Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett. Thomas Parnell

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Название Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett
Автор произведения Thomas Parnell
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664616722

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And Sloth effuse her opiate fumes in vain; 150

       Should Beauty blunt on fops her fatal dart,

       Nor claim the triumph of a letter'd heart;

       Should no disease thy torpid veins invade,

       Nor Melancholy's phantoms haunt thy shade;

       Yet hope not life from grief or danger free,

       Nor think the doom of man reversed for thee:

       Deign on the passing world to turn thine eyes,

       And pause a while from learning, to be wise;

       There mark what ills the scholar's life assail,

       Toil, envy, want, the patron, and the jail. 160

       See nations, slowly wise, and meanly just,

       To buried merit raise the tardy bust.

       If dreams yet flatter, once again attend,

       Hear Lydiat's[2] life, and Galileo's end.

      Nor deem, when Learning her last prize bestows,

       The glittering eminence exempt from foes;

       See, when the vulgar 'scapes, despised or awed,

       Rebellion's vengeful talons seize on Laud.

       From meaner minds though smaller fines content,

       The plunder'd palace, or sequester'd rent, 170

       Mark'd out by dangerous parts he meets the shock,

       And fatal Learning leads him to the block:

       Around his tomb let Art and Genius weep,

       But hear his death, ye blockheads! hear and sleep.

      The festal blazes, the triumphal show,

       The ravish'd standard, and the captive foe,

       The senate's thanks, the Gazette's pompous tale,

       With force resistless o'er the brave prevail.

       Such bribes the rapid Greek o'er Asia whirl'd;

       For such the steady Romans shook the world; 180

       For such in distant lands the Britons shine,

       And stain with blood the Danube or the Rhine;

       This power has praise, that virtue scarce can warm,

       Till Fame supplies the universal charm.

       Yet Reason frowns on War's unequal game,

       Where wasted nations raise a single name,

       And mortgaged 'states their grandsires' wreaths regret,

       From age to age in everlasting debt;

       Wreaths which at last the dear-bought right convey

       To rust on medals, or on stones decay. 190

      On what foundation stands the warrior's pride,

       How just his hopes, let Swedish Charles decide;

       A frame of adamant, a soul of fire,

       No dangers fright him, and no labours tire;

       O'er love, o'er fear, extends his wide domain,

       Unconquer'd lord of pleasure and of pain;

       No joys to him pacific sceptres yield,

       War sounds the trump, he rushes to the field;

       Behold surrounding kings their powers combine,

       And one capitulate, and one resign; 200

       Peace courts his hand, but spreads her charms in vain:

       'Think nothing gain'd,' he cries, 'till nought remain,

       On Moscow's walls till Gothic standards fly,

       And all be mine beneath the polar sky.'

       The march begins in military state,

       And nations on his eye suspended wait;

       Stern Famine guards the solitary coast,

       And Winter barricades the realms of Frost;

       He comes, nor want nor cold his course delay;

       Hide, blushing Glory! hide Pultowa's day: 210

       The vanquish'd hero leaves his broken bands,

       And shows his miseries in distant lands;

       Condemn'd a needy supplicant to wait,

       While ladies interpose, and slaves debate.

       But did not Chance at length her error mend?

       Did no subverted empire mark his end?

       Did rival monarchs give the fatal wound,

       Or hostile millions press him to the ground?

       His fall was destined to a barren strand,

       A petty fortress, and a dubious hand; 220

       He left the name at which the world grew pale,

       To point a moral, or adorn a tale.

      All times their scenes of pompous woe afford,

       From Persia's tyrant to Bavaria's lord.

       In gay hostility, and barbarous pride,

       With half mankind embattled at his side,

       Great Xerxes comes to seize the certain prey,

       And starves exhausted regions in his way;

       Attendant Flattery counts his myriads o'er,

       Till counted myriads soothe his pride no more; 230

       Fresh praise is tried, till madness fires his mind,

       The waves he lashes, and enchains the wind;

       New powers are claim'd, new powers are still bestow'd,

       Till rude resistance lops the spreading god;

       The daring Greeks deride the martial show,

       And heap their valleys with the gaudy foe;

       The insulted sea with humbler thoughts he gains,

       A single skiff to speed his flight remains;

       The encumber'd oar scarce leaves the dreaded coast

       Through purple billows and a floating host. 240

       The bold Bavarian,[3] in a luckless hour,

       Tries the dread summits of Cæsarean power,

       With unexpected legions bursts away,

       And sees defenceless realms receive his sway:

       Short sway! fair Austria spreads her mournful charms,

       The Queen, the Beauty, sets the world in arms;

       From hill to hill the beacon's rousing blaze

       Spreads wide the hope of plunder and of praise;

       The fierce Croatian, and the wild Hussar,

       With all the sons of ravage, crowd the war; 250

       The baffled prince, in Honour's flattering bloom,

       Of hasty greatness finds the fatal doom,

       His foes' derision, and his subjects' blame,

       And steals to death from anguish and from shame.

      Enlarge my life with multitude of days—

       In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays,

       Hides from himself his state, and shuns to know

       That life protracted is protracted woe.

       Time hovers o'er, impatient to destroy,

       And shuts up all the passages of joy: 260

       In vain their gifts the bounteous seasons pour,

       The fruit autumnal, and the vernal flower;

       With listless eyes the dotard views