New Royal Cook Book - The Original Classic Edition. company New

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Название New Royal Cook Book - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения company New
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486411924

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Spiced Currants, 49

       Spider Corn Bread, 3

       Spinach, 39-40

       Sponge Cake, 15-16

       Stewing and Boiling (Meats), 32

       Stew with Dumplings, 32

       Strawberry Ice Cream, 28

       Strawberry Icing, 17

       Strawberry Mousse, 29

       Strawberry Pie, 27

       Strawberry Shortcakes, 21

       Sunshine Cake, 10

       Sweetbreads, Creamed, 34

       Taffy, Butter, 43

       Tapioca Pudding, 22

       Tea, 43

       Time-Table for Canning Fruits, 47

       Toast, French, 39

       Tomato Catsup, 49

       Tomatoes and Eggs, 38

       Tomatoes, Baked, 40

       Tomato Pickles, 49

       Tomato Sauce, 35

       Tomato Soup, 30

       Veal, Baked with Tomato Sauce, 33

       Veal Cutlet, 33

       Vegetables, 38-39-40-45

       Vegetable Salad, 41

       Waffles, 9

       Whole Wheat Biscuits, 6

       Whole Wheat Hot Cakes, 9


       The addition of one or two teaspoons of Royal Baking Powder to plain pastry will add wonderfully to its qualities, making it very

       light and tender.

       Omelets are improved by the addition of a small amount of Royal Baking Powder.

       Royal Baking Powder may be added with great advantage to bread pudding, poultry dressing, stuffed or deviled crabs and other


       preparations in which broken bread or bread crumbs are used.

       Icings and especially Ornamental Icings are improved in texture and flavor by the addition of about a teaspoon of Royal Baking


       Instead of adding soda to keep color in green vegetables use Royal Baking Powder.

       [Pg 1]

       Royal Baking Powder

       For raising or leavening breads, biscuits, rolls, muffins, griddle cakes, doughnuts, cakes, pastries, puddings and other similar foods.

       Absolutely Pure and Wholesome

       The principal active ingredient of Royal Baking Powder is Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, a derivative of rich, ripe grapes. It perfectly aerates and leavens the batter or dough and makes the food finer in appearance, more delicious to the taste, and more healthful.

       It possesses the greatest practicable leavening strength, never varies in quality, and will keep fresh and perfect in all climates until


       The Standard for over 50 Years

       For over 50 years Royal Baking Powder has been the standard. Most of the famous baking recipes in use today were created with it. Most of the famous cooking schools use it. Housewives all over the world have followed the lead of the American housewife and insist upon it. "I must have La Royal," say our Spanish-speaking neighbors in Mexico, Cuba and South America. "I want Royal Bak-ing Powder and no other," say housewives in England, Scotland and Ireland.

       Only unequalled quality could create such a world-wide demand.

       Used in Leading Hotels

       Prominent chefs and expert bakers in America, including those of the famous restaurants in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities, consider Royal Baking Powder the most reliable, most efficient and the most dependable leavening agent.

       Physicians recommend Royal Baking Powder for its wholesomeness and for the healthful qualities that it adds to the food.

       For Making the Finest and Most Healthful Food, Royal Baking Powder is Indispensable. [Pg 2]


       Where shortening is mentioned in the recipes it is understood that butter or lard, or an equivalent quantity of butter substitute or

       vegetable oil may be used.


       All measurements for all materials called for in the recipes in this book are level.

       The standard measuring cup holds one-half pint and is divided into fourths and thirds. To make level measurements fill cup or spoon and scrape off excess with back of knife.

       One-half spoon is measured lengthwise of spoon.


       Sift flour before measuring.


       Regulate the oven carefully before mixing the ingredients. Many a cake otherwise perfectly prepared is spoiled because the oven is too hot or not hot enough.

       Biscuits and pastry require a hot oven; cakes, a moderate oven.

       When a cake is thoroughly baked it shrinks from the sides of the pan. A light touch with the finger which leaves no mark is another

       indication that the cake is baked.



      saltspoon =

      1/4 teaspoon


      teaspoons =

      1 tablespoon



      = 1 cup


      cups =

      1 pint


      pints =

      1 quart


      cups =

      1 quart

      2 cups granulated sugar = 1 pound

       4 cups flour = 1 pound

       2 cups butter = 1 pound

       2 tablespoons butter = 1 ounce

       2 tablespoons liquid = 1 ounce

       4 tablespoons flour = 1 ounce

       1 square unsweetened chocolate = 1 ounce

       All measurements are level. Four level teaspoons of baking powder about equal one heaping teaspoon as heretofore used.

       [Note: The following 6 lines are notes at the top of pages which are repeated throughout the original book.]

       Royal Baking Powder Contains No Alum Royal Baking Powder Is Absolutely Pure Royal Baking Powder Leaves No Bitter Taste Royal is Made from Cream of Tartar

       Royal Baking Powder Never Disturbs Digestion

       Bake it with Royal and be Sure

       [Pg 3]

       Bread and Rolls

       Royal Baking Powder may be used instead of yeast to leaven bread. It does the same work; that is, raises the dough, making it porous

       and spongy.

       The great advantage in baking powder bread is in time saved. Royal Baking Powder bread can be mixed and baked in about an hour and a half.

       Royal Baking Powder Bread

       4 cups flour

       1 teaspoon salt