The Secret Adversary - The Original Classic Edition. Agatha Christie

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Название The Secret Adversary - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Agatha Christie
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486410064

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your mind so pat."

       "So you did. I remember now. How extraordinary----" Tuppence tailed off into silence. Suddenly she aroused herself. "Tommy!" "Yes?"

       "What were they like, the two men you passed?" Tommy frowned in an effort at remembrance.

       "One was a big fat sort of chap. Clean shaven, I think--and dark."

       "That's him," cried Tuppence, in an ungrammatical squeal. "That's Whittington! What was the other man like?" "I can't remember. I didn't notice him particularly. It was really the outlandish name that caught my attention." "And people say that coincidences don't happen!" Tuppence tackled her Peche Melba happily.

       But Tommy had become serious.

       "Look here, Tuppence, old girl, what is this going to lead to?" "More money," replied his companion.

       "I know that. You've only got one idea in your head. What I mean is, what about the next step? How are you going to keep the game up?"

       "Oh!" Tuppence laid down her spoon. "You're right, Tommy, it is a bit of a poser."

       "After all, you know, you can't bluff him forever. You're sure to slip up sooner or later. And, anyway, I'm not at all sure that it isn't actionable--blackmail, you know."

       "Nonsense. Blackmail is saying you'll tell unless you are given money. Now, there's nothing I could tell, because I don't really know anything."

       "Hm," said Tommy doubtfully. "Well, anyway, what ARE we going to do? Whittington was in a hurry to get rid of you this morning, but next time he'll want to know something more before he parts with his money. He'll want to know how much YOU know, and where you got your information from, and a lot of other things that you can't cope with. What are you going to do about it?"

       Tuppence frowned severely.

       "We must think. Order some Turkish coffee, Tommy. Stimulating to the brain. Oh, dear, what a lot I have eaten!"

       "You have made rather a hog of yourself ! So have I for that matter, but I flatter myself that my choice of dishes was more judicious

       than yours. Two coffees." (This was to the waiter.) "One Turkish, one French."


       Tuppence sipped her coffee with a deeply reflective air, and snubbed Tommy when he spoke to her.

       "Be quiet. I'm thinking."

       "Shades of Pelmanism!" said Tommy, and relapsed into silence.

       "There!" said Tuppence at last. "I've got a plan. Obviously what we've got to do is to find out more about it all."

       Tommy applauded.

       "Don't jeer. We can only find out through Whittington. We must discover where he lives, what he does--sleuth him, in fact! Now I can't do it, because he knows me, but he only saw you for a minute or two in Lyons'. He's not likely to recognize you. After all, one young man is much like another."

       "I repudiate that remark utterly. I'm sure my pleasing features and distinguished appearance would single me out from any crowd."

       "My plan is this," Tuppence went on calmly, "I'll go alone to-morrow. I'll put him off again like I did to-day. It doesn't matter if I

       don't get any more money at once. Fifty pounds ought to last us a few days." "Or even longer!"

       "You'll hang about outside. When I come out I shan't speak to you in case he's watching. But I'll take up my stand somewhere near, and when he comes out of the building I'll drop a handkerchief or something, and off you go!"

       "Off I go where?"

       "Follow him, of course, silly! What do you think of the idea?"

       "Sort of thing one reads about in books. I somehow feel that in real life one will feel a bit of an ass standing in the street for hours with nothing to do. People will wonder what I'm up to."

       "Not in the city. Every one's in such a hurry. Probably no one will even notice you at all."

       "That's the second time you've made that sort of remark. Never mind, I forgive you. Anyway, it will be rather a lark. What are you doing this afternoon?"

       "Well," said Tuppence meditatively. "I HAD thought of hats! Or perhaps silk stockings! Or perhaps----"

       "Hold hard," admonished Tommy. "There's a limit to fifty pounds! But let's do dinner and a show to-night at all events."


       The day passed pleasantly. The evening even more so. Two of the five-pound notes were now irretrievably dead.

       They met by arrangement the following morning and proceeded citywards. Tommy remained on the opposite side of the road while

       Tuppence plunged into the building.

       Tommy strolled slowly down to the end of the street, then back again. Just as he came abreast of the building, Tuppence darted across the road.


       "Yes. What's up?"

       "The place is shut. I can't make anyone hear."

       "That's odd."


       "Isn't it? Come up with me, and let's try again."

       Tommy followed her. As they passed the third floor landing a young clerk came out of an office. He hesitated a moment, then ad-

       dressed himself to Tuppence.

       "Were you wanting the Esthonia Glassware?" "Yes, please."

       "It's closed down. Since yesterday afternoon. Company being wound up, they say. Not that I've ever heard of it myself. But anyway

       the office is to let."

       "Th--thank you," faltered Tuppence. "I suppose you don't know Mr. Whittington's address?" "Afraid I don't. They left rather suddenly."

       "Thank you very much," said Tommy. "Come on, Tuppence."

       They descended to the street again where they gazed at one another blankly. "That's torn it," said Tommy at length.

       "And I never suspected it," wailed Tuppence. "Cheer up, old thing, it can't be helped."

       "Can't it, though!" Tuppence's little chin shot out defiantly. "Do you think this is the end? If so, you're wrong. It's just the begin-


       "The beginning of what?"

       "Of our adventure! Tommy, don't you see, if they are scared enough to run away like this, it shows that there must be a lot in this

       Jane Finn business! Well, we'll get to the bottom of it. We'll run them down! We'll be sleuths in earnest!" "Yes, but there's no one left to sleuth."

       "No, that's why we'll have to start all over again. Lend me that bit of pencil. Thanks. Wait a minute--don't interrupt. There!" Tuppence handed back the pencil, and surveyed the piece of paper on which she had written with a satisfied eye:

       "What's that?" "Advertisement."

       "You're not going to put that thing in after all?"

       "No, it's a different one." She handed him the slip of paper. Tommy read the words on it aloud:

       "WANTED, any information respecting Jane Finn. Apply Y.A."



       THE next day passed slowly. It was necessary to curtail expenditure. Carefully husbanded, forty pounds will last a long time. Luckily the weather was fine, and "walking is cheap," dictated Tuppence. An outlying picture house provided them with recreation for the evening.

       The day of disillusionment had been a Wednesday. On Thursday the advertisement had duly appeared. On Friday letters might be expected to arrive at Tommy's rooms.

       He had been bound by an honourable promise not to open any such letters if they did arrive, but to repair to the National Gallery, where his colleague would meet him at ten o'clock.

       Tuppence was first at the rendezvous. She ensconced herself on a red velvet seat, and gazed at the Turners with unseeing eyes until she saw the familiar figure enter