Dandelion Cottage - The Original Classic Edition. Carroll Watson

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Название Dandelion Cottage - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Carroll Watson
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486409808

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"Thank you," said Jean, speaking for the household. "We'd just love to."


       "Haven't you any children?" asked Bettie, sympathetically.

       "Not one," replied Mrs. Crane. "I've never had any but I've always loved children."

       "But I'm sure you have a lot of grandchildren," said Mabel, consolingly. "You look so nice and grandmothery."

       "No," said Mrs. Crane, not appearing so sorrowful as Mabel had supposed an utterly grandchildless person would look, "I've never possessed any grandchildren either."

       "But," queried Mabel, who was sometimes almost too inquisitive, "haven't you any relatives, husbands, or anybody, in all the world?"[41]

       Many months afterward the girls were suddenly reminded of Mrs. Crane's odd, contradictory reply: "No--Yes--that is, no. None to speak of, I mean. Do you girls sleep here, too?"

       "No" said Jean. "We want to, awfully, but our mothers won't let us. You see, we sleep so soundly that they're all afraid we might get

       the house afire, burn up, and never know a thing about it."

       "They're quite right," said Mrs. Crane. "I suppose they like to have you at home once in a while."

       "Oh, they do have us," replied Bettie. "We eat and sleep at home and they have us all day Sundays. When they want any of us other times, all they have to do is to open a back window and call--Dear me, Mrs. Crane, I'll have to ask you to excuse me this very minute--There's somebody calling me now."

       Other visitors, including the girls' parents, called at the cottage and seemed to enjoy it very much indeed. The visitors were always greatly interested and everybody wanted to help. One brought a little table that really stood up very well if kept against the wall, another found curtains for all the windows--a little ragged, to be sure, but still curtains. Grandma Pike, who had a wonderful garden, was so delighted with everything that she gave the girls a crimson petunia growing in a red tomato can, and a great many neat little homemade packets of flower seeds. Rob said they[42] might have even his porcupine if they could get it out from under the rectory porch.

       By the end of the week the cottage presented quite a lived-in appearance. Bright pictures covered the dingy paper, and, thanks to numerous donations, the rooms looked very well furnished. No one would have suspected that the chairs were untrustworthy, the tables crippled, and the clocks devoid of works. The cottage seemed cozy and pleasant, and the girls kept it in apple-pie order.

       Out of doors, the grass was beginning to show and little green specks dotted the flower beds. Other green specks in crooked rows

       staggered across the vegetable garden.

       The four mothers, satisfied that their little daughters were safe in Dandelion Cottage, left them in undisturbed possession.

       "I declare," said Mrs. Mapes one day, "the only time I see Jean, nowadays, is when she's asleep. All the rest of the time she's in school or at the cottage."

       "Yes," said Mrs. Bennett, "when I miss my scissors or any of my dishes or anything else, I always have to go to the cottage and get out a search warrant. Mabel has carried off a wagonload of things, but I don't know when our own house has been so peaceful."



       CHAPTER 5

       Poverty in the Cottage

       "There's no use talking," said Jean, one day, as the girls sat at their dining-room table eating very smoky toast and drinking the weak-est of cocoa, "we'll have to get some provisions of our own before long if we're going to invite Mr. Black to dinner as we promised. The cupboard's perfectly empty and Bridget says I can't take another scrap of bread or one more potato out of the house this week."[44]


       "Aunty Jane says there'll be trouble," said Marjory, "if I don't keep out of her ice box, so I guess I can't bring any more milk. When she says there'll be trouble, there usually is, if I'm not pretty careful. But dear me, it is such fun to cook our own meals on that dear little box-stove, even if most of the things do taste pretty awful."

       "I wish," said Mabel, mournfully, "that somebody would give us a hen, so we could make omelets." "Who ever made omelets out of a hen?" asked Jean, laughing.

       "I meant out of the eggs, of course," said Mabel, with dignity. "Hens lay eggs, don't they? If we count on five or six eggs a day--"

       "The goose that laid the golden egg laid only one a day," said Marjory. "It seems to me that six is a good many." "I wasn't talking about geese," said Mabel, "but about just plain everyday hens."

       "Six-every-day hens, you mean, don't you?" asked Marjory, teasingly. "You'd better wish for a cow, too, while you're about it."

       "Yes," said Bettie, "we certainly need one, for I'm not to ask for butter more than twice a week. Mother says she'll be in the poor-house before summer's over if she has to provide butter for two families."

       "I just tell you what it is, girls," said Jean, nibbling[45] her cindery crust, "we'll just have to earn some money if we're to give Mr. Black any kind of a dinner."

       Mabel, who always accepted new ideas with enthusiasm, slipped quietly into the kitchen, took a solitary lemon from the cupboard, cut it in half, and squeezed the juice into a broken-nosed pitcher. This done, she added a little sugar and a great deal of water to the lemon juice, slipped quietly out of the back door, ran around the house and in at the front door, taking a small table from the front room. This she carried out of doors to the corner of the lot facing the street, where she established her lemonade stand.

       She was almost immediately successful, for the day was warm, and Mrs. Bartholomew Crane, who was entertaining two visitors on her front porch, was glad of an opportunity to offer her guests something in the way of refreshment. The cottage boasted only one glass that did not leak, but Mabel cheerfully made three trips across the street with it--it did not occur to any of them until too late it would have been easier to carry the pitcher across in the first place. The lemonade was decidedly weak, but the visitors were too po-lite to say so. On her return, a thirsty small boy offered Mabel a nickel for all that was left in the pitcher, and Mabel, after a moment's hesitation, accepted the offer.

       "You're getting a bargain," said Mabel. "There's as[46] much as a glass and three quarters there, besides all the lemon." "Did you get a whole pitcherful out of one lemon?" asked the boy. "You'd be able to make circus lemonade all right."

       Before the other girls had had time to discover what had become of her, the proprietor of the lemonade stand marched into the cottage and proudly displayed four shining nickels and the empty pitcher.

       "Why, where in the world did you get all that?" cried Marjory. "Surely you never earned it by being on time for meals--you've been late three times a day ever since we got the cottage."

       "Sold lemonade," said Mabel. "Our troubles are over, girls. I'm going to buy two lemons tomorrow and sell twice as much."

       "Good!" cried Bettie, "I'll help. The boys have promised to bring me a lot of arbutus tonight--they went to the woods this morning. I'll tie it in bunches and perhaps we can sell that, too."

       "Wouldn't it be splendid if we could have Mr. Black here to dinner next Saturday?" said Jean. "I'll never be satisfied until we've kept

       that promise, but I don't suppose we could possibly get enough things together by that time."

       "I have a sample can of baking powder," offered[47] Marjory, hopefully. "I'll bring it over next time I come."

       "What's the good?" asked matter-of-fact Mabel. "We can't feed Mr. Black on just plain baking powder, and we haven't any biscuits to raise with it."

       "Dear me," said Jean, "I wish we hadn't been so extravagant at first. If we hadn't had so many tea parties last week, we might get


       enough flour and things at home. Mother says it's too expensive having all her groceries carried off."

       "Never mind," consoled Mabel, confidently. "We'll be buying our own groceries by this time tomorrow with the money we make