Succeeding From the Margins of Canadian Society: A Strategic Resource for New Immigrants, Refugees, and International Students. Francis Adu-Febiri

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Название Succeeding From the Margins of Canadian Society: A Strategic Resource for New Immigrants, Refugees, and International Students
Автор произведения Francis Adu-Febiri
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781926585284

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you. Others might think that for the sake of adaptability it is important to work on their accents. Some Canadians may truly be unable to understand your accent even though in your heart of hearts you believe that you are speaking English or French. While some make an extra effort to understand the immigrant others take the attitude that immigrants had better adapt, or else! If you have been imagining all along that living in Canada is going to be an easy ride you might have to do a reappraisal. The reasons employers can cite for not taking you on are numerous and they do not all necessarily hold water. The common heritage of mainstream Canadians and those from Western Europe may be one of the key reasons those individuals are given opportunities much faster but the truth may be a little more complex. The educational systems of countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States are perceived to be roughly similar to the Canadian educational system whereas in many other countries Canadians are not really sure. Of course, if business leaders have been paying attention they will know that despite what they read in the media there are many other countries with a good educational base. Also, people from Europe may have more reference points with Canadians in terms of interest in popular culture. It is easier to get along with people who watch the same types of movies, enjoy the same kinds of jokes, and have the same kinds of hobbies. In a perfect world this should not have been the case but we do not live in a perfect world. So, how about taking part in activities that put you in contact with mainstream Canadians? Some have found involvement in church activities, the art and theatre scenes, or sports to be good places to connect with others.

       Thank You, Canada

      Most immigrants feel grateful that Canada has allowed them in. This reflects many immigrants’ awareness that Canada is indeed a terrific country. But whether immigrants or refugees many of these new entrants are very much aware of their capacities, abilities, and potential, which they do not wish to waste languishing in Canada year after year without any opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the continued development of the country. While the political asylum granted by Canada allowed them to escape from possible premature death they were also hopeful that they would be able to access jobs or take advantage of educational opportunities or self-improvement. Many, however, find out that their qualifications count for nothing or very little in Canada. Many in this group believe that racism is at the heart of their lack of economic progress or social acceptance. This is because the educational attainments of many of these new entrants to Canada are quite high, with many having completed high school and not a few with degrees or other higher educational qualifications from their old countries. Canada, by showcasing its acceptance of refugees, is able to enjoy the accolades that come with such an expression of concern for the victims. Canada is able to make a show of being beneficent which hardly translates into practice, except for those new entrants that connect to strategic resources. Even while these visible minorities lament the lack of any visible opportunities for themselves they express the hope that in time they would not forever remain at the bottom of the Canadian social and economic totem pole.

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