Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world. Andrey Prudkovskii

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Название Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world
Автор произведения Andrey Prudkovskii
Жанр Историческая фантастика
Издательство Историческая фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005060792

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      Mom believed. Now, when I got pictures of Raa’s life in the country of demons, I passed them to my mother. Mom was amazed – believed, and did not believe at the same time! Soon my other abilities began to appear. It turns out I could predict when it will rain and when it will be sunny. When I warned the tribe about the invasion of bog monsters feeding on ants, then everyone recognized my gift.

      Raa’s notes about life in the land of demons

      So I perceived the world of demons! And I gained strength of mind and determination… And here I was in the room where my poor body lies in the corner. There was no demoness. The body was breathing quietly and was apparently content with its plant life. What should I do with it? How to make a demoness hold a funeral rite over it?! I waited and waited – and a demoness entered the room and began to take care of my body: washed it, fed it, gave it water. For the first time after the terrible events of my death, I decided to look into her thoughts. Surprisingly, she wanted me to come to life, and she had no sinister plans to turn my body into a living dead.

      I looked at her, and my fear of this mysterious creature gradually disappeared. Yes, she possessed great magic if she could keep my dead body alive for half a year. But, on the other hand, she, it turns out, was not at all aware of her magical power. She was wild and untrained. She looked at me and did not see that I was back, that I was here. It only remained to merge into my own body, which I did. Oh, how numb became all its sides, how weak it was.

      Involuntarily I groaned and opened my eyes:

      “Hello,” I whispered, “I’m back.”

      The demoness uttered such a cry of joy that I deafened, then hugged me – what next – I do not remember, I immediately lost consciousness.

      So I came back to life and was happy. The demoness brought me food and was happy if I liked, saddened if not. She was pregnant with my son. She was happy. I told her about my country, and she searched, looked for her it in paper pictures for some reason. My beloved Dhana was not there, there were only colored spots.

      I did not know why the name of the demoness coincided with the name of the demon Alexander, whom I knew, but she was not his daughter and did not even know him… So, Alexandra – I will call her by her name – taught me how to use the magic objects in her house, the magic table for a small fire to perform fire rites over food, a magic brook in a white room for water rites. And a cupboard for ice rites over food… I noticed that the demons’ favorite pastime is conjuring with food… But the wisdom of this witchcraft, alas, I never understood, but Alexandra began to teach me reading and writing. She gave me “demonic” clothes so that I would not differ from other demons. And when I was able to walk, one night I took out from my home for a walk. From her thoughts, I realized that she feels a danger to my life, and therefore secretly walked with me in the dark.

      I knew that Radogast considered me dead and that’s why he forgot about me. If he found out that I’m alive, he would interrupt my life again. The future showed that I was right.

      The birth date of the son was approaching. Everything happened unexpectedly. At night I woke up from the groans of Alexandra. She held onto her huge belly and obviously wanted something from me. I realized that she was going to give birth, but did not understand where and why she wanted to go. Again unknown demon rites, about which I know nothing! She did not want to give birth at home and demanded to take her to the place where everyone gives birth. Alexandra hardly reached the garage, opened it and with a groan sat in the back seat of her car. I realized that I had to take her to the birthplace myself. It’s good that I already knew how to drive. But where to go? She moaned and closed her eyes. I have to guess for myself. And suddenly I understood everything – well, of course, we must go to the place where the conception of my son took place. After all, only there he will be under the protection of all the spirits of earth and heaven. Being a spirit, I perfectly studied the surrounding places and knew where the river and our clearing are located. A little farther along the river, there was a road along which it was quite possible to pass.

      It was winter, moonlight flooded the white track in front of me. In winter, the water in the country of demons because of the cold turns into white flakes called snow. A car roared through the white glowing snow dust, neither a man nor a car on a deserted road. Turn, gully… I’ll pass! Alexandra woke up and groaned again. “We’re arrive in a moment,” I reassured her. She closed her eyes and fell silent… Arrived!

      And then I was struck by the mystery and unpredictability of the customs of the country of demons. In accordance with the demonic ritual, my Alexandra began to scold me, as I understand it, the most terrible demonic curses. I was afraid that the spell of Radogast defeated her again and she would kill me. He looked into her thoughts – no, she was not going to kill me; her thoughts were very confused and contradictory! I tried to reassure her, saying that I had reached almost the place of our first meeting, and apparently succeeded, because she stopped cursing, got out of the car and ordered her to lay a cloak from the back seat on the snow. Then she lay on her and began to prepare for childbirth.

      Her first birth was not quick, but Alexander scolded me in every respite. And finally, I realized – how stupid I am! – It was she who drove away evil spirits from me and from her future child.

      Alexandra, the birth of Radek in the forest in the snow.

      Finally, a son was born!!! I bit through the umbilical cord and took it in my hands! My little one, the son of Ra and the demoness, is Radem. I was happy. And she smiled. I wiped my son with soft white snow, he cried, then smiled. And then I felt him in my thoughts. He claimed his rights. Without a word he said:

      “You are mine!”

      “You are mine too! – I also mentally answered.”

      Alexandra slowly returned to the car. I gave her a son, rolled a cloak in the trunk, and we drove home.

      The snow stopped and the road sparkled with a pink dawn. Alexandra was dozing, and on her breast, smacking, our little miracle slept. Maybe a future demon, but rather a real Dhana man, because he looks so much like me!

      From an Alexandra’s letter to her sister Masha


      You can jump from happiness, but better in the garden, and not in the room! I had a son – you became an aunt!

      I decided to name him as my husband calls him – Radek. You think probably, it’s a strange name. It’s nothing, I think so too. But still I have to respect him, although at first I wanted to kill him.

      I will describeeverything in detail. I was going to give birth in March and therefore in the last days of February I did not think about anything. And suddenly, in the morning of February 29, I feel – it begins. I went to the phone, and it was silent. Raisa from special services one day explained me that all our conversations were tapped, so that it was possible to turn on the interference in time if the conversation turned to something wrong. This work is difficult and responsible, and at night the attendants want to sleep, so they turn off the phones of their wards in order to rest an hour or two until the authorities see. I do not blame them – I would do the same.

      But what should I do?! With difficulty I explained to him that I should be taken to the hospital. I also had to explain what a maternity hospital was, but he seemed to understand. But how, I think, will he cope with my car, what if there are no cars in his Marazia, but only camels? No, he did well!

      Then it rolled over me – I lost consciouness. I woke up when the car was waddling along some gully. But he reassured me, he says, we’ll come now.

      And so he brought me to the place. Do you