Meeting Place of the Dead. Richard Palmisano

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Название Meeting Place of the Dead
Автор произведения Richard Palmisano
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459728479

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big one at the back, where the camera is.”

      Paul started to lay talcum powder in strategic locations around the house. He placed a large black garbage bag down on the floor and generously shook out the powder to cover the bag in the hopes that we would get an imprint of a footprint in the powder.

      Peter’s E. Probe went off, and as he reset it he explained how it worked to Victoria and Stephanie.

      [Peter’s digital recorder captures a female sighing.]

      We decided to go outside and tour the exterior of the house and examine the front porch. Peter placed his digital recorder on a chair in the northeast room near the window and we all headed outside.

      [After a few minutes of silence there are sounds of movement caught on the recorder and then the persistent squeaking like that of small wheels.

      The sounds of movement are very close to the camera — rustling sounds — then a male voice calling, “Jimmy.”]

      The E. Probe went off and Peter went back in to check it.

      As we were standing outside, Paul saw a black shadow pass the upper window facing the driveway. I immediately thought it might be Peter, but at that exact moment Peter pulled the back door closed. Paul suggested that the camera set up on the second floor may have captured something. After watching the second-floor windows for a few more minutes and seeing nothing further, we all headed off to the barn.

      [Inside the cottage there are still sounds being recorded by the main-floor camera.

      Rustling of material.

      Male EVP: “Miriam.”

      No reply.]

      The team entered the barn and spread out, taking photos and using their digital recorders in an attempt to capture any activity.

      Victoria headed down into the root cellar of the barn. She heard walking and as she glanced up, she saw two legs passing the open door heading deeper into the interior of the barn. She immediately came up and found the rest of the team in the loft taking photos.

      “I just saw someone walk past the cellar door on the main floor,” she called up to the rest of us.

      Paul looked down through the open hatch at her, “There was no one down there.”

      I climbed down and joined her. We walked the main floor and found nothing.

      As we descended the stairs into the depths of the barn we noticed the mummified remains of the cat Peter had mentioned. A bare bulb hung from the centre of the ceiling. There was a well-defined hump in the dirt floor three feet wide and approximately six feet long.

      “So who’s buried here?” Paul asked, standing on the hump.

      Everyone was thinking the same thing about this mound it seemed, but Paul was the only one who said it out loud. “So, when do we dig?”

      “We would need permission first,” I replied.

      “We could talk with the owners,” Peter said.

      I nodded my head yes and the team moved up the stairs to the main floor of the barn.

      The team left the barn and we were now standing around in the driveway next to the house. [Inside there is the sound of a heavy object being dropped to the floor and Peter’s E. Probe goes off.]

      [The camera captures the sound of loud knocking, the snapping of fingers, tapping, and movement on the floor. Then a male’s voice calls, “Henry.”]

      Peter led the way back into the house as he wanted to check the E. Probe on the main floor. The rest of the team headed upstairs.

      [Indecipherable talking is recorded by the camera’s microphone and then a male’s voice saying, “Ya.”]

      Peter started up the stairs.

      [A heavy breath next to him, like an exhale, is captured on his digital voice recorder.]

      [Directly behind the camera on the main floor, the door handle turns several times. It sounds like the door opens, although there isn’t enough room as the camera is positioned there. Then the sound of movement behind the camera.

      Male EVP: “They’re all alive.”]

      The team settled into the large master bedroom on the second floor. Besides the camera and two folding chairs, there was nothing else in the room. Some of the team sat on the floor as we prepared to conduct a Spirit Box session.

      After ten minutes of Spirit Box session without any noticeable results, the team took a break on the main floor.

      Peter checked his equipment in the kitchen. [His digital recorder captures the sound of the catch on the equipment box clicking, banging against the side of the case; no one was near the case at the time.]

      The team re-assembled in the northwest room on the main floor for a second try at a Spirit Box session.

      I set the box for 100-millisecond sweep FM channels in reverse. As the team waited and listened, there was a faint “Hello” heard over the speaker.

      There was a pause.

      Me: “Did that say, ‘Hello’?”

      Victoria: “That’s what it sounded like, yeah.”

      Me: “Yeah.”

      Spirit Box: “Yeah!”

      Me: “Hello?”

      Spirit Box: “Hello.”

      Peter: “Was that ‘Hello’ again?”

      Me: “How are you?”

      Spirit Box — a female voice, pleasant-sounding: “Fine.”

      Sprit Box — a gruff male voice: “Go to Hell!”

      Peter: “Pardon?”

      Me: “How are you today?”

      Spirit Box: “Well.”

      Me: “My name’s Richard. What’s your name?”

      Spirit Box — a male voice, immediately: “Chris.”

      Spirit Box: “We heard them.”

      Spirit Box — a young male, possibly with a Scottish accent: “That’s enough!”

      Spirit Box— young female: “Jesus!”

      Spirit Box: “Alena!”

      Peter: “What is your name?”

      Spirit Box — young female, immediately: “David!”

      Spirit Box — a gruff male voice: “Alena!”

      Spirit Box: A loud burst of static that sounds like china breaking. Then a woman’s shriek.

      Spirit Box: “Go!”

      Me: “Do you mind that we’re visiting today?”

      A twelve-second pause.

      [The camera captures a male voice saying, “Get out.”]

      Victoria: “Is it okay that we’re here?”

      There was a long pause.

      Spirit Box — a young male, timid-sounding: “Yup.”

      Spirit Box — a female voice: “Honey!”

      Spirit Box — a male, deep voice: “Yeah.”

      Victoria: “Yeah. Yeah, it’s okay.”

      Peter: “What’s your name, sir?”

      Spirit Box — a young female voice cuts Peter off: “Horton.”

      There was a long pause as Paul fired up his camera, then …

      Spirit Box — shouting: “Alena!”
