Meeting Place of the Dead. Richard Palmisano

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Название Meeting Place of the Dead
Автор произведения Richard Palmisano
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459728479

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capable of doing that to [just] anyone — you know what I mean? They [the spirits] think they’re strong in their own mind.” [Another burst of static.] “Really they are cowards!”

      “That is awful,” Marilyn interjected.

      “The wife was so abused,” Joanna stated.

      [The digital recorder captures a gravely sounding male voice grunting and saying: “Aw.”]

      [Victoria’s digital recorder captures the sound of a clock ticking eight times, though there is no clock in the house.]

      “She was a frail thing,” Joanna said, looking around.

      “No name yet?” Peter asked.

      “Well, it’s like Elizabetha, or something like that popped into my head. European … Eastern European,” Joanna stated.

      “Right. Ukrainian?” Marilyn asked.

      “Something like that.”

      Victoria reported from the northwest room that she felt pressure in her head.

      Marilyn caught something moving out of the corner of her eye, like a flash of light passing over our heads.

      [Whispering is caught on Victoria’s recorder and then two more ticking sounds.]

      Paul was standing in the living room and reported feeling tingling on his left side. I scanned the area with my gauss meter and detected a reading of .3 to .4 milligauss. The reading came and went however close to the ceiling. I detected a reading of 1.1 milligauss, which was attributed to a hidden electrical line. However, when Paul moved away from the area the readings went to zero, except at the ceiling.

      [Peter’s digital recorder captures the sound of a woman moaning.]

      The team headed upstairs.

      [A male voice says something unintelligible that is recorded on the main-floor surveillance camera as we climb the stairs.]

      Most of the team moved into the large rear bedroom, trying to stay out of the way of the surveillance camera. Marilyn stopped at the top of the stairs and hung back in the large open area with Joanna.

      “Hmm. Okay, this is his secondary area where he spends time. This used to be the master bedroom,” Joanna said, looking around. “I feel they were here for quite a few years on this property. That is why he claims ownership over it. He might have built this place. It’s his land, you know, and land is important.”

      Peter moved closer to Joanna. “By length of time what do you mean?”

      “Until the day he died.”

      “But how long ago? When you say for quite a long time, a hundred years, or …?”

      “Perhaps sixty.… Oh, no, no.”

      “Within a hundred years?”

      “Yeah, no. Umm….” She paused. “See I’m not getting … I got her in the ’40s, I didn’t get her before that, even though the property might have been around, he came in. I feel like, in the 1940s and stayed until about the ’60s or ’70s. So I don’t know. He claims the property as his, though. Even though the house might have been here for a hundred years, unless he did enough renovations to it and enough changes to the property, he feels that it was nothing before him. You know what I mean?” Joanna said. “I also feel he is a very unsettled personality; he could never rest, always uptight, concerned about every little stupid thing that he couldn’t control.” Joanna looked out the window. “I doubt that he was very social with his neighbours. It is hot in this room.”

      Marilyn moved into the master bedroom and walked toward the bathroom. Peter joined her.

      [There is a long breathy whisper on Victoria’s recorder.]

      Peter and Marilyn entered the bathroom.

      [Male voice EVP: “Get out.”]

      I set up the Spirit Box, which is a device designed to scan through radio signals at a 100-millisecond sweep. This particular time the unit was set to FM frequencies with a reverse sweep. The idea is that as the unit sweeps through these frequencies at such a fast rate, it produces white noise that allows us to capture spirit energy communicating.

      Paul started working on setting the lights on the upper floor to optimize the camera view. “That will cut any glare.”

      Peter suggested some lighting options. [His digital recorder captures a female voice saying quickly, “That’s a spike.”]

      Joanna walked into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain open. Inspecting the tub, she said, “He would violently rape his own wife.”

      “In this area?” Peter asked, moving in beside her.


      “Is that right?” Peter yelled out.

      [A “yep” comes immediately over the Spirit Box.]

      There was a bang from downstairs, and everyone looked at each other.

      “Is that the furnace coming on?” Peter asked.

      “Can’t be, something is moving downstairs,” I replied, moving to the doorway to get a better position from which to listen.

      “I thought I was hearing something through the vent, like something starting up,” Peter said.

      “No, it’s something moving down there,” I whispered.

      “That’s good, let it move,” Paul said.

      On the main floor, surveillance camera activity was being recorded.

      [There is a clicking sound, then a male says, “Miriam” — pause — “They are all alive.” The voice fades away and the rest of the message is lost.

      An older female voice replies, “Ooooh” — pause — “Thank you.”

      The camera captures the creaking of the main floor.

      Male voice: “Where are they?”

      Female voice: “Upstairs.”]

      We noticed flashes of light on the upstairs camera and small orbs flying about the room. The light flashes could have indicated something passing the camera; however, the orbs were nothing more than dust particles reflecting the Infrared illuminators (IR) back into the lens.

      I asked Marilyn to shut off the main upstairs light. She walked over and toggled the switch off.

      On the main floor, camera activity was being recorded.

      [Immediately, a male says, “Stay there” — pause — “Are you okay?”

      There is no reply. However, there are footfalls near the main-floor camera.]

      We headed back down to the main floor.

      “Us being here will start something,” Victoria stated.

      “Upset him ...” Joanna said.

      We all moved into the kitchen. Peter pulled a drawer open and took out a small hand gun. He handed it to Paul, who examined it.

      The pistol was extremely rusted, the grips rotted away. Paul passed it to me and I checked to make sure there was no ammunition in the cylinder. It was empty.

      Joanna took the gun and held it in her hands. “I sense … him. Not anything off this [the hand gun]. He is around, laughing. He is saying, ‘Oh, I wish I would have used it.’ He used this as a threat; never used it against anyone. ‘I wish I would have. I was gonna, but didn’t.’ That’s what I am getting from this. He used it as a threat, didn’t actually use it or killed anyone with it. It was just for him to feel like a big man.

      “I think this was here before him even, and he found it. That’s all I am getting. I am tuned into him right now.”

      “I can’t see having a gun in here when this building