he wondered, he could not make up his mind. At last he said:

       "Will you give me four pennies for the book?"

       "I am a boy and I buy nothing from boys," said the little fellow with far more common sense than the Marionette. "I'll give you four pennies for your A-B-C book," said a ragpicker who stood by.

       Then and there, the book changed hands. And to think that poor old Geppetto sat at home in his shirt sleeves, shivering with cold, having sold his coat to buy that little book for his son!

       CHAPTER 10

       The Marionettes recognize their brother Pinocchio, and greet him with loud cheers; but the Director, Fire Eater, happens along and poor Pinocchio almost loses his life.

       Quick as a flash, Pinocchio disappeared into the Marionette Theater. And then something happened which almost caused a riot.

       The curtain was up and the performance had started.

       Harlequin and Pulcinella were reciting on the stage and, as usual, they were threatening each other with sticks and blows.

       The theater was full of people, enjoying the spectacle and laughing till they cried at the antics of the two Marionettes.

       The play continued for a few minutes, and then suddenly, without any warning, Harlequin stopped talking. Turning toward the audience, he pointed to the rear of the orchestra, yelling wildly at the same time:

       "Look, look! Am I asleep or awake? Or do I really see Pinocchio there?" "Yes, yes! It is Pinocchio!" screamed Pulcinella.


       "It is! It is!" shrieked Signora Rosaura, peeking in from the side of the stage.

       "It is Pinocchio! It is Pinocchio!" yelled all the Marionettes, pouring out of the wings. "It is Pinocchio. It is our brother Pinocchio! Hurrah for Pinocchio!"

       "Pinocchio, come up to me!" shouted Harlequin. "Come to the arms of your wooden brothers!"

       At such a loving invitation, Pinocchio, with one leap from the back of the orchestra, found himself in the front rows. With another leap, he was on the orchestra leader's head. With a third, he landed on the stage.

       It is impossible to describe the shrieks of joy, the warm embraces, the knocks, and the friendly greetings with which that strange

       company of dramatic actors and actresses received Pinocchio.

       It was a heart-rending spectacle, but the audience, seeing that the play had stopped, became angry and began to yell: "The play, the play, we want the play!"

       The yelling was of no use, for the Marionettes, instead of going on with their act, made twice as much racket as before, and, lifting up Pinocchio on their shoulders, carried him around the stage in triumph.

       At that very moment, the Director came out of his room. He had such a fearful appearance that one look at him would fill you with

       horror. His beard was as black as pitch, and so long that it reached from his chin down to his feet. His mouth was as wide as an

       oven, his teeth like yellow fangs, and his eyes, two glowing red coals. In his huge, hairy hands, a long whip, made of green snakes and black