Going Back to Basics. Marcia Wieder

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Название Going Back to Basics
Автор произведения Marcia Wieder
Жанр Личностный рост
Издательство Личностный рост
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781613390061

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it means is doing something physical to increase the amount of calories (which are really just measures of heat, i.e. energy) burned. Many of us take in more calories than we need, and what hap- pens? Our bodies, smart as they are, intuitively store them for

      us in the form of fat. Great. Thanks. But if you’re not concerned about weight loss, consider all

      the other benefits to adding at least a few minutes of exercise to your life: reducing stress, lowering your heart rate, reduc- ing high-blood pressure, increasing stamina, and so on. Besides, sweating can be liberating!

      You don’t have to join an expensive gym or a trendy class. Just be creative and mindful. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Park a bit farther out in the parking lot. Throw a Frisbee with your kids. Save twenty bucks and wash your car on a beautiful sunny day listening to the Beach Boys or any other music that invokes the feeling of Summer. Walk the dog. And if you have it in you, walk the dog uphill. As Nike® says, “Just Do It.”

      This is a daily agreement that I have. I relish it and am grateful that I have found a simple way to put my needs first. Sound selfish? By indulging in yourself a little, you will have extra energy, love and time to give to those around you. The writer Anne Shaw said, “Fond as we are of our loved ones, there comes at times during their absence an unexplained peace.” It’s amazing how taking the quality time for ourselves, can create more to share with others.

      Whatever daily practices you employ, here are some really simple suggestions to help maintain them for the long-term:

      • Check in with your daily needs.

      • Write them down and keep it simple.

      • Practice keeping your agreements, especially with yourself.

      • Be aware and notice life.

      • Notice how you feel.

      • Notice what you’re thinking.

      • Stay in communications by sharing what’s up.

      • Listen carefully and actively.

      • Have fun, notice when you’re not and make a shift.

      • Read this list.


      There is a deeper process of taking care of ourselves. It starts with an honest “check in.” Where are you now with your needs and wants? And what, if anything, are you going to do about it? This is a good place to begin.

      Consider starting with some real quiet time. I don’t mean a few minutes in the elevator or in the bathroom between appointments, but quality quiet time. When you first wake up, either in bed or over your morning coffee or tea, try spending ten minutes checking in with yourself.

      Take inventory, but do it with your heart. Ask your heart and your body how they feel and what they need. Ask yourself what would bring you joy today. Practice being still, being quiet and listening for answers. Practice tuning in and listening to your heart. Gerald Jampolsky, M.D. is the founder of The Center for Attitudinal Healing and author of Change Your Mind, Change Your Life and Love is Letting Go of Fear.

      He says, “Peace of mind is our single goal.”

      Here are the symptoms of inner peace (author unknown): • A tendency to think and act deliberately, rather than from

      fears based on past expectations.

      • An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

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