The Gods of Mars - The Original Classic Edition. Burroughs Edgar

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Название The Gods of Mars - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Burroughs Edgar
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486411573

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been forced halfway around the huge base of the colossal trunk.

       Tars Tarkas was in the lead, and suddenly I heard a little cry of exultation from him.

       "Here is shelter for one at least, John Carter," he said, and, glancing down, I saw an opening in the base of the tree about three feet in diameter.

       "In with you, Tars Tarkas," I cried, but he would not go; saying that his bulk was too great for the little aperture, while I might slip in easily.

       "We shall both die if we remain without, John Carter; here is a slight chance for one of us. Take it and you may live to avenge me, it is useless for me to attempt to worm my way into so small an opening with this horde of demons besetting us on all sides."


       "Then we shall die together, Tars Tarkas," I replied, "for I shall not go first. Let me defend the opening while you get in, then my

       smaller stature will permit me to slip in with you before they can prevent."

       We still were fighting furiously as we talked in broken sentences, punctured with vicious cuts and thrusts at our swarming enemy.

       At length he yielded, for it seemed the only way in which either of us might be saved from the ever-increasing numbers of our assailants, who were still swarming upon us from all directions across the broad valley.

       "It was ever your way, John Carter, to think last of your own life," he said; "but still more your way to command the lives and actions of others, even to the greatest of Jeddaks who rule upon Barsoom."

       There was a grim smile upon his cruel, hard face, as he, the greatest Jeddak of them all, turned to obey the dictates of a creature of another world--of a man whose stature was less than half his own.

       "If you fail, John Carter," he said, "know that the cruel and heartless Thark, to whom you taught the meaning of friendship, will come out to die beside you."

       "As you will, my friend," I replied; "but quickly now, head first, while I cover your retreat."

       He hesitated a little at that word, for never before in his whole life of continual strife had he turned his back upon aught than a dead or defeated enemy.

       "Haste, Tars Tarkas," I urged, "or we shall both go down to profitless defeat; I cannot hold them for ever alone."

       As he dropped to the ground to force his way into the tree, the whole howling pack of hideous devils hurled themselves upon me. To right and left flew my shimmering blade, now green with the sticky juice of a plant man, now red with the crimson blood of a great white ape; but always flying from one opponent to another, hesitating but the barest fraction of a second to drink the lifeblood in the centre of some savage heart.

       And thus I fought as I never had fought before, against such frightful odds that I cannot realize even now that human muscles could

       have withstood that awful onslaught, that terrific weight of hurtling tons of ferocious, battling flesh.

       With the fear that we would escape them, the creatures redoubled their efforts to pull me down, and though the ground about me was piled high with their dead and dying comrades, they succeeded at last in overwhelming me, and I went down beneath them for the second time that day, and once again felt those awful sucking lips against my flesh.

       But scarce had I fallen ere I felt powerful hands grip my ankles, and in another second I was being drawn within the shelter of the tree's interior. For a moment it was a tug of war between Tars Tarkas and a great plant man, who clung tenaciously to my breast, but presently I got the point of my longsword beneath him and with a mighty thrust pierced his vitals.

       Torn and bleeding from many cruel wounds, I lay panting upon the ground within the hollow of the tree, while Tars Tarkas defended the opening from the furious mob without.

       For an hour they howled about the tree, but after a few attempts to reach us they confined their efforts to terrorizing shrieks and

       screams, to horrid growling on the part of the great white apes, and the fearsome and indescribable purring by the plant men.

       At length, all but a score, who had apparently been left to prevent our escape, had left us, and our adventure seemed destined to re-sult in a siege, the only outcome of which could be our death by starvation; for even should we be able to slip out after dark, whither in this unknown and hostile valley could we hope to turn our steps toward possible escape?

       As the attacks of our enemies ceased and our eyes became accustomed to the semi-darkness of the interior of our strange retreat, I

       took the opportunity to explore our shelter.

       The tree was hollow to an extent of about fifty feet in diameter, and from its flat, hard floor I judged that it had often been used to

       domicile others before our occupancy. As I raised my eyes toward its roof to note the height I saw far above me a faint glow of light.

       There was an opening above. If we could but reach it we might still hope to make the shelter of the cliff caves. My eyes had now


       become quite used to the subdued light of the interior, and as I pursued my investigation I presently came upon a rough ladder at the far side of the cave.

       Quickly I mounted it, only to find that it connected at the top with the lower of a series of horizontal wooden bars that spanned the now narrow and shaft-like interior of the tree's stem. These bars were set one above another about three feet apart, and formed a perfect ladder as far above me as I could see.

       Dropping to the floor once more, I detailed my discovery to Tars Tarkas, who suggested that I explore aloft as far as I could go in

       safety while he guarded the entrance against a possible attack.

       As I hastened above to explore the strange shaft I found that the ladder of horizontal bars mounted always as far above me as my eyes could reach, and as I ascended, the light from above grew brighter and brighter.

       For fully five hundred feet I continued to climb, until at length I reached the opening in the stem which admitted the light. It was of about the same diameter as the entrance at the foot of the tree, and opened directly upon a large flat limb, the well worn surface of which testified to its long continued use as an avenue for some creature to and from this remarkable shaft.

       I did not venture out upon the limb for fear that I might be discovered and our retreat in this direction cut off; but instead hurried to retrace my steps to Tars Tarkas.

       I soon reached him and presently we were both ascending the long ladder toward the opening above.

       Tars Tarkas went in advance and as I reached the first of the horizontal bars I drew the ladder up after me and, handing it to him, he carried it a hundred feet further aloft, where he wedged it safely between one of the bars and the side of the shaft. In like manner I dislodged the lower bars as I passed them, so that we soon had the interior of the tree denuded of all possible means of ascent for a distance of a hundred feet from the base; thus precluding possible pursuit and attack from the rear.

       As we were to learn later, this precaution saved us from dire predicament, and was eventually the means of our salvation.

       When we reached the opening at the top Tars Tarkas drew to one side that I might pass out and investigate, as, owing to my lesser

       weight and greater agility, I was better fitted for the perilous threading of this dizzy, hanging pathway.

       The limb upon which I found myself ascended at a slight angle toward the cliff, and as I followed it I found that it terminated a few feet above a narrow ledge which protruded from the cliff 's face at the entrance to a narrow cave.

       As I approached the slightly more slender extremity of the branch it bent beneath my weight until, as I balanced perilously upon its outer tip, it swayed gently on a level with the ledge at a distance of a couple of feet.

       Five hundred feet below me lay the vivid scarlet carpet of the valley; nearly five thousand feet above towered the mighty, gleaming

       face of the gorgeous cliffs.

       The cave that I faced was not one of those