Tarzan of the Apes - The Original Classic Edition. Burroughs Edgar

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Название Tarzan of the Apes - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Burroughs Edgar
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486411313

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So it was that from the second day out from Freetown John Clayton and his young wife witnessed scenes upon the deck of the Fuwalda such as they had believed were never enacted outside the covers of printed stories of the sea.

       It was on the morning of the second day that the first link was forged in what was destined to form a chain of circumstances ending in a life for one then unborn such as has never been paralleled in the history of man.

       Two sailors were washing down the decks of the Fuwalda, the first mate was on duty, and the captain had stopped to speak with John Clayton and Lady Alice.


       The men were working backwards toward the little party who were facing away from the sailors. Closer and closer they came, until one of them

       was directly behind the captain. In another moment he would have passed by and this strange narrative would never have been recorded.

       But just that instant the officer turned to leave Lord and Lady Greystoke, and, as he did so, tripped against the sailor and sprawled headlong upon the deck, overturning the water-pail so that he was drenched in its dirty contents.

       For an instant the scene was ludicrous; but only for an instant. With a volley of awful oaths, his face suffused with the scarlet of mortification and rage, the captain regained his feet, and with a terrific blow felled the sailor to the deck.

       The man was small and rather old, so that the brutality of the act was thus accentuated. The other seaman, however, was neither old nor small--a huge bear of a man, with fierce black mustachios, and a great bull neck set between massive shoulders.

       As he saw his mate go down he crouched, and, with a low snarl, sprang upon the captain crushing him to his knees with a single mighty blow.

       From scarlet the officer's face went white, for this was mutiny; and mutiny he had met and subdued before in his brutal career. Without waiting to rise he whipped a revolver from his pocket, firing point blank at the great mountain of muscle towering before him; but, quick as he was, John Clayton was almost as quick, so that the bullet which was intended for the sailor's heart lodged in the sailor's leg instead,


       for Lord Greystoke had struck down the captain's arm as he had seen the

       weapon flash in the sun.

       Words passed between Clayton and the captain, the former making it plain that he was disgusted with the brutality displayed toward the crew, nor would he countenance anything further of the kind while he and Lady Greystoke remained passengers.

       The captain was on the point of making an angry reply, but, thinking better of it, turned on his heel and black and scowling, strode aft.

       He did not care to antagonize an English official, for the Queen's

       mighty arm wielded a punitive instrument which he could appreciate, and which he feared--England's far-reaching navy.

       The two sailors picked themselves up, the older man assisting his

       wounded comrade to rise. The big fellow, who was known among his mates

       as Black Michael, tried his leg gingerly, and, finding that it bore his

       weight, turned to Clayton with a word of gruff thanks.

       Though the fellow's tone was surly, his words were evidently well meant. Ere he had scarce finished his little speech he had turned and was limping off toward the forecastle with the very apparent intention of forestalling any further conversation.

       They did not see him again for several days, nor did the captain accord them more than the surliest of grunts when he was forced to speak to them.


       They took their meals in his cabin, as they had before the unfortunate occurrence; but the captain was careful to see that his duties never permitted him to eat at the same time.

       The other officers were coarse, illiterate fellows, but little above the villainous crew they bullied, and were only too glad to avoid social intercourse with the polished English noble and his lady, so that the Claytons were left very much to themselves.

       This in itself accorded perfectly with their desires, but it also

       rather isolated them from the life of the little ship so that they were unable to keep in touch with the daily happenings which were to culminate so soon in bloody tragedy.

       There was in the whole atmosphere of the craft that undefinable something which presages disaster. Outwardly, to the knowledge of the Claytons, all went on as before upon the little vessel; but that there

       was an undertow leading them toward some unknown danger both felt, though they did not speak of it to each other.

       On the second day after the wounding of Black Michael, Clayton came on deck just in time to see the limp body of one of the crew being carried below by four of his fellows while the first mate, a heavy belaying pin

       in his hand, stood glowering at the little party of sullen sailors.

       Clayton asked no questions--he did not need to--and the following day,

       as the great lines of a British battleship grew out of the distant horizon, he half determined to demand that he and Lady Alice be put

       aboard her, for his fears were steadily increasing that nothing but


       harm could result from remaining on the lowering, sullen Fuwalda.

       Toward noon they were within speaking distance of the British vessel, but when Clayton had nearly decided to ask the captain to put them aboard her, the obvious ridiculousness of such a request became suddenly apparent. What reason could he give the officer commanding her majesty's ship for desiring to go back in the direction from which he had just come!

       What if he told them that two insubordinate seamen had been roughly handled by their officers? They would but laugh in their sleeves and attribute his reason for wishing to leave the ship to but one


       John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, did not ask to be transferred to the British man-of-war. Late in the afternoon he saw her upper works fade below the far horizon, but not before he learned that which confirmed his greatest fears, and caused him to curse the false pride which had restrained him from seeking safety for his young wife a few short hours before, when safety was within reach--a safety which was now gone forever.

       It was midafternoon that brought the little old sailor, who had been felled by the captain a few days before, to where Clayton and his wife stood by the ship's side watching the ever diminishing outlines of the great battleship. The old fellow was polishing brasses, and as he came edging along until close to Clayton he said, in an undertone:

       "'Ell's to pay, sir, on this 'ere craft, an' mark my word for it, sir.


       'Ell's to pay."

       "What do you mean, my good fellow?" asked Clayton.

       "Wy, hasn't ye seen wats goin' on? Hasn't ye 'eard that devil's spawn of a capting an' is mates knockin' the bloomin' lights outen 'arf the crew?

       "Two busted 'eads yeste'day, an' three to-day. Black Michael's as good as new agin an' 'e's not the bully to stand fer it, not 'e; an' mark my word for it, sir."

       "You mean, my man, that the crew contemplates mutiny?" asked Clayton.

       "Mutiny!" exclaimed the old fellow. "Mutiny! They means murder, sir, an' mark my word for it, sir."


       "Hit's comin', sir; hit's comin' but I'm not a-sayin' wen, an' I've

       said too damned much now, but ye was a good sort t'other day an' I

       thought it no more'n right to warn ye. But keep a still tongue in yer

       'ead an' when ye 'ear shootin' git below an' stay there.

       "That's all, only keep a still tongue in yer 'ead, or they'll put a pill between yer ribs, an' mark my word for it, sir," and the old

       fellow went on with his polishing, which carried him away from where