Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим Зеланд

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Название Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5
Автор произведения Вадим Зеланд
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 2012
isbn 978-5-9573-2880-3

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of fortune, pendulums will not succeed in distracting you from it and the bird of happiness will remain in your hand. In order to fully embrace the bird you have to surround yourself with positive energy. You have to become a transmitter of positive energy as well as a receiver of exclusively positive energy. If you can do this the world around you will very quickly change for the better and you will easily slide onto more successful life lines. In the end, the wave of fortune will greet you, lift you up and rush forward carrying you on to success. Transurfing does not end with learning to ride the wave of good fortune. This is just the first step. As you read on you will see that there are many more surprising discoveries to be found.

      Magic Rituals

      To conclude this chapter I want to share an example of how the technique of attuning to the wave of success works. There are various situations in which people automatically make attempts to attune to this frequency even though they may not be aware of what they are doing on an energetic level. For example, at the beginning of the day, traders often give their first buyer a significant reduction. Intuitively they feel that their first buyer is very important and so they give a good deal to the first buyer to secure the day’s trade. In the language of Transurfing they are attuning to the vibration of successful trading. It is difficult to simply hold the idea of a good day’s trade in mind, whereas the first sale instils the trader with real hope and faith as a result of which the attunement takes place of its own accord. Through action, the trader has mounted the wave of successful trading by radiating thought energy with corresponding parameters. The trader believes that their wares will sell quickly and buyers are immediately ‘gripped’ by the vibration of this thought and obediently make a purchase when the trader hints at the idea, convinced that they have found a bargain.

      Another curious magic ritual is used by market traders who brush paper money across their wares. Of course, of itself this action has no impact and in essence there is no magic in this ritual. However, if the trader believes in the power of the ritual it will help them to attune to the frequency of the life line of successful trading. The attunement takes place on a subconscious level. The person performing the ritual is only aware of the superficial, visual side of the ritual but nonetheless, for whatever reason, it works. The ritual works as a theatrical requisite rather than as a power unto itself. The key power involved is the thought energy of the person carrying out the ritual.

      People in different professions invent their own ‘magical’ rituals which they conduct to help them in various situations. People believe in them and apply them in order to attune to a successful life line and mount the wave of good fortune. As you already know, it is not the form the ritual takes that matters but the result it produces.


      The wave of good fortune is an accumulation of favourable life lines in the alternatives space.

      A cascade of good luck follows only if you have let yourself become imbued with the joyful energy evoked by the first stroke of luck.

      Destructive pendulums will try to coax you away from the wave of fortune.

      When you overcome dependence on pendulums you win your freedom.

      By taking on and transmitting negative energy you create your own hell.

      By accepting and transmitting positive energy you create your own heaven.

      Your thoughts always return to you like a boomerang.

      Pendulums cannot throw you off the wave of fortune once remembering has become a habit.

      The habit of remembering is developed through consistent practice.

      Chapter IV. Balance

      Taking care without worrying

      Excess Potential

      Everything in nature strives towards balance. Changes in air temperature are balanced by wind. Differences in temperature are compensated by thermal exchange. Wherever there is excess potential of any energy form, balanced forces emerge to correct the imbalance. We are so accustomed to such statements on the nature of things that we fail to ask ourselves why it must necessarily be so, or how exactly the law of balance works.

      Laws do not actually explain anything. They are just statements of fact. All laws of nature are secondary and derived from the law of balance. The law of balance is primary (at least it appears to be), and it is impossible to explain why equilibrium should exist in nature in the first place or more specifically, where balanced forces originate from and why indeed they exist at all. The fact that we have become accustomed to something doesn’t mean it is the way things necessarily are. One can only imagine what the world would be like were it not for the law of balance; an atmospheric jelly or an aggressive furnace perhaps? However, the unsightliness of such a world is hardly a reason to support the existence of the law of balance and so we are left to accept it as fact and to wonder in admiration at the perfection of the world, nonetheless, puzzling over the question of what governs it all.

      We are used to the fact that there are good and bad spells in life and that success is followed by defeat, for this is all a manifestation of the law of balance. Success, like misfortune, destroys the balance. Complete balance is when nothing happens. Absolute balance doesn’t exist, or at least no-one has yet managed to observe it. Oscillation is observed everywhere in the world: night and day, incoming and outgoing tides, birth and death, etc. Even in a vacuum, elementary particles are involved in a process of continual birth and dematerialization.

      The entire world can be seen in the form of pendulums that oscillate, fade and interact with one another. Every pendulum receives a jolt from its neighbours and in turn gives out its own. One of the main laws governing this complex system is the law of balance. Ultimately, everything strives towards balance. You are also a kind of pendulum. If you take it into your head to destroy the balance and sway sharply in a particular direction, you will brush against the neighbouring pendulums creating commotion all around which will then turn against you.

      Balance can be destroyed by actions and also by thoughts and not only because thought is followed by action. As you know, thoughts radiate energy. In the world of material realization everything has an energetic foundation. Everything that occurs on an invisible level is reflected in the world of visible material objects. It might seem as if the energy of our thoughts is not powerful enough to have an impact on the world around us and if that were the case, everything would be a lot simpler.

      However, let’s not make guesses about what’s happening on an energetic level; otherwise we could get entangled in a knot of conjecture. For our purposes it is enough to accept the simplified model of balance: where excess potential appears, balanced forces emerge to eliminate it.

      Excess potential is created by mental energy when too much importance is given to a particular object. For example, let’s compare two situations: in one situation you are standing on the floor in your house and in the other you are standing at the edge of a precipice. In the first case the situation causes you no concern. In the second case the situation is of grave significance–one careless movement and the mistake is irreparable. On an energetic level however, the fact of simply standing is of equal significance in both cases.

      Standing above a precipice, your fear heightens intensity and creates inhomogeneity in the energy field. At this point, balanced forces emerge aimed at neutralizing the excess potential. You can even feel their influence: on the one hand an inexplicable force seems to pull you downwards and on the other, another force draws you to step away from the edge. To eliminate the excess potential of your fear the balanced forces are required either to drag you away from the edge or to cast you downwards and be done with it. It is the impact of the balanced forces that you are experiencing.

      On an energetic level all material objects are of equal significance. It is we that attribute specific qualities to them such as good, bad, cheerful, sad, attractive, repulsive, kind, wicked, simple, complex, etc. Everything in this world is subject to our assessment. The assessment itself does not create inhomogeneity in the energy field. Sitting in an armchair