The Collected Works of Oscar Wilde: 250+ Titles in One Edition. Оскар Уайльд

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Название The Collected Works of Oscar Wilde: 250+ Titles in One Edition
Автор произведения Оскар Уайльд
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066051815

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      DUCHESS OF BERWICK. Yes, we begin like that. It was only Berwick’s brutal and incessant threats of suicide that made me accept him at all, and before the year was out, he was running after all kinds of petticoats, every colour, every shape, every material. In fact, before the honeymoon was over, I caught him winking at my maid, a most pretty, respectable girl. I dismissed her at once without a character. - No, I remember I passed her on to my sister; poor dear Sir George is so shortsighted, I thought it wouldn’t matter. But it did, though - it was most unfortunate. [Rises.] And now, my dear child, I must go, as we are dining out. And mind you don’t take this little aberration of Windermere’s too much to heart. Just take him abroad, and he’ll come back to you all right.

      LADY WINDERMERE. Come back to me? [C.]

      DUCHESS OF BERWICK. [L.C.] Yes, dear, these wicked women get our husbands away from us, but they always come back, slightly damaged, of course. And don’t make scenes, men hate them!

      LADY WINDERMERE. It is very kind of you, Duchess, to come and tell me all this. But I can’t believe that my husband is untrue to me.

      DUCHESS OF BERWICK. Pretty child! I was like that once. Now I know that all men are monsters. [LADY WINDERMERE rings bell.] The only thing to do is to feed the wretches well. A good cook does wonders, and that I know you have. My dear Margaret, you are not going to cry?

      LADY WINDERMERE. You needn’t be afraid, Duchess, I never cry.

      DUCHESS OF BERWICK. That’s quite right, dear. Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones. Agatha, darling!

      LADY AGATHA. [Entering L.] Yes, mamma. [Stands back of table L.C.]

      DUCHESS OF BERWICK. Come and bid goodbye to Lady Windermere, and thank her for your charming visit. [Coming down again.] And by the way, I must thank you for sending a card to Mr. Hopper - he’s that rich young Australian people are taking such notice of just at present. His father made a great fortune by selling some kind of food in circular tins - most palatable, I believe - I fancy it is the thing the servants always refuse to eat. But the son is quite interesting. I think he’s attracted by dear Agatha’s clever talk. Of course, we should be very sorry to lose her, but I think that a mother who doesn’t part with a daughter every season has no real affection. We’re coming tonight, dear. [PARKER opens C. doors.] And remember my advice, take the poor fellow out of town at once, it is the only thing to do. Goodbye, once more; come, Agatha.

      [Exeunt DUCHESS and LADY AGATHA C.]

      LADY WINDERMERE. How horrible! I understand now what Lord Darlington meant by the imaginary instance of the couple not two years married. Oh! it can’t be true - she spoke of enormous sums of money paid to this woman. I know where Arthur keeps his bank book - in one of the drawers of that desk. I might find out by that. I will find out. [Opens drawer.] No, it is some hideous mistake. [Rises and goes C.] Some silly scandal! He loves me! He loves me! But why should I not look? I am his wife, I have a right to look! [Returns to bureau, takes out book and examines it page by page, smiles and gives a sigh of relief.] I knew it! there is not a word of truth in this stupid story. [Puts book back in dranver. As the does so, starts and takes out another book.] A second book - private - locked! [Tries to open it, but fails. Sees paper knife on bureau, and with it cuts cover from book. Begins to start at the first page.] ‘Mrs. Erlynne - £600 - Mrs. Erlynne - £700 - Mrs. Erlynne - £400.’ Oh! it is true! It is true! How horrible! [Throws book on floor.] [Enter LORD WINDERMERE C.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. Well, dear, has the fan been sent home yet? [Going R.C. Sees book.] Margaret, you have cut open my bank book. You have no right to do such a thing!

      LADY WINDERMERE. You think it wrong that you are found out, don’t you?

      LORD WINDERMERE. I think it wrong that a wife should spy on her husband.

      LADY WINDERMERE. I did not spy on you. I never knew of this woman’s existence till half an hour ago. Some one who pitied me was kind enough to tell me what every one in London knows already - your daily visits to Curzon Street, your mad infatuation, the monstrous sums of money you squander on this infamous woman! [Crossing L.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. Margaret! don’t talk like that of Mrs. Erlynne, you don’t know how unjust it is!

      LADY WINDERMERE. [Turning to him.] You are very jealous of Mrs. Erlynne’s honour. I wish you had been as jealous of mine.

      LORD WINDERMERE. Your honour is untouched, Margaret. You don’t think for a moment that - [Puts book back into desk.]

      LADY WINDERMERE. I think that you spend your money strangely. That is all. Oh, don’t imagine I mind about the money. As far as I am concerned, you may squander everything we have. But what I do mind is that you who have loved me, you who have taught me to love you, should pass from the love that is given to the love that is bought. Oh, it’s horrible! [Sits on sofa.] And it is I who feel degraded! you don’t feel anything. I feel stained, utterly stained. You can’t realise how hideous the last six months seems to me now - every kiss you have given me is tainted in my memory.

      LORD WINDERMERE. [Crossing to her.] Don’t say that, Margaret. I never loved any one in the whole world but you.

      LADY WINDERMERE. [Rises.] Who is this woman, then? Why do you take a house for her?

      LORD WINDERMERE. I did not take a house for her.

      LADY WINDERMERE. You gave her the money to do it, which is the same thing.

      LORD WINDERMERE. Margaret, as far as I have known Mrs. Erlynne -

      LADY WINDERMERE. Is there a Mr. Erlynne - or is he a myth?

      LORD WINDERMERE. Her husband died many years ago. She is alone in the world.

      LADY WINDERMERE. No relations? [A pause.]


      LADY WINDERMERE. Rather curious, isn’t it? [L.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. [L.C.] Margaret, I was saying to you - and I beg you to listen to me - that as far as I have known Mrs. Erlynne, she has conducted herself well. If years ago -

      LADY WINDERMERE. Oh! [Crossing R.C.] I don’t want details about her life!

      LORD WINDERMERE. [C.] I am not going to give you any details about her life. I tell you simply this - Mrs. Erlynne was once honoured, loved, respected. She was well born, she had position - she lost everything - threw it away, if you like. That makes it all the more bitter. Misfortunes one can endure - they come from outside, they are accidents. But to suffer for one’s own faults - ah! - there is the sting of life. It was twenty years ago, too. She was little more than a girl then. She had been a wife for even less time than you have.

      LADY WINDERMERE. I am not interested in her - and - you should not mention this woman and me in the same breath. It is an error of taste. [Sitting R. at desk.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. Margaret, you could save this woman. She wants to get back into society, and she wants you to help her. [Crossing to her.]


      LORD WINDERMERE. Yes, you.

      LADY WINDERMERE. How impertinent of her! [A pause.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. Margaret, I came to ask you a great favour, and I still ask it of you, though you have discovered what I had intended you should never have known that I have given Mrs. Erlynne a large sum of money. I want you to send her an invitation for our party tonight. [Standing L. of her.]

      LADY WINDERMERE. You are mad! [Rises.]

      LORD WINDERMERE. I entreat you. People may chatter about her, do chatter about her, of course, but they don’t know anything definite against her. She has been to several houses - not to houses where you would go, I admit, but still to houses where women who are in what is called Society nowadays do go. That does not content her. She wants you to receive her once.

      LADY WINDERMERE. As a triumph for her, I suppose?

      LORD WINDERMERE. No; but because she knows